reply to post by JesusSaves2008
Oh, my goodness...
So you're telling me that ALL ET's are demons???
Come on.
That is such a cop-out to the truth about other life out there...
With the most due respect, put the bible down for one minute and go outside on a clear night and look at the stars. It might put things into
perspective for you, because I'll tell you what: If what you say is true, then there are (most definetly) thousands and thousands of other
civilizations (DEMONS) out there, and to call them all demons is just ridiculous...
And just because they scared the OP when he was younger doesn't mean they're demons. What if these entities were just curious?? I honestly even
think the Greys are just either curious, or they need DNA to propogate themselves - or maybe even us. Perhaps they're starting a DNA library like our
scientists do...
Abductees get scared because they are seeing things they have never seen before, they are strangers in a strange land, and the Grey's are poking and
prodding. It would be better if they communicated their intentions and itineraries a little better (maybe they can't communicate with us too well).
Regardless, we still do the same things to animals... But we do worse, IMHO. We REALLY use animals as test subjects, and their lives are totally
expendable. So we must be demons to animals... But ever notice that abductees are always returned? No offense to abductees, but I don't think the
Greys mean to give them Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It just happens...
Just because something is scary doesn't mean it's a demon from that book you call a bible. Is a black bear a demon? I think not.
I'll bet if the bible said that pigs would fly, the religious folks would believe that too.
Come on. I don't mean to be offensive, but just put these indoctrinated thoughts and beliefs to the side for one moment and think about it all for a
There are others out there, not just us. - And when(ever) they make a public landing, what are the religious folks gonna do? Pull another crusade(s)?
Try to convert the ET's? Or are they gonna conform the religion (or religions) to the fact that there are other life forms out there (which is
distorting the bible! A big no no!).
I may be off on the deep end over here, but it just irks me when people say aliens are demons... That, IMHO, is being very narrow minded and black and
This is with all due respect, once again. Just putting in my 2 cents...
My gripe is more towards these organized religions.