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Is The Time For WW3 Around The Corner?

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posted on May, 25 2009 @ 07:32 AM
I'm making this post because if you remember the past 9 months, JUNE 2009 is suppose to be the BIG month for Full Blown WW3.

You can see this from several different sources:

1)Biden saying within 6 months Obama will be tested

2)North Korea just tested its Nuclear Bomb

3)Israel getting ready for all out war:

4)Operation Blackjack slides that were on the telegraph website

Set the "terrorist" attack around June 21-22

5)Pakistan has OVER 2.3 Million displaced people since it waged war on the Taliban starting 3 weeks ago (A lot of their people are getting furious with Pakistan's lack of power of the Taliban and U.S. drone attacks)

6)Iran recently (within last week) built new advanced missiles capable of hitting Europe, and they just completed their advanced Military Helicopters

So what exactly is this?

I know that a lot of us have been giving dates of war, etc. but June is suppose to be the BIG month, and if absolutely nothing happens in June, then all those news were nothing more than fear mongering.

[edit on 25-5-2009 by bobbylove321]

[edit on 25-5-2009 by bobbylove321]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 07:36 AM
I agree that its going to be pretty soon all we need is a spark and boom its all off. However pinning it down to one month, is something i dont think anyone can do. Prove me wrong please so i plan things

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:15 AM
All the firewood and tinder is in place.

Only need a spark to set of the bonfire that is WW3.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:24 AM
Nope,i can't see a world war in either the near future or distant future in the slightest.Some tough times but no WW3.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:48 AM
I'll try my hand at prognostication.

During the recent Olympics in China I had the strangest feeling that all was not as it seemed.

Leaders of many nations were in attendance during the games and I believe there was a political game going also. What better time and place for national leaders to meet and not be noticed.

There is no way that the US is spreading our troops so far and so thin without there first being a master plan between allied nations. In my opinion the strategy is there and the time is close for the master plan to come together to destroy the middle east.

Hopefully I am right in thinking the 'war' will be short and sweet with little damage to the major powers.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:54 AM
(Quote) A Spark and a Boom (Unquote) Hope it doesn't happen. I sense we are getting very close. Many others feel it Online you can hear it call out to you like some did with Iran when they mentioned Iran on their list on the News you knew that was coming & through other programmes.

It came.

God forbid.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:59 AM
(Quote) Political Game (Unquote)

Yes, the Olympic Games in England for 2012 is a Government project lead from a Conservative Politicain. There was a programme on about it how they are going to build it from Conservative side.

[edit on 25-5-2009 by MichaelAI]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by Solomons
Nope,i can't see a world war in either the near future or distant future in the slightest.Some tough times but no WW3.

Are you even from this planet? Of course WW3 will happen, not this year necessarily, but in the near future.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by watchtheashes

I dont think there will be one,and yes i can safely say i am from this planet.
If there is going to be a WW3 it will be a financial and resource war not a military one.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:24 AM
I'm not too sure about your time line, dates are always difficult. Israel will not attack Iran until after the Iranian elections which is on June 12th. If the same crack head gets back into office then Israel will have the same problems, If not, we have to wait and see who takes charge and what they are going to do in regards to working with the rest of the world on the Nuclear issues.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:28 AM
Totally weird.

I just had a dream last night that I saw the bombs dropping.

Of course, since it was a dream I was able to will myself back in time two days, find other people who could do the same thing, and team up with them to save the world.

Woke up before we got to the save the world part.

Anyway, hope my dream wasn't a harbinger of things to come. I mean, WW3 is bad. But self willed time travel is pretty sweet.

-Big O

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by SharkBait

The supreme leader runs Iran for the most part,the presidents just a figurehead who doesnt have much say when it comes down to it..kinda like the USA president but the bankers are really in charge.

[edit on 25-5-2009 by Solomons]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:37 AM
If/when a world war takes place I believe it will only last long enough for the major powers to recoup lost funds from the present economical fiasco.

Many will be pleasantly surprised at future allied forces. Nothing can stop the war machine that is being created. For that reason I believe the war will be short and concise with little damage done to the countries of the NWO.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:52 AM
imo, in case you haven't noticed we are already at war, GWB said it "the war on terror". western troops from all off europe and americans and canadians deployed all in arab states, for example i was down the local town shopping and was wearing my old gulf war one camouflage trousers and was having a quick ciggi and these two chaps, off arabic origin started giving me funny looks and i thought they were going to get aggressive so,s i took out my camera phone and took a quick snap off them.
they soon took off and was left thinking those buggers were going to have ago here. no problems i was on my home turf so i was cocky enough to bluff them out, but in their environment i,d say i,d be fighting for survival,
make of it what you decide. but i thought the treat was real !!!!.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:17 AM
There isn't going to be a WW3, and as Einstein said, if there is a WW3, all we know is that WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones. So I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Yes, fear mongering sure is fun, but the bottom line is WW3 = total annihilation, not some spectator sport like Iraq/Afghanistan.

This reminds me so much of those posters who are buying physical gold coins to barter with, in that the preparations or solutions to perceived problems are unrealistic and fantastical.

If you REALLY think there is going to be a world war III in June, stop working, stop everything you're doing, and run around with your arms flailing in the air screaming at the top of your lungs "We're all going to die," and hope enough people listen to prevent a full fledged war, because a full fledged world war, where America and Russia are not on the same side, will end in the total annihilation of the human population, and your life is as good as over.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by SharkBait
I'm not too sure about your time line, dates are always difficult. Israel will not attack Iran until after the Iranian elections which is on June 12th. If the same crack head gets back into office then Israel will have the same problems, If not, we have to wait and see who takes charge and what they are going to do in regards to working with the rest of the world on the Nuclear issues.

Israel is actually more likely to attack before the Iranian elections. It's way more beneficial to them. While Iran is worried about an election, an attack the Sunday before, just as Israeli citizens are fresh from rehearsing:

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:03 AM
These next two months are going to be a doozy.

Good luck all. Hopefully nothing pans out as I am seeing it . . .

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:35 AM
Ha!!! Anyone can at any point, in any year, list 6 trouble spots and proclaim “world war three around the corner!!!”
However there are many occasions within the last 20 years when world war three appeared far more likely and never happened…
1. Georgia’s attack on Ossetia-Russian forces could have provoked the (strictly strategic) use of nuke’s had the West supported the Georgia with the appropriate “aid” and had the international response to Russia been harsh enough (therefore giving the Russians little to loose) (especially when one considers their enormous political attraction to demonstrating “Russian Strength” for their own people.
2. 1991: Saddam had both chemical and biological weapons. Had he used either, but especially if had used biological weapons against U.S troops (or allied Arab states) then Baghdad would have got scorched.
3. Collapse of the Soviet Union. At this time most of the worlds states could have obtained nuclear-biological weapons had they dared to attempt to pull it of.
4. Argentina’s attack on the British Falkland Island: Let’s suppose the Argentineans had deployed their conventional weapons more effectively against the British counter attack (say sank 1-2 extra of our carriers). At this point either the Americans would have supported the British in their conventional operation (as declassified documents show)
Or the British would have to square the pointless (with hindsight) loss of life of British troops, by conceiving defeat against an unprovoked attack (unless justified by only 350 year old history) by a (then) mid-ranking dictatorship, by surrendering territory to the use of violence (territory in which over 90% of the 3500 people living their wish to remained British).

That would never have happened. At least without Margaret Thatcher deploying tactical nukes against Argentinean forces. There would have been no political choice, because there would be little political loss (since she would have surely have lost the election had she lost troop lifes, only to give up defending the Islands).

5. Able Archer: Was a 1983 Nato military exercise that at one point had “paranoid” Soviets inches away from launching a full scale nuclear attack in order to pre-empt what they sincerely believed could be a covert operation to launch a surprise attack against the USSR. Only afterwards did it become apparent (to both sides) how close nuclear WW3 had become.

June is suppose to be the BIG month, and if absolutely nothing happens in June, then all those news were nothing more than fear mongering.

You may be surprised to learn that some people make a rich living out of fear mongering!
Incredibly some people (like Jehovah’s Witnesses) even make a religion (out of it) !!!

The world (is in fact) unusually stable right now.
There may have been a replacement Iraq war (for munitions manufactures) in Iran. But with the world recession it looks a lot less likely than before. My bets are the Iranian reactor will leak radiation all over the mid-east a few months after it’s opened. Just a sabotaging guess.

Of course WW3 has always been around the corner for some people.
However don’t go jumping over any bridges just yet, as you never know; God (in his great mercy) may just give a little spare time to mend our wicked ways (by converting to Christianity).

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 12:13 PM
If this is stable, I would hate to see unstable

Yes, you are right, there have been many points that could have been WW3.

But it seems that all the pieces of the puzzle are in play or about to be in play . . . physically and otherwise.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:00 PM
Well the only way I see WW3 NOT happening is by a miracle. Other than that we are in for a VERY long ride full of death and destruction.

Do you think those 2.3 million displaced Pakistanis will all sit and do nothing? No.

A few thousand will join the Taliban, and the fight goes on.

You can't defeat terrorism. It's not possible. Trying to get rid of terrorism is like trying to get rid of drugs, which is not possible either.

Israel will be the spark of this coming World War.

It's pretty ironic that the "suppressed" are now the suppressors. If you ask me, I guarantee you some of the leaders in Israel are in fact Nazi Worshipers, hence Zionists.

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