posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:21 PM
this is gona sound crazy but could the x men or at least mutants be real or possibel
ill run down the people i belive could work or be possible in my opinion
the ability to heel yourself sounds very far fetched like he dose but having a hightend ability to get better quicker dosent seam a stretch, his claws
work like those of a cat and there only bone before the metal is fused with his skeleton and cats have the ability to retract there claws in and
there is no way you can minipulate weather completly but electricity like that of a eletric eel could be possible i watched a program on chanel four
(uk) about 2 people like that who could hold curent in there bodys unharmed.
this one cant be real surely so ill skip it
saber tooth
has claws like wolverine only there his finger nails and there retractabel hes overly strong and agile. humans now like free runners and body builders
have them traits just not in one complet pakage could they be done in one body??
there just some ideas what do people think