Ha!!! Anyone can at any point, in any year, list 6 trouble spots and proclaim “world war three around the corner!!!”
However there are many occasions within the last 20 years when world war three appeared far more likely and never happened…
1. Georgia’s attack on Ossetia-Russian forces could have provoked the (strictly strategic) use of nuke’s had the West supported the Georgia with
the appropriate “aid”
and had the international response to Russia been harsh enough (therefore giving the Russians little to loose)
(especially when one considers their enormous political attraction to demonstrating “Russian Strength” for their own people.
2. 1991: Saddam had both chemical and biological weapons. Had he used either, but especially if had used biological weapons against U.S troops (or
allied Arab states) then Baghdad would have got scorched.
3. Collapse of the Soviet Union. At this time most of the worlds states could have obtained nuclear-biological weapons had they dared to attempt to
pull it of.
4. Argentina’s attack on the British Falkland Island: Let’s suppose the Argentineans had deployed their conventional weapons more effectively
against the British counter attack (say sank 1-2 extra of our carriers). At this point either the Americans would have supported the British in their
conventional operation (as declassified documents show)
Or the British would have to square the pointless (with hindsight) loss of life of British troops, by conceiving defeat against an unprovoked attack
(unless justified by only 350 year old history) by a (then) mid-ranking dictatorship, by surrendering territory to the use of violence (territory in
which over 90% of the 3500 people living their wish to remained British).
That would never have happened. At least without Margaret Thatcher deploying tactical nukes against Argentinean forces. There would have been no
political choice, because
there would be little political loss (since she would have surely have lost the election had she lost troop lifes,
only to give up defending the Islands).
5. Able Archer: Was a 1983 Nato military exercise that at one point had “paranoid” Soviets inches away from launching a full scale nuclear attack
in order to pre-empt what they sincerely believed could be a covert operation to launch a surprise attack against the USSR. Only afterwards did it
become apparent (to both sides) how close nuclear WW3 had become.
June is suppose to be the BIG month, and if absolutely nothing happens in June, then all those news were nothing more than fear mongering.
You may be surprised to learn that some people make a rich living out of fear mongering!
Incredibly some people (like Jehovah’s Witnesses) even make a religion (out of it) !!!
The world (is in fact) unusually stable right now. There may have been a replacement Iraq war (for munitions manufactures) in Iran. But with the
world recession it looks a lot less likely than before. My bets are the Iranian reactor will leak radiation all over the mid-east a few months after
it’s opened. Just a
sabotaging guess.
Of course WW3 has always been around the corner for some people.
However don’t go jumping over any bridges just yet, as you never know; God (in his great mercy) may just give a little spare time to mend our wicked
ways (
by converting to Christianity).