posted on May, 25 2009 @ 12:06 PM
Love em or loathe em, the BNP are under a sustained attack as we come closer to the Euro elections here in the UK.
They get no coverage in the mainstream press, except to be called neo-nazis, despite polling 38% of the vote in Hazel Blears own constituency (the
press report they only have 1% of the vote in other polls?).
Their only way to try & communicate with the electorate is via the net, but their website is now down due to a massive sustained Denial of Service
attack coming from Russia & Eastern Europe.
These kinds of denial of service attacks have been used to extort money from betting sites in the past, the people behind them are organised
criminals, and it costs tens of thousands of pounds to pull this off.
So, who is behind this attack on the BNP?
Whether you like them or not, they have a right to free speech, and this quite blatantly obvious attack from the establishment (probably one of the
main 3 parties or their lackies) is NOT democracy.
The idea is that we, the public, listen to all parties, decide which we like/are the loonies, and then vote accordingly.
Democracy is NOT about some parties deciding that we can't even listen to some of the others, using the press (and even the church of England now) to
try & pressure voters into not voting for 1 particular party or the other, or about criminally disrupting the campaining of another party.
Once you go down the route of turning a blind eye to this kind of behaviour because you aren't a supporter of the people affected then you're
heading down a very dangerous path.
Do these idiots not realise that we are all fed up of being told what to think, what to say, what we can & can't do, and that acting in this way just
annoys people even more?
I can't stand Labour, but I'd be pretty dismayed if the Tories decided to blow up their website - I would definitely not vote for them, it just
isn't cricket, and it isn't right.
Let people make up their own minds.