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Are We Government Slaves?

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posted on May, 24 2009 @ 09:19 AM
This thread is designed to start a discussion about how enslaved we really are...Is liberty and freedom even possible? It appears that no matter what we do, no matter who we elect, no matter what our founding documents declare...government always leads its people to oppression and slavery...Why?

Or, do you think that we are as free as can be reasonably expected, and we should find a way to be content with the way things are...

The following video, while directed at Americans, got me to thinking...

(This video reminds me of "The Founding Fathers" animatronic attraction at Disneyworld...a little off-putting at first, but stick with it)

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 10:17 AM
S & F

Great thread and great video. Of course we are slaves, we have been slaves of the elite for thousands of years, the only difference is that before we still had mental freedom, we did not have to register for everything like we do today. Read Baudrilliard and Foucalt, for they reveal to us that we are a far more controlled society today than ever before in history. Everything we do today is regulated by the program in society. Of course Foucault is under the illusion that there is nocentralized power in this system, power is instead diffused throughout society, but Baudrilliard gets it. The system is a matrix and this matrix is controlled by the elite.

The man in the video is absolutely right that freedom is sacred, it is the very nature of the soul. The elite do not just want your money, and your mind, they want your soul. This time was predicted in the book of Revelations a long time ago. The greatest trick the devil played was convincing everybody he does not exist.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 10:33 AM
Indeed, we are (wage) slaves.

But I suggest a way out. It is in my book and if enough people are considering the ideas I offer, we could get ourselves out of this.

My book is free here:

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Interesting start. Will read more when time allows. But aren't we all slaves to something? Whether it be a government, an ideology, or just plain dogma?
Not saying that belonging to the government is a good thing but once free wouldn't we just belong to something else?

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Ahh, energy, the ultimate freedom...this concept has intrigued me for a very long time....fascinating insight!

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
reply to post by Amaterasu

Interesting start. Will read more when time allows. But aren't we all slaves to something? Whether it be a government, an ideology, or just plain dogma?
Not saying that belonging to the government is a good thing but once free wouldn't we just belong to something else?

It seems so, but the former doesn't seem to be a choice, while the latter looks more like free will? Theoretically in the US, our Constitution gives the people the right to remove the government at any time the ruling body oversteps its explicitly stated charter....there is no argument that the US Government has overstepped this charter, and yet groups of like minded individuals who merely point this out are labeled as terrorists...

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by RolandBrichter

It seems so, but the former doesn't seem to be a choice, while the latter looks more like free will? Theoretically in the US, our Constitution gives the people the right to remove the government at any time the ruling body oversteps its explicitly stated charter....there is no argument that the US Government has overstepped this charter, and yet groups of like minded individuals who merely point this out are labeled as terrorists...

I agree here. We do have the absolute right to demand accountability from our elected officials, who are in fact Public Servants, and not masters over us. There comes a time for it to all come to a head though, and come to a head it will. Oh, TPTB will valiantly try to hang on to the powers they have gathered over the years, taking and never giving, padding their own bank accounts while Americans starved. There will be a day of Reckoning, count on it. We know who the real terrorist are, don't we? And we know what they have done, don't we? Exposure is the best weapon here, folks, not shotguns. When you learn something, broadcast it, post it, talk about it. We are becoming a world community with each passing day, whether we like it or not. This forum is a good example right here, people from all over the world come here every day to read the news that is not on the news, explore new theories, and learn new things. Some say talking about it never solved a thing, but I must disagree. They watch us, and listen to what we say, never doubt that for a minute. We have to let them know how we are thinking. They need to know what will happen if they try to take us over, or disarm us. this is not an Empire of the Rich Elite, it is a world of many people, all of whom are equal, and all of whom deserve food, shelter, water, and heat.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 01:04 PM
We are slaves. We do everything for them. We vote them into office. We cook there food. We keep there country clean. We fight for them. We pay them.
And i thought we abolished slavery, guess i was wrong.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 01:21 PM
[edit on 24-5-2009 by ProjectJimmy]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by AntiConspirator
We are slaves. We do everything for them. We vote them into office. We cook there food. We keep there country clean. We fight for them. We pay them.
And i thought we abolished slavery, guess i was wrong.

And we thank them and pay them for the privilege of us being able to do those things for them.
It makes alot of sense doesn't it?
The biggest scam ever devised perhaps?

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
Exposure is the best weapon here, folks, not shotguns.

I want to believe that, I really do...but in order to have a peaceful revolution...we all have to agree (including the PTB) on terms...I just can't see that happening as hard as I try...

The dichotomy is that once the table is cleared for liberty and freedom to once again reign, how long will it be before the torches and pitchforks have to come out again? The tree of liberty must be watered...right?

It just seems like slavery is the default's like entropy...

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 05:10 PM
As always, rightwing/ignorant idiots are a prevalent nuisance. Why do you people breed so spuriously?

Is this the same government that is responsible for the FDA, FAA, SEC, CDC, DOT, minimum wage, outlawing child labor/exploitation, transportation, sanitation infrastructure, unemployment benefits, social security, social nets and social justice legislation - meagre as they are in the US because of how dumb, ignorant and indoctrinated the populace is, 50 hour week, vaccination campaigns, enforcing the law, national defense, student loans, research grants, etc., etc., etc.

Dumb rightwing pawns of the corporate elite, your real slave masters and owners who also stole government from the people yet you blithely and persistently swallow their lies, kiss their feet and ask for seconds.

The 2 biggest lies of the right wingnuts:

1. All government and everything about it is inherently evil.
2. Neo CONS and Democrats are two sides of the same coin so you should vote GOP (or libertard) anyway.

Mods, please don't censor the lone dissenting opinion so far. Please don't enforce group think.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by SonyAD

I can respect your opinion, as erroneous as it is....

How's your wonderful over bloated government been treating you lately?

Get back to me when they quit handing out government cheese, I'll help you out

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:47 PM
Why do you folks think Obama wants to start now with initializing "going green" for? His instructions from his handlers is to get control of the natural energy sources before most americans figure out how to use them for themselves!

Once the feds get control of the wind and water power sources, those of us who have already went green years ago will be hit with a fair usage tax from the gov't along with the coming UN global carbon tax! Those who have solar panels for lighting their homes will be forced to buy permits to use them. This is already being talked about where I live here in virginia!

Private wells will be condemned and people will be put on public water works. This too has already begun in california and virginia. Also, can anybody here see the writing on the wall with all the new standards on fuel efficient cars? The gov't is preparing us for a permanent gas price of above 3 or 4 dollars a gallon!

Now, are we gov't slaves? Ya'll tell me, we pay federal income tax, state tax, sales taxes, gas taxes, property taxes for land we have already paid for, and we pay the gov't to make more tax laws to further enslave us!

The only thing the gov't doesn't own is our souls, and with the coming one world religion, they're working on that!

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:04 PM
What an eloquent speach from a native American Mowhawk , revealing how we are truly loosing our freedoms and for all intents and pouposes we are trully slaves. S+F

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