Computers for all the amazing things they can do, it boils down to the basics of nothing more than a bunch of zeros and ones.
You have heard people say that we are just units of a matrix.
A world computerized in such a complicated way that we can't even see it.
I think they may be right.
When we watch a computer in operation we never think about or see the zeros and the ones that really make it tick.
Just like we don't see the zeros and ones of our world and what makes it tick.
Everything in our world boils down to the simple basics of a yes or a no.
Think about it. It is not just about choices, it is about the choices you make and when you make them.
Every yes in your life could have been replaced with a no; and every no with a yes.
How different the outcome may have been based on that one simple selection.
There are no maybes. Maybes are nothing more than yeses or noes that have not yet been selected.
A powerful example of just how saying yes when most would have said no can be found in a video that I posted and can be found at BTS:
The zero and ones that operate our matrix are more powerful because their results are not as static as a concrete number.
While an assigned identifier can generate a consistent result our matrix runs on the living breath of a yes or a no; so though an identifier can be
assigned, the result will never be consistent.
This alone is the one thing that opens up the possibility of endless dimensions.
Can a choice as dynamic as a yes or a no be confined to only one opportunity of an outcome?
[edit on 23-5-2009 by NightSkyeB4Dawn]