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Where are those engine parts and luggages?

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posted on May, 25 2009 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by Wally Hope
No you are confusing the airframe the engine sits in,

Technically its called a cowling.

Originally posted by Wally Hope
I am talking about the actual engine casing which holds the compressor and combustion chambers.

Ok, and one of those was in the images above. They are not meant to be hit hard from the front or back, they are built to dissipate something hitting them from the side by absorbing the impact over a large area of metal stretched over frame. Sort of how stuff like Kevlar works. When they hit the building they most likely pancaked down pretty small. They are rings and do not come that far in front or behind the fan blades.

Originally posted by Wally Hope
There is no way you're putting a screwdriver through an engine casing that is made from a nickel titanium alloy.

First off you guys make WAY to much about Titanium. I will not carry a Titanium dive knife, you know why???? Its WEAKER then steel, and more prone to breaking. Most Titanium dive knives do not come with a flat tip for this reason, because if you try and pry with one it will break in half. But of course it sounds snazzy, and most folks don't know much about it, so its become a truther buzzword. The only part of the engine, that I know is even made of Titanium, is the exhaust cone on the rear, and its very flimsy thin metal...

Just to further prove how much of the engine is flimsy, look at this bird-strike photo.
That is from birds hit at low speed, imagine the damage from a cement wall at high speed...

Originally posted by Wally Hope
Try again...


Originally posted by Wally Hope
Those pics do not make 2 engines. Where are the rest of the rotor hubs, should be about 20? Where are the rotor shafts, should be 2? Where are the casings?

Those photos were taken by a civilian photographer, they never intended to find every single piece of the aircraft. Much of that was buried under tons of building debris anyway.

Originally posted by Wally Hope
And again how did they end up inside the building when there was nowhere for them get through the wall?

Did you manage to miss where they fit through the main hole in the above picture? The engines are not that big, especially when they are breaking apart, and not that far out from the main fuselage. At the inside the engines are 24 feet apart from each other... (engine cowling to engine cowling).
24 feet apart will fit inside my living room.

The whole aircraft from cowling to cowling will fit in my house....
You catching that?

[edit on 5/25/2009 by defcon5]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by defcon5

Unless you can verify complete chain of custody for those images showing scrap metal, they're worthless to use as evidence.

Swampfox demands strict chain of custody for all images...

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by Wally Hope

O RLY???

Hows this engine holding up after hitting a wing splitter, similar to the pilings in the Pentagon?

Hows about this one (which is tougher then a 757 engine), after hitting a wall?

You think maybe that one got pancaked?
Ya Think??

The Shanksville crash hit soft dirt of a landfill, not the hardened, reinforced, facade and pilings of the Pentagon Building.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by tezzajw

Oh here come all the BS rules to make sure that we don't hear any heretical views that might change our religion. Naturally, its OK for Truther sites to use the EXACT same set of photos.

Of course they are Pentagon Photos, this stuff was seen by thousands of people who worked the site.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 02:47 AM
As a neat little side note, you recall all the truther BS about missiles at the TT because of the flash when the nose hit the building?

Check out this...
I noticed it tonight while reviewing the films.

Maybe they traveled back in time and altered the F-4 crash test to make it do the same thing, eh?

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
Of course they are Pentagon Photos, this stuff was seen by thousands of people who worked the site.

I take it that you can't verify the pictures or what's in them, otherwise you would have done so?

Swampfox will be most displeased, as he has raised the bar for accepted photographic evidence. I'm only following Swampfox's rules - so don't rag on me if you can't meet Swampfox's standards. You're the one showing useless pictures of useless scrap metal, not me.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
Hows this engine holding up after hitting a wing splitter, similar to the pilings in the Pentagon?

Could you please show the construction blue-prints that prove the wing splitter was similar to pilings in the Pentagon?

I notice that you derail with that tired old footage of the F-4. Too bad for you that it has nothing to do with 9/11, huh?

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by tezzajw

Oh, for the love of Gawd, give me a friggen break.
Why not just admit that you truthers cannot lose. Your fragile egos will fail after all the time building yourselves up to feel superior to the rest of us sheeple. Despite the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of us who work in aviation, fire/rescue, demolitions, construction, and other fields, who don't believe this crap? You guys will have to move out of your parents basements and get jobs outside of making Youtube Videos, Websites for the gullible, and starring each others posts.

You caught me....
That wing slpitter was .000000000000000001% harder then the Pentagon pilings, and therefore it's invalid.....

Hows about the piling at Wick and I-94 that did the same thing to NW255 in DTW. Look, the Train Trussel and the overpass at I-94 had even less damage then the Pentagon, so there must be a conspiracy there as well, right?
Oh, BTW they didn't take pictures of the bodies, or every scrap of aircraft metal at that scene either, so I guess there must be a cover-up there as well.

Here is a Blade-off test..

The engine barely stayed together just from the blades coming off; compared to one that had a blade-off then hit a wall followed by pilings...

BTW nice paint job on the lead figure. Eldar, Chaos?

[edit on 5/25/2009 by defcon5]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by defcon5

Thanks for your rant. I guess it tried to disguise that you couldn't substantiate the chain of custody for the pictures and you couldn't show how the pilings were allegedly the same as the Pentagon.

Be careful what you claim is true, defcon5.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by tezzajw

Nice job of sidestepping the NW crash as well..

Gee... Were those pilings EXACTLY the same as the Pentagon ones as well?
Point is...
Aircraft Vs. Reinforced Concrete = Aircraft loses...

Originally posted by tezzajw
Be careful what you claim is true, defcon5.

Is this supposed to be some kind of threat?

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
Nice job of sidestepping the NW crash as well..

Gee... Were those pilings EXACTLY the same as the Pentagon ones as well?

What do I care? It's off topic to the OP. The best that you could manage to answer the OP was show some pictures that fail Swampfox's chain of custody, along with claiming that the tail and wings fold back - somehow or other - and get sucked right along into the Pentagon.

Originally posted by defcon5

Originally posted by tezzajw
Be careful what you claim is true, defcon5.

Is this supposed to be some kind of threat?

I understand that we're on a conspiracy forum, so I can forgive your paranoia. If you think it's a threat, then please, take it to the Mods. I'm sure they will sort me out if it is.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw
What do I care? It's off topic to the OP.

How do you figure, its a hardened set of pilings, the same as the Pentagon.

Originally posted by tezzajw
The best that you could manage to answer the OP was show some pictures that fail Swampfox's chain of custody,

Who died and made swampfox a moderator on this site?
New rule then, Truthers cannot ask the same question twice... Ever...
Once a truthers nonsense has been debunked it has to be removed form the internet, and never brought up again.

See I can make up BS rules too...

Originally posted by tezzajw
along with claiming that the tail and wings fold back - somehow or other - and get sucked right along into the Pentagon.

You show me the quote where I said EXACTLY that the “tail and wings FOLDED BACK”. If you cannot, retract that, because I said they "sheared off and were pulled into". Losing sucks though, and I realize its easier to make up things, that I supposedly said then explain what I really said.

Originally posted by tezzajw
I understand that we're on a conspiracy forum, so I can forgive your paranoia. If you think it's a threat, then please, take it to the Mods. I'm sure they will sort me out if it is.

What else could “Be careful what you claim is true, defcon5.” be other then a threat of some kind? Your warning me that if I don't watch what I say something bad will befall me, that is what “be careful” means. No paranoia involved.

BTW I hear this is the new Truth Movement Theme song. I guess it was chosen by the two college kiddies who made “loose change”... You know, the ones who went on national TV and didn't bother to pick up the clothing on the floor in their dorm room. The ones who started the whole truth movement to begin with, and who started editing loose change II when intelligent people started to pick apart incorrect information from loose change I....

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
Who died and made swampfox a moderator on this site?

I agree with Swampfox - all evidence should have a chain of custody. It certainly makes it much more difficult for the official story to prove itself. You still haven't shown chain of custody for those pictures of scrap metal that you're claiming came from Flight AA77. Why not, defcon5?

You show me the quote where I said EXACTLY that the “tail and wings FOLDED BACK”. If you cannot, retract that, because I said they "sheared off and were pulled into".

Sure, accept my apologies. I retract it unconditionally. Ok, you stated that they sheared off and were pulled into the Pentagon. A-huh. I can see why you would be concerned that I misquoted you. Wings and tail get pulled into the Pentagon - never to be seen again. Right... a-huh.

What else could “Be careful what you claim is true, defcon5.” be other then a threat of some kind? Your warning me that if I don't watch what I say something bad will befall me, that is what “be careful” means. No paranoia involved.

If you think that I am threatening you, then take it to the Mods.

(By the way, that's a suggestion, not a threat. Be careful not to misinterpret it.)

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw
You still haven't shown chain of custody for those pictures of scrap metal that you're claiming came from Flight AA77. Why not, defcon5?

Basically because I have a life outside 911 nonsense, and really could care less to look for one.
I am sure that truthers had to find an excuse to dismiss those pictures though, it really hurts DVD sales after all.

Originally posted by tezzajw
Sure, accept my apologies. I retract it unconditionally. Ok, you stated that they sheared off and were pulled into the Pentagon. A-huh. I can see why you would be concerned that I misquoted you. Wings and tail get pulled into the Pentagon - never to be seen again. Right... a-huh.

Show me the wings on that NW flight that went through a similar set of conditions?
Meat through a grinder man...
However, as much as Truthers like to be absolutely Black and White to fit the facts into their conspiracy, wings are made out of differing materials. Some of them give and some of them don't. Its not to hard for an intelligent person to understand how the wing would be shredded, but some of the more pliable material still pull it inside, things such as mast connections, wiring, tubing, etc.

Of course, just like the Roman Legions, Truthers like to Prepare the Battlefield according to their rules so they can win an argument (black and white when it fits them) . Truth be damned. No one but Truthers question the “chain of custody” of those photos, and they only do it when they are at the losing end of an argument. Everything else they dodge.

Originally posted by tezzajw
If you think that I am threatening you, then take it to the Mods.

Nope, because I am not a puss-wad. I know what I have done, and I can see how this went down with ZERO conspiracy involved. I don't need to be crying to the teacher to save my butt, but I am sure that the same cannot be said for the other side.

Bring it...

Originally posted by tezzajw
(By the way, that's a suggestion, not a threat. Be careful not to misinterpret it.)

Not misinterpret what? I have professional experience with these aircraft, I have seen them be damaged. I know how they are built. Unlike those in the truth movement who cannot seem to wrap their brains around the concept that they are not solid devices made of one material, and that there were multiple forces acting on those materials all at one time.

Anyway, enough fun for one night, talk to you tomorrow...
Have a nice day.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
Basically because I have a life outside 911 nonsense, and really could care less to look for one. I am sure that truthers had to find an excuse to dismiss those pictures though, it really hurts DVD sales after all.

Here, defcon5 has shown that he is prepared to post images without showing proper chain of custody. Swampfox, you should be ashamed that someone who believes the government story is peddling these pictures without proof that they are true.

Show me the wings on that NW flight that went through a similar set of conditions? Meat through a grinder man...

Off topic. This thread is about the alleged Flight AA77 engines, luggage, etc. Take your other off topic flight to another thread.

No one but Truthers question the “chain of custody” of those photos,

In fact it was Swampfox, who is a staunch government story believer who questioned the chain of custody of other photos. He set the bar, not me.

In this thread, Swampfox rejected photographic evidence, citing no chain of custody.

defcon5, without being able to verify those pictures that you posted, they are worthless.

[edit on 25-5-2009 by tezzajw]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by defcon5

Not sure I'd bother mate -- you're obviously a 'disinfo agent', one of the 'sheeple', and should 'wake up!!' etc....

Google Video Link

[edit on 25-5-2009 by eniac]

[edit on 25-5-2009 by eniac]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:32 AM
oH MAN... DEFCON.... SERIOUSLY... why is it you are defending such a clear hoax????? the pentagon WAS NOT HIT BY A 757 .... just by the manuevars this plane made should be enough evidence for that... not only does it show that someone with average flying skills COULD NOT have been flying it.. it also shows it was definitely not a 757................ Please Defcon talk to a different audience it wont work here

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

patriot....let's make it clear, your entire post was simply a matter of YOUR opinion. it has NO evidence to back it; in fact, there is ample information on the various active 9/11 threads to refute your opinion, if you'd just bother to look.

I suggest you begin with the "Pentagon Fly-Over" thread....right there, plenty of solid, irrefutable info re: AAL77 hitting the Pentagon.

This entire subject is becoming disgusting -- especially as today is Memorial Day. Not all the victims at the Pentagon were Military, of course. But, it doesn't matter -- ALL deserve honor in their memories.

This 'truther' movement is callously demeaning to the memory of all the victims of 9/11. It belongs to the same category as 'Moon Landing Hoax' and 'Flat Earth' threads. Utter insulting nonsense.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 12:04 PM
To bring memorial day into this is quite uncalled for. It is a debate about 9/11 and everyone is entitled to their opinion. And to say "truthers" do not consider those lives that were lost on that day is beyond belief. That loss is exactly the basis for calling for a new unbiased and corrupt enquiry into what happened that day. Your opinion on the matter is not the be all and end all.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 12:26 PM

posted by defcon5
Of course they are Pentagon Photos, this stuff was seen by thousands of people who worked the site.

posted by tezzajw
I take it that you can't verify the pictures or what's in them, otherwise you would have done so?

Swampfox will be most displeased, as he has raised the bar for accepted photographic evidence. I'm only following Swampfox's rules - so don't rag on me if you can't meet Swampfox's standards. You're the one showing useless pictures of useless scrap metal, not me.

First it was the 1st responders who saw this stuff.
Then it was hundreds who saw this stuff.
And now it is thousands who saw this stuff.
The tale just keeps growing and growing.

Yet these thousands cannot be verified. These thousands cannot be interviewed to find out if they actually saw anything or if their stuff was just made up out of thin air.

With the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY rapidly self-destructing and with the 9-11 Whitewash Commission 'insiders' frantically trying to salvage their mess, and with NIST scrambling to cover-up their shoddy science, and with the FAA verifying the real flight path Over the Naval Annex and North of the Citgo; an ordinary person might wonder why these thousands are not coming forward to salvage the official fantasy.

Where are all these thousands of eyewitnesses? Why isn't the Mainstream News Media frantically interviewing them daily by the dozens? Could it be because nobody is willing to get caught lying in public on videotape?

If so; then why was CIT so easily able to find 13+ eyewitnesses willing to testify in public on videotape using limited funds? Because telling the truth is so much less resulting in a guilty conscience? Because telling the truth doesn't get you indicted as an accessory to murder? Because nobody wants to publicly lie for traitors?

Why couldn't the Mainstream News Media find these thousands with unlimited funds. Because they were ordered not too? For that matter, where are the alleged 105 eyewitnesses to the official south flight path? Do they exist only on paper?

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