posted on May, 25 2009 @ 04:03 AM
I know that every single job in the world has these people, but that doesn't make them less annoying. I work two jobs that combined I get almost 50
hours a week. I do warehouse work and bartending. But I would say in my current situation, the warehouse job has more slackers than the other job,
obviously. I just can't stand it every single day you get a group of people that will do everything they can to just "chill" and "hang out" while
there are loads to be done. At my job it is split pretty much. Half people do their job, the other half sit around and laugh as the other half is
doing all the work. What get's me upset is, is that these people still have a job while others who really want to work are out there willing to do
their work. But these guys/women even openly admit that they want to get fired so that they can collect unemployment.
What's even worse is, is that the good people are getting fired over trivial things but then they get replaced by more slackers with the same goal in
mind. I also love it when these same people complain about being their during their shift and complain how the day drags on and that there is so much
work to do, blah blah blah.
It makes me want to throw something everyday, but instead of risking losing my job, I end up working harder to
blow off steam and of course everyone, with the exception of the other's i've worked with for a long time, think that I'm out to make everybody
look bad. It seems like every job I get, I encounter more of these types of people and they get worse! You would think that the fact that there
aren't many jobs out there, people would appreciate what they have.