Hello, Members! I am somewhat dense sometimes so please don't flame me if I posted this in the wrong place. I looked at other posts first and the
Handbook as well as the Introduction Forum Reminder. After all this, if my density is manifesting towards the Red Zone (on my meter) then my Concerta
is not working.
Firstly, my handle Valaroga comes from Tolkien. Another word for Valaroga would be "Balrog". But you knew that
Why I chose that name I do not know.
I have a background in Literature, including Science Fiction, Fiction Science, Anthropology, Computer Science, The Unknown, and foreign languages.
This means I alwaze spell good.
This website gives me the motivation to write on various subjects and put some of that college education to work, after chiseling some of the rust off
of it. I am inspired by the research and reporting that has been done by some of the members. My college degree is a B.S. in Computer Science, and I
have taken many interesting courses which include physics, astronomy, chemistry, navigational and aeronautical science, flight instruction,
anthropology, photography, aviation weather, French, and more.
I was also in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1984 - 1986 as a TOW Missile specialist. Our platoon was one of the first to get HUMMERs! Man, I loved
mudding! I joined to help honor those marines who died in the Beirut bombing. But I was young.
My hobbies are UNIX (of many flavors), Linux (of many flavors), Chinese/Russian/Welsh languages, Irish and Scottish bagpipes, reading, coin
collecting, history, rebuilding computers, and lawn & gardening.
I am 50 years old and married with kids. I love my family, my neighbors, and my country. I am concerned about all our futures.
Although I am not as wise as I should be, I am willing to answer questions and help fellow members as much as I can. Thanks, friends!