posted on May, 25 2009 @ 05:55 PM
first, thanks, OP for bringing this to us.
As everyone who knows me knows........ I am no video analyst.
Here is what I see:
At 0.18 seconds, we can see that the sun is to our right. The shadows from trees and such are to our left, almost at a right angle to the field of
At 0.25 seconds, we see the shadow of the "craft". It should've been visible before that, and it should've been far to the left of the road of
the videographer, given that the craft is presented as almost directly overhead, but higher.
At 0.31, the camera view lays on it's side, cuts and then...... wow, surprise, surprise, we're once again just putting down the road. Not, stopped,
searching the skies for the craft, just putting along the same road...... doo, dee, dee, doo, doo......... maybe it'll come back around.......
and LO! it does!
At 1:01, at the moment that "WHAT?" is printed on the screen, the craft should be painting a shadow to the left of the road, not the right. I
thought at first this was a loop, and they were showing us the same flyover, but nope, it's a different view.
It doesn't seem real to me, and the reaction (or lack of it) of the videographer seems fake, and the shadows seem very fake to me.
Just one nonskilled person's opinion; again, I thank you for bringing it. at the very least, we get to sharpen our deductive skills a tad.