posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:42 PM
As quoted by Mr Gage...
"As of 21 days after the attack, the fires were still burning and molten steel was still running."...Leslie Robertson.
One problem, that quote came from an article written by James Williams found here....
Mr. Robertson never said it. When queried about the statement Mr. Robertson had this to say...
I've no recollection of having made any such statements...nor was I in a position to have the required knowledge.
Here are Mr Williams notes for the presentation given by Mr. Robertson which do mention molten metal...not molten steel. However, absent a copy of Mr
Robertson's presentation, I will have to go with the molten metal as listed on the notes and Mr Robertson's statement that he did not saying
anything about molten steel.
While there was probably some molten metal in the debris pile, the odds are that it was aluminum......much lower melting point.