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Mullen: Military to comply if gay ban law changes

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posted on May, 24 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Mullen: Military to comply if gay ban law changes

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's top military adviser said Sunday the Pentagon has enough challenges — including two wars — without rushing to overturn a decade-old policy that bans gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military and incites political and social factions on both sides.

Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he is working on an assessment of what — if any — impact overturning "don't ask, don't tell" policies would mean for the military and its culture. In the meantime, the Pentagon plans to follow the existing rules, which
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 02:19 PM
I would really like to know the opinions from the common US soldiers about that.

I can only say that I do not care for having the gay truck driver or an plumber. but there are some profesions which should be restricted from people demonstrating their homosexuality. I am not even going to talk about the teachers or priests (I know that I will be kicked hard here for that opinion) who have an influence on our kids. but for sure one of that profesions is the army. gay parades instead of training. WTF

the gay army would be the best one to use against own people. why? cause they are often feeling anger to the common people. I think I do not have to explain why I belive so.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 02:31 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Wait I am confused. You have a problem with this because sometimes gay peopel get angry with other people?

My question is can you name one person in the entire world, gay or straight who does not sometimes get angry with people?

I MUST be misunderstanding you.

Is it that you think that gay people have no self control and will force themselves upon the other soldiers and try to have sex with them? If that is the case why would you think they have less self control than I?

Is it that you think gay people are evil child molestors who only want to make children become gay? If that is the case that is just ludacris. I garauntee you that most pedophiles are straight.... For the record the people on trial for commiting rape against children while at war in iraq have been straight.... Not gay. straight....

Is it that you think ga people would be weak or unable to fight as well as a straight person?

If so I suggest you look at this...

The point is, gay people being able to serve in the military with out fear of being kicked out simply because of their sexual orientation is a step forward, Not a step back..... Forward. That is where the world needs to go. Forward. Not backward. (say it with me) forward.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

sorry I can not agre with you on that.

first - I was not thinkig that gays would be child molesters but I fear that the teacher is quite often a person the kids like to follow. if he is going to demonstrate his homosexuality it is not what I expect from school. he can be a gay but he can not show it out bacause he is to learn something different than that.

second - I could give you a lot of examples I know about and I even experienced by myself. I do admit that I speake loudly sometimes about my opinions on gay issues. it is mostly that I express my belif that this is crazy to build your personality on the sexuality mostly. I like the gays not going with their orientation public and making the big halo about it. a]

and once I was talking so in the pub. after some time I went out to buy some fastfood and I was attacked in the middle of the city by few homosexuals. I defended myself but was threaten that I will be killed soon.

I think that you did see the movies from the San Francisco showing the crowd of gays attacking the people on the streets. move is here on ATS. I will try to find a link for you.

and in army. well, I think you know why.

and just for your info - most of pedophiles are bisexual.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by czacza1

I don't understand what it matters. Homosexuals are just as capable of handling the same jobs as straight men. Despite what you see on TV, I doubt they would be: Eyeing all the men in their squad or running and screaming like girls when they get fired at.

Also, I think your understanding of child developement is lacking. If kids always followed their role models, we would probably have six year olds on steroids, and committing some heinous crimes.. Nothing wrong with homosexuallity, it's more important that they understand that theres nothing wrong with it.. Who they decided they want to have sex with in the future will likely be decided by their urges and not their nurture.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by czacza1

...but I fear that the teacher is quite often a person the kids like to follow. if he is going to demonstrate his homosexuality it is not what I expect from school.

You focus entirely on males. "Gay" applies to both genders; and, I challenge you to tell the difference with every person you meet.

I like the gays not going with their orientation public and making the big halo about it.

Well, I'd like to stop seeing straight people 'going with their orientation public'! If you mean having sex in public view...but, again, simply judging on appearances is just ignorant.

and once I was talking so in the pub. after some time I went out to buy some fastfood and I was attacked in the middle of the city by few homosexuals. I defended myself but was threaten that I will be killed soon.

Disparage any minority and see the reaction...

and in army. well, I think you know why.

Well, if you were educated on the issue you'd know that the USA is the only major member of NATO that still expels servicemembers for being Gay. looks like other civilized Western nations are doing just fine...

and just for your info - most of pedophiles are bisexual.

Blatant propaganda without any basis. You are simply stating an opinion, you have no sources to back it up.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 04:06 PM
Most people that I served with (in combat) could care less if you were straight or gay...if you could do your damn job and do it problem...but the second someone would start to politicize their sexual preferences..well, that's when the trouble would start...there were two individuals that I personally went to combat with with who I knew were gay, but they didn't make a big deal about it, and neither did the rest of us..hell, one of those guys was the meanest, nastiest SOB I'd ever come always felt a little better with him around when things got ugly...

There is a time and place for gay rights issues, but combat and those units trained to go into harms way, isn't one of them

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 04:39 PM
I really don't see a problem with it. I haven't seen a shred of evidence to suggest that gays perform the same jobs as the rest of us, and I have yet to meet a homosexual that was forcing themselves on anyone. So honestly I have yet to see the harm in allowing gays to openly serve in the military.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 06:38 PM
I'm married, have 2 kids, and personally, I don't have an issue with a gay teacher, provided she/he was not introducing it to the class. There is a time and place for everything. I would have an issue with a straight man/woman kissing someone in front of my kids just as easy as a gay couple. it makes no difference. Immorality is immorality. You wanna to that, wait till school is out and go to town.

As to the other poster above. In a combat situation, I don't care who is covering my ass, as long as there on my side, we can deal with how cute they think it is after the fact.

The U.S. is the only western nation that has this prohibition against gays. I personnelly think it should be done away with for the regular army, and the national guard can be decided based on what the states want.

Its kinda funny, my wife and kids are christian, and for the most part people have this idea that I am too, however I firmly believe what a person does is between them and there god. Why should I impose my belief on someone when I myself have a flawed belief system. Everyone has a sin, and its about time people just minded there own business about it.

Just my 2 cents.


[edit on 24-5-2009 by camain]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by RolandBrichter

thanks for your comment. I am not against gays in army until they are not going to promote their sexual orientation. and as I wrote I would not care for the teacher to be homosexual until he is not starting to come to school with his bozfriend. the problem is that the gays as I noticed are behiving and promoting their sexual problems more and more agressive. and this is something I am afraid to happen in army too.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:54 AM
God,the bigotry is seeping out this thread and all over my desk lol I thought the military had a dont ask dont tell type policy? i can safely say there are alot of homosexuals in the military,and i bet alot of guys who are homophobics and dont know would trust these people with their lives any day of the week.And a teacher cant be gay because he might have a boyfriend? what if a teacher has a girlfriend? you dont have a problem with people promoting hetrosexuality?

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:19 AM
Yup...I'm gonna have to disagree with you there.

Come on, we all know this is wrong. Gay, straight, black or white, purple or yellow....if I was out protecting our country and fighting for what it stood for I would not give a hoot who is fighting along side me as long are they are a true soldier.....

Do you know it feels to be homosexual and want to defend your country and join the armed services? I personally know someone who did so '91 and they were scared to death of how THEY would be treated they almost didn't enlist.....
And trust me, he was NOT joining to "be around a bunch of dudes" or "hit on a bunch of dudes"....No. He was going to fight for his country. And he is still best friends for life with them.

Sorry, but those who fight for my country should actually stand for what we're about.....freedom and justice for ALL. If you don't believe that to be the case and you want to exclude certain groups and classify people.....then you're really not fighting for the American Way.

That might sound a bit harsh....but how many good, patriotic soldiers to you think we have lost to homophobic policies?

When it comes to "deplorable" behavior....well, we should look at what the young, misguided soldiers did a la Abu Ghraib etc......

As far as it was reported there were allegations of sodomy and sexual abuse on the men.....but I don't think anyone charged was homosexual......

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by czacza1
the problem is that the gays as I noticed are behiving and promoting their sexual problems more and more agressive. and this is something I am afraid to happen in army too.

Tell us how you really feel!

"Their sexual problems"????
By that statement alone I can grasp a good generalization regarding how you feel about LGBT issues.

More aggressive?????

As in, people are beginning to fight for equality more and more as the years go by?

And a large number of them are not LGBT......just ordinary citizens who believe in equality and protection for all under the law and in the workplace?????

Don't be afraid!!!!!

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:53 AM
Well I am just going to post a general comment. There are some members here I think who require perhaps a little reality check on this issue.

I will certainly agree that both sides are going about this all wrong. I mean really the ideas coming out of the Pentagon and the gay community on how to resolve this issue are kinda hilarious.

No homosexual, however flamboyant, will want to "flaunt" or advertise their sexuality, unless being provoked to do so by some moron with flawed ideology. It's simply who they are. I don't like flamboyant gay people either, but I don't think any less of them, or think they should be excluded from anything.

It's not a matter of gay's wanting to serve "openly" as in: "Hey guys, I'm here and I'm Queer!!!." What homosexuals in the army want is to not be treated like a complete outcast if other soldiers or superior officers find out.

Gay people should not be excluded from the honor and hard work of protecting their own country, simply because some of the adult public has refused to grow up.

It all comes down to very blatant misunderstandings and myths about how people react to things in every given situation. STOP thinking you know how a group of people will react to any given situation, if you're only discussion it amongst yourselves.

It's time humans began to break down the walls that separate us from each other. If somebody is willing to pick up a gun and run, head first, into a war for my ideals and by beliefs, I do not care what he does in his personal time.

It's none of my business anyway. I like the post above that said if you didn't believe in freedom and rights for all then you really weren't fighting for America. That's a dark truth.

Honestly folks, should we still be allowing such trivial subjects to upset us so much? I can thinking of a million different subjects that SHOULD anger you more, yet don't.

What does that say about our society when we allow personal freedom and political or religious ideology at opposite ends of the tug of war?

What should happen here. Is people should just stop arguing with each other and simply say: O.K. The pentagon is right unfortunetly, they don't have time to deal with this, there is a lot of work to be done.

That's all that needs to be said. You simply stop behaving like idiots and have a common respect for your fellow soldier, regardless of what is personal habits or beliefs are.

As far as I would be concerned, we're in the same hell hole, and he's on my side.


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