posted on Feb, 11 2003 @ 02:25 PM
UP: while, you might think name calling is "cool" and "acceptable". i don't. so that i don't stoop to your level of _____ i'll back away.
obviously this is a very important issue for you, for me it is not. i'm neither israeli or palestinian. there is nothing for me to gain in trading
verbal punches with you. our opinions are fixed. so i'll agree to disagree respectfully, unless you have something to offer other than, selecting
bits of my post and giving them you own defination.
Grenadier: you skipped a lot of "stuff" to come to your conclusions, like the palestinian perspective. there wasn't peace in histroic palestine
before Israel was acknowledge by the UN. fighting had already began between jews and palestinians both sides were attacking each other as European
jews fled to palestine because of anti-semitism in Europe. (this jew hating was the reason the Brits proposed the Jewish state there in the first
place. so while we condemn the palestinians for not wanting to �share� with jews who invaded their lands, displacing and killing, what do we say to
those who deemed that Jews couldn�t live peaceably in Europe?)
the new israeli forces were backed by the Brits as they forged there new nation-state. palestinians were evicted from their homes and run off of
lands now declared israel. the nationals living there enlisted the help of the anti-semite arab nations who of course didn't want a jewish state
next door, especially a democracy. they joined the fight for their own reasons just like Britian.
Israel won, but the job wasn't allowed to be completed. what to do with all these people who use to have homes, farms, and businesses but are now
forced to live in other arab nations or refugee camps. how about assimilation? (your so-called live side by side) but, most of the palestinians are
bitter and they don't want that, what they want is their homes back. their rational "how is it fair that someone can come into your home and
declared it theirs?"
so, instead they choose to fight. uselessly, if you ask me and many palestinians that now consider themselves isreali-palestinians. but, the rest
won't assimilate or move away. the people cannot be assimilated or re-located therefore only two options remain. create a state on divided lands or
kill all those that oppose assimilation/re-location.
take your pick. they lived there before Israel was revived and they are not going away. this isn't Jordan's problem so asking why these people are
refusing to move to Jordan is pointless. this is Israel's problem and they only have two solutions.
my post are grey because so are my opinions. and it does me well to remember that all of this is just opinion gained off of limited