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America's Nightmare: The Obama Dystopia

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posted on May, 23 2009 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Oldtimer2
Yes Obama is the great deceiver,I remember hearing how great he will be,how? he had no record of even being a president of the Mickey Mouse club,came from the crooked state of Illinois,and the funny thing I hear people my age trying to defend him,I think it's out of dire straits,everything he says is a lie it seems,sure reminds me of story on how Hitler got into power,but I think at the time Hitler actually was a leader,this guy is a manipulative puppet,and he is working fast,and I think he will make a disclosure,that we are going to be split up and run into sections,perhaps the Soviets already know whats up

Hitler was basically working for the same people. The American Powers that Be, the Rockefeller, Harriman, DuPont, Morgan, Ford, Bush and Mellon families all invested heavily in the Nazi Party, and the Fascist movement in Italy too. At the time in the early and mid 30's they were publicly singing it's praises here in America and pushing for it as a better model for society than democracy. Most of those Families and their corporations had businesses in Nazi Germany and Nazi Occupied Eastern Europe including one's that used Concentration Slave Labor right up until 1942 when they were hauled before Congress for violating the new Trading with the Enemies Act and forced to shut down. How bad was it, Esso Gasoline (Standard Oil/Exxon/Rockefeller) had a gasoline filling station inside of Auschwitz even as it's Corporate President was standing before Congress having to answer the charges. Blitzkreig got it's name from the GMC (General Motors) Blitz all purpose truck that the German Army used to mechanize it's lightenign fast warfare capabilities.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
It makes for nice theatre but the reality is they ‘had’ him from the moment he gave the Keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention. He was at that point in time already tapped to be the next President of the United States.

Perhaps so... But he was back-peddling before that time - and I saw the writing on the wall then. Sure, he had the glory of the convention offered up to him, but he was already in their pocket by that point.

That is how the Powers that Be in large part manipulate the political process by growing the candidate into the popularity and image they want the candidate to have and promoting the issues they want the candidate to promote to reach a targeted audience that they know through research and demographics is going to respond favorably to them and providing the platforms the candidate needs for the exposure and publicity to be ‘viable’ in the race. They stage and orchestrate a lot of things to make it look like a race but it really is not a contest so much as it is a staged production.

I can't argue all this. Indeed, I see it the same way.

Interesting. I wish *I* knew some of Them. And yes, I too saw those reasons Obama would be the ideal puppet. But it was just because it made sense, presuming a "Them."

There really is a ‘them’, and they primarily represent and are comprised of the old money families and their own captains of industry, banking and law.

I know full well there is a "Them." And that they are as you state above. Thank you for confirming it to me. [smile]

Indeed. That is why I keep pushing my book (FREE, linked in my sig). I think we could change things - but the ideas in my book need to spread to be effective.

Maybe if I knew some of Them...I could convince them to help me get the ideas I present out there and making a change.

One of the advantages that the Powers that Be have is they actually possess something called common sense, and they use common sense against the masses who have very little, use it seldom or have none at all.

And yet... They work to ensure that this is so.

They suffer from the common sense adage if it’s not broke don’t fix it. In reality while it’s been bad for us, this whole debacle has been great for the Powers that Be, we are handing them more money and more power in more and more ways that we have never done before.

The very thing my book was written to change.

Very rarely are the principal owners of these huge corporations which are the Powers that Be ever have their own money or wealth at risk. The common stock holder, the government’s, the tax payer’s but not their own, so I think it would be very hard to convince them, not that your ideas are great, but that enough people would actually put the real initiative and discipline into utilizing them consistently which is where the Powers that Be find fault with the average person to begin with.

But you see.... IF I can get my ideas into a critical number of minds (to the tipping point) on this one would have to take much in initiative individually. Each could do what little is theirs to do. It is what would be emergent in that situation that is the solution.

Of course there is also some risk to the Powers that Be in such an undertaking as they are keenly aware that should the illusion ever completely crumple a Nuremburg type revenge awaits for most of them.

In my book, though not expressly stated, the Lizard Hearted would be "forgiven." They could continue in their lavish living even as the rest of us join them at that level of living. They wouldn't be able to play power games over the rest of us, but they could still live in the style to which they have become accustomed.

They are all crooks though and exceptional ones.

Yes, but no one would be "crooks" if the root of all evil is uprooted. If there is no money to love...

The best place to meet the genuine Powers that Be are there Social Clubs, getting into their Social Clubs without a personal invitation is a little problematic but most of them can use a new dishwasher or busboy and you would find that the names and work places of the members are typically prominently displayed inside the club for members and guests alike to take note of. Memberships can range from the low 60K to 125K plus and the people who you would most like to meet have a Bohemian Club Membership Card, a St. James Club Membership Card, a Metropolitan Club Card, a National Press Club Card, A Union Club Card, a Knickerbocker and Cosmopolitan Club Card, a Petroleum Club Card, and Jonathan Club Card all in the same wallet!

Wish I could do such work as busboy or dishwasher. I am 52, and my knees are shot from a rheumatological condition (that's the closest they could come in naming my malady). I used to make 60K a year, but that was another life, I

EDIT: Message got truncated somehow.

I wanted to thank you for your link to the Men's Clubs - but sadly, my fleshly configuration precludes my joining any strictly male organizations.

[edit on 5/23/2009 by Amaterasu]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Perhaps so... But he was back-peddling before that time - and I saw the writing on the wall then. Sure, he had the glory of the convention offered up to him, but he was already in their pocket by that point.

Believe it or not most freshmen Senators and Congressmen never knew they had a career in politics in front of them or had planned to become one.

It usually all begins with a call from their boss at the Law Firm they work at who says “Some of your work has come to the attention of one of our competing firm’s head honcho, he was very impressed. Though they are a competitor sometimes they send some work our way when it’s a real big merger or acquisition or there is a conflict of interest involved. He’s asked me to invite you to have an early dinner with him at the Knickerbockers Club would you mind doing me a favor and going” They are usually junior or senior partners in the firm by that time and understand the politics involved in the legal field.

It all starts out with just a casual dinner like that where the person is just pretty much sized up on their character and vices. I educated myself and worked my way literally off the streets, when my client realized what an amazing judge of character I was he would typically ask me to these dinners to give him a personal assessment of the people.

He would meet with the perspective Republican, Democratic, and Independent Candidate usually over the course of three consecutive nights, and then induce them all to run often by having their own employers apply pressure on them to run.

In other words Senator Obama was already their guy before he became Senator Obama.

Occasionally my friend would say after a dinner, now this guy, this guy we are grooming for big things, might even be the President one day or someone more Important. Heading the SEC, or the Federal Reserve, or the CIA or Commerce Department is by the way considered to be a more important job to the Powers that Be than the President.

I know full well there is a "Them." And that they are as you state above. Thank you for confirming it to me. [smile]

I am sure you wouldn’t be surprised to know that most people refuse to believe there is a “Them”, they absolutely can not abide or even consider the notion that the American Democratic Representative Republic has been compromised through any form of conspiracy where people work together towards that end.

And yet... They work to ensure that this is so.

They do and they don’t in reality. I had a seventh grade education but was extremely well read, on top of world wide current events and politics and had learned through a fascination with conspiracies early in life basically how the world really works, in other words how such people run the world. I was 26 at the time I met my client about the same age the top of Harvard’s Law Graduates were in their first and second years of work at his firm. He would often say to me, I don’t know how you learned what you have learned but I sure wish they would teach it at Harvard, I feel like I am getting ripped off at what I have to pay these kids now. When he divulged to me just how he fit in to the political process as an individual and as an organizer for a group and explained to me that it was just too risky to allow uninformed and often completely ignorant citizens to vote he looked at me and said, I am sure you can understand that far better than most people. He knew that I knew I had been hitting the nail on the head my whole life while everyone else was saying you’re missing it. In other words, it really was, hey you get it, you understand, welcome aboard, doesn’t matter where you came from, or that you didn’t go to an Ivy League School or have a storied name and wealth, we always have room for someone that get’s it, and has talents. They do too, and that’s part of what keeps them so well entrenched, he personally never lost an opportunity to secure my business clients, I went from being a junior travel agent fresh out of vocational school, working for a company with three offices, to being the owner of the company and the three offices in less than a two year period simply off the strength of the business he was constantly referring to me. The first time I ever heard the term Powers that Be was from the first Congressman who I saw get elected through this process, who called me up the day after the election and said “Hey I met you a little over a year ago at dinner, and I just won the Congressional Race and the Powers that Be tell me I am supposed to do all my travel through you”. The hierarchy and the pecking order in the clique is such that even if you’re a billionaire if the guy above you says, “Hey call this guy instead” they say it in a polite request but it really is an order that not one of them would dare buck if it comes from above them in the pecking order. That’s how they make each other rich and keep each other rich.

The very thing my book was written to change.

The world is actually in big trouble at the moment and is about to go through some very painful growing pains, so painful most people wouldn’t agree that they are necessary.

The Powers that Be have been using a mathematical formula dating from the 1700’s of space x resources x emerging technologies to support ever larger populations of humans first and foremost as consumers but also as part of migratory patterns to bring the planet under a common system of contractual law that benefits the Powers that Be.

When the math screws up and there are more people than resources and large groups of people they have no useful purpose for in industry, management, or logistics then they orchestrate a world war to kill off the excess population.

In reality we live on a planet that can sustain about a billion people riding bikes to work and we have 6 billion people driving SUV’s.

The Powers that Be truly believe that people because of ethnic, national, and religious identity will never stop just breeding at will. Most people in fact do breed without thought or consequence, even in starving parts of the third world, they will still have one child after another.

I do believe what we see right now is the Powers that Be once again orchestrating a world wide conflict to drastically reduce numbers and force the final migrations of people to where they can break the racial, national and religious trends that cause people in part to breed partially as a self defense mechanism for the tribes survival. Force everyone into one tribe; make life so terrible that they all want to be in one tribe, you can then manage the population with more cooperation moving forward.

Ask yourself this, and by no means am I trying to discourage you but, how many people of how many religions and how many nations, and cultures would see your idea of change as a threat to their way of life and the things they believe in and reject the common sense of it, out of fear they would be risking things and ideals that are precious to them, and maybe having to completely surrender them.

What you are up against in that regard is the same thing the Powers that Be are up against in that regard. The difference is that you would love a platform to just put it out there and foster a debate and a level of awareness and they would prefer just to trick people by using their own ingrained beliefs and prejudices to their own detriment.

But you see.... IF I can get my ideas into a critical number of minds (to the tipping point) on this one would have to take much in initiative individually. Each could do what little is theirs to do. It is what would be emergent in that situation that is the solution.

In many ways life is a process of letting go, jobs, lovers, relatives, friends, and then your own life. Ideas die the hardest and for people fearful of what lays in store for them after death those ideas die the hardest of all. Being right to most people is more about the struggle to prove they are right to themselves by fighting against those who want to prove them wrong. People are more concerned about being perceived as being right than they are actually with being right, no one simply wants to be wrong, yet of course we all have to be sometimes.

Yes, but no one would be "crooks" if the root of all evil is uprooted. If there is no money to love...

I am not so sure about that, though the police will never agree to investigate it’s thefts of my heart that have caused me the most anguish in life. Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies!

Wish I could do such work as busboy or dishwasher. I am 52, and my knees are shot from a rheumatological condition (that's the closest they could come in naming my malady). I used to make 60K a year, but that was another life, I

You are trying and that’s what counts, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and in reality they are still building it, that’s who the Powers that Be really are at the end of the day, the further expansion of the Roman System of Laws and Commerce bent on having the whole world living under it.

We all have to crawl before we can walk, and walk before we can run and half the times we end up back on our knees anyway, in fact most people never get off of them.

You are finding a place to make your Stand and a way to do it, that’s a heck of a lot more than most people. Fight the good fight, in the end love will conquer all.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by Amaterasu

Believe it or not most freshmen Senators and Congressmen never knew they had a career in politics in front of them or had planned to become one.

It usually all begins with a call from their boss ...

Oh, sure. This all makes sense. Perhaps I was being naive in assuming that Obama was approached when they though he had a chance. Heh. Well, still, someone must have spoken to him to bring on the back-peddling. Whether or not he was slated beforehand.

I know full well there is a "Them." And that they are as you state above. Thank you for confirming it to me. [smile]

I am sure you wouldn’t be surprised to know that most people refuse to believe there is a “Them”, they absolutely can not abide or even consider the notion that the American Democratic Representative Republic has been compromised through any form of conspiracy where people work together towards that end.

You're right. From experience I have been called crazy, and even when I offer facts that support this, show the way things are flowing, and how unless there was a "Them," some things are totally insane, but add a "Them" to the equation and it all falls into place...

Even when I point all this out, they refuse to put it all together. (My own mother thinks I am a paranoid schizophrenic!)

And yet... They work to ensure that this is so.

They do and they don’t in reality. ... When he divulged to me just how he fit in to the political process as an individual and as an organizer for a group and explained to me that it was just too risky to allow uninformed and often completely ignorant citizens to vote he looked at me and said, I am sure you can understand that far better than most people.

But why are we uninformed? Because They hide things from us (and, it would seem, then look down on us for our ignorance). So they really do keep us down (and their egos up) by this.

... doesn’t matter where you came from, or that you didn’t go to an Ivy League School or have a storied name and wealth, we always have room for someone that get’s it, and has talents. They do too, and that’s part of what keeps them so well entrenched, he personally never lost an opportunity to secure my business clients, I went from being a junior travel agent fresh out of vocational school, working for a company with three offices, to being the owner of the company and the three offices in less than a two year period simply off the strength of the business he was constantly referring to me.

Awesome. I always felt that if given a chance, I could do well - I'm bright, willing to see past the veil, and capable of understanding a wide range of things (from economics to particle physics and cosmology). Sadly, I never made contact with the right person.

Glad you did!

The first time I ever heard the term Powers that Be was from the first Congressman who I saw get elected through this process, who called me up the day after the election and said “Hey I met you a little over a year ago at dinner, and I just won the Congressional Race and the Powers that Be tell me I am supposed to do all my travel through you”. The hierarchy and the pecking order in the clique is such that even if you’re a billionaire if the guy above you says, “Hey call this guy instead” they say it in a polite request but it really is an order that not one of them would dare buck if it comes from above them in the pecking order. That’s how they make each other rich and keep each other rich.

And my book would leave none of us toadie to another. If we could expand awareness of the ideas so that we all did our minor parts, with abundance emerging, there would be no one we would have to take ANY orders from. And we would ALL be "rich" in terms of what we could have. Just not in terms of money, as money becomes moot.

The very thing my book was written to change.

The world is actually in big trouble at the moment and is about to go through some very painful growing pains, so painful most people wouldn’t agree that they are necessary.

I'm well aware. This fact was the impetus for my searching for a solution, and ultimately writing my book.

The Powers that Be have been using a mathematical formula dating from the 1700’s of space x resources x emerging technologies to support ever larger populations of humans first and foremost as consumers but also as part of migratory patterns to bring the planet under a common system of contractual law that benefits the Powers that Be.

Heh. Won't my solution put their views on edge! They have deliberately kept the management of resources at a poor to horrendous level, thereby ensuring themselves riches and control. But with out present level of tech, combined with efficient management of resources, we find enough to support all of us on this planet in rich fashion at LEAST ten times over.

When the math screws up and there are more people than resources and large groups of people they have no useful purpose for in industry, management, or logistics then they orchestrate a world war to kill off the excess population.

But that's just it. There really is plenty. It's just managed so poorly (relative to us, not Them). If we took every man, woman and child and gave them a quarter acre of land in Australia (a quarter acre being about what it takes to support a human being), there would still be a chunk of Australia left over.

And though not all 1/4 acres can support a human in Australia (though a great many could), still, that would leave the whole rest of the world.

They are just not seeing things clearly through the blinders of a love of money. (And a very big motivator for war is, of course, profit - so they are profiting from their culling of our herd. Rather evil an approach, in my humble opinion.)

In reality we live on a planet that can sustain about a billion people riding bikes to work and we have 6 billion people driving SUV’s.

Does this take into consideration the energy we can draw from the vacuum? (Really it is a plenum - "full" - rather than a vacuum - "empty") The technology is there in Black Ops.

(continued next post - ran out of characters)

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Originally posted by beautyfrompain
He had a lot to clean up when he took over. Sure, times are tough, things aren't improving... but he's doing what he can. He can't just wave his magic fairy wand around and POOF things are perfect.

What has he cleaned up though? I don't see a trend towards the positive in any category?

Well he closed GTMO, stopped rendition, and ended the Iraq War.

Oh wait, that was just a speech.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by Ex_MislTech

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Originally posted by beautyfrompain
He had a lot to clean up when he took over. Sure, times are tough, things aren't improving... but he's doing what he can. He can't just wave his magic fairy wand around and POOF things are perfect.

What has he cleaned up though? I don't see a trend towards the positive in any category?

Well he closed GTMO, stopped rendition, and ended the Iraq War.

Oh wait, that was just a speech.

Hey I bet I know where he can pick up a slightly used and tattered Mission Accomplished Banner dirt cheap!

I swear I don't know whether this story is a tragedy or a comedy sometimes!

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 11:07 PM

Hey I bet I know where he can pick up a slightly used and tattered Mission Accomplished Banner dirt cheap!

I swear I don't know whether this story is a tragedy or a comedy sometimes!

LOL, I bet that banner is at least half price ! hehe.

Well keep your head about you and prepare for things to ... "not go so well".

The boy scout motto is "be prepared", and I'd say it will serve those
who adhere to it.

The survival forums have a lot of good info on here and on other
survival sites as well.

I HIGHLY recommend ppl read about what ppl went thru during the
great depression.

Good Luck to you all !

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by Ex_MislTech

Hey I bet I know where he can pick up a slightly used and tattered Mission Accomplished Banner dirt cheap!

I swear I don't know whether this story is a tragedy or a comedy sometimes!

LOL, I bet that banner is at least half price ! hehe.

Well keep your head about you and prepare for things to ... "not go so well".

The boy scout motto is "be prepared", and I'd say it will serve those
who adhere to it.

The survival forums have a lot of good info on here and on other
survival sites as well.

I HIGHLY recommend ppl read about what ppl went thru during the
great depression.

Good Luck to you all !

Thanks friend, I live in a Hurricane Zone and I can tell you from experience being well prepared for things not to go and of itself generally makes things go well.

Life has a sense of humor, I have a friend who lives in Germany and owns a home for business purposes here in Miami. When a storm comes he justs hops a plane and goes home and doesn't put a board, shutter, or piece of tape on his house.

When Hurricane Andrew hit his neighborhood every body on the block boarded up, shuttered up, and their homes were completely demolished, his didn't even have a broken window! Go figure?

There often truly is no planning for the real surprises in life!

I highly recomend because of increased Storm Activity everyone have at least a month worth of essential food, medicines and other vital supplies at their secure disposal at all times...oh and a bomb shelter sunk to 350 feet hardened by rebar, steel and concrete, oh yeah and some surface to air missles, at least a few batteries, oh and some Electronic Jamming Signal Equiptment, nothing fancy just enough to shut down the standard municipality or medium sized city, oh and at least one or two sattelite phones, and your own communications sattelite in orbit, oh and at least a military hummer with the up armor kit, and several boxes of claymores, but most important of all...mother's day, and anniversary cards on hand because if you forget those, you are going to die anyway!

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 09:12 AM
NOTE: I tried to post this last night, but the server went down for service and I went to bed. This continues my previous post.

The Powers that Be truly believe that people because of ethnic, national, and religious identity will never stop

just breeding at will. Most people in fact do breed without thought or consequence, even in starving parts of the third world, they will still have one child after another.

And yet they have the evidence that when women are in control of their reproductive systems, the population growth is slowed and even goes negative... Are they really lacking in vision?

I do believe what we see right now is the Powers that Be once again orchestrating a world wide conflict to drastically reduce numbers and force the final migrations of people to where they can break the racial, national and religious trends that cause people in part to breed partially as a self defense mechanism for the tribes survival. Force everyone into one tribe; make life so terrible that they all want to be in one tribe, you can then manage the population with more cooperation moving forward.

Oh, I'd say this is for sure.

Ask yourself this, and by no means am I trying to discourage you but, how many people of how many religions and how many nations, and cultures would see your idea of change as a threat to their way of life and the things they believe in and reject the common sense of it, out of fear they would be risking things and ideals that are precious to them, and maybe having to completely surrender them.

Unknown, but my idea allows each to make their own choices of what level of tech they want to live with, what beliefs they want to follow, and so on. Total freedom to do anything they wish as long as it does not break the three true laws.

What you are up against in that regard is the same thing the Powers that Be are up against in that regard. The difference is that you would love a platform to just put it out there and foster a debate and a level of awareness and they would prefer just to trick people by using their own ingrained beliefs and prejudices to their own detriment.

Have you read my book...? I'm only asking because MY platform is the Web. My book is the catalyst to bring people together on the Web (as long as they aren't keeping us from such an idea by taking over the Web as they are trying to do).

I do believe that there are many toadies out there, on all sides, that would be attracted to my vision for the freedom from bosses.

This would leave only the handful of Them (the ones at the top). And without their toadies... Heh. I figure they would have a difficult time at best keeping any kind of control.

In many ways life is a process of letting go, jobs, lovers, relatives, friends, and then your own life. Ideas die the hardest and for people fearful of what lays in store for them after death those ideas die the hardest of all. Being right to most people is more about the struggle to prove they are right to themselves by fighting against those who want to prove them wrong. People are more concerned about being perceived as being right than they are actually with being right, no one simply wants to be wrong, yet of course we all have to be sometimes.

Again... Have you read it? It is linked in my sig, if you haven't.

Yes, but no one would be "crooks" if the root of all evil is uprooted. If there is no money to love...

I am not so sure about that, though the police will never agree to investigate it’s thefts of my heart that have caused me the most anguish in life. Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies!

Read my book and then we can talk about this point.

Wish I could do such work as busboy or dishwasher. I am 52, and my knees are shot from a rheumatological condition (that's the closest they could come in naming my malady). I used to make 60K a year, but that was another life, I

You are trying and that’s what counts, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and in reality they are still building it, that’s who the Powers that Be really are at the end of the day, the further expansion of the Roman System of Laws and Commerce bent on having the whole world living under it.

We all have to crawl before we can walk, and walk before we can run and half the times we end up back on our knees anyway, in fact most people never get off of them.

You are finding a place to make your Stand and a way to do it, that’s a heck of a lot more than most people. Fight the good fight, in the end love will conquer all.

Well... Love is what my book is all about. But I fear that if the ideas are not spread, they will become moot as 6.5 billion of us are killed, as the rest are enslaved, mind-wiped, and then kept like cattle.

My ideas will die with most of the world.

[edit on 5/24/2009 by Amaterasu]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I thought this article pretty well sums up how the Obama Presidency is truly shaping up.

I had my suspicions during the election that America was electing a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but I was hopeful if only for America’s sake that my suspicions would bear no fruit.

Here we are months into the Obama Presidency and civil liberties are under greater attack than ever, the economy still keeps going down, lending markets are still virtually frozen, the tax payers have borrowed and then shelled out trillions of dollars to some of the most inept and corrupt organizations and businesses and business leaders ever known and the hits just keep coming.

Even the most diehard Obama supporters are finding it hard to find a defense for a man whose talk can be so enjoyable and invigorating but walk is one definitely on the ‘dark side’ of the force.

Where is this man trying to lead our Nation too?
(visit the link for the full news article) have given him 4 months and he still doesn't have this cleaned up?? gee... i guess he should resign, because people like you (white and republican) would have been able to do this in 2 months right? maybe if you could provide some details on your sweeping proclamations. and the white republican boys of bush, did such a fine job for the regular people of america, that you can't wait for them to get back in power. yeah...what a profound bit of wisdom.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Where is this man trying to lead our Nation too?


Obama Land
A NWO - One World Gov't - Facist State.

He's a tool. Bush43 started it. Obama is finishing it.
And by finishing, I mean finishing off America.
He took a bad situation and is making it worse.

Originally posted by jimmyx have given him 4 months and he still doesn't have this cleaned up?? gee...

Wow ... you haven't noticed that he's made it WORSE? That he's broken all his promises? That he's snuck in even more power to HIS presidency? gee....

[edit on 5/24/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by jimmyx have given him 4 months and he still doesn't have this cleaned up?? gee... i guess he should resign, because people like you (white and republican) would have been able to do this in 2 months right? maybe if you could provide some details on your sweeping proclamations. and the white republican boys of bush, did such a fine job for the regular people of america, that you can't wait for them to get back in power. yeah...what a profound bit of wisdom.

Thanks for posting this...your the first person who still seams to have some Obama Koolaide left at home!

I really appreciate hearing from the crowd that likes to excuse the failures of the current Administration by blaming it on someone else.

I love the partisan twist, and the racial twist you threw in to it too.

Hey could you let us know when and if by chance anything the current President does, accomplishes something positive, or are we just going to here for 4 long years why in you mind it's ok for him to suck at his job?

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Oh, sure. This all makes sense. Perhaps I was being naive in assuming that Obama was approached when they though he had a chance. Heh. Well, still, someone must have spoken to him to bring on the back-peddling. Whether or not he was slated beforehand.

Presidential elections involve a lot more ‘theatre’ than congressional and senatorial races.
The main players are tightly scripted in that they more or less are urged to stick to their platforms and talking points. You will see some gaffes and slips of the tongue here and there and generally that’s where the media and political pundits play a key role in shaping perception on the candidate. Obama’s campaign basically was a 2 billion dollar affair. Ultimately the Powers that Be are simply buying the right marketing and exposure to appeal to that lemming quality in humans where if everyone else seems to be thinking and doing it, you do it too.

McCain by contrast for instance ran about 160 million dollar campaign that was horrifically mismanaged, horribly marketed, and almost two separate platforms between him and his running mate. Keep in mind shortly after he won the nomination he met with Lady Rothschild in her home in France. He ran the campaign he was told to run and at the same time IG Beverage made a wonderfully lucrative take over of Anheuser Busch that increased McCain’s wife Cindy Henley who is a major principal stock holder portfolio’s value in the company by roughly 25%. Everyone get’s paid one way or another just like Obama and all his lucrative publishing deals.

Most of the loosing candidates will find presitigious and enriching jobs in the winner's Administration, a high profile job in the Political Party, or an invitation to run a leading corporation, the start up capital for a new business, or some other form of lucrative consolation prize for having 'played' the game.

You're right. From experience I have been called crazy, and even when I offer facts that support this, show the way things are flowing, and how unless there was a "Them," some things are totally insane, but add a "Them" to the equation and it all falls into place...

Even when I point all this out, they refuse to put it all together. (My own mother thinks I am a paranoid schizophrenic!)

That is the problem in the nutshell, there is a ‘them’, and there is a ‘they’. The biggest challenge that confronts you is on a human level people crave one thing more than anything it’s a single solitary word called ‘absolution’. People who are by and large social herd like animals desire security above all else. Women even more so than men and ultimately security comes in the ‘absolution’ of being right. It allows for that belief that the social and governing institutions that frame their existence recognize the individual as being ‘right’ good decent, law abiding, church going citizens that have nothing to fear from other decent law abiding citizens or the State’s religious or legal institutions because they wholeheartedly subscribe to their doctrines.

The greatest problem that confronts the Powers that Be moving forward is religion. In reality they have created it and perpetuated it as a cost effective means to divide and conquer and manage huge diverse and divergent populations but much to their knowing chagrin have created a power philosophy and belief system in the minds of many of the masses that the ultimate authority is not human or earth bound or manifest, but is up to them as an individual based on ‘faith’ to completely define.

The plan is actually to use the three main faith based religions to divide and conquer the world and then use the laity of the three main faith based religions to destroy one another.

Most of the people who will die in World War III will be adherents and followers of the big three religious doctrines. That’s not by accident but by design, and at the end you will see the communist States whose only allegiance is to the State come in and mop up the remainder of whose left in those big three religious sects to establish a faithless one world government where only the ruling class is looked to for morality and absolution.

But why are we uninformed? Because They hide things from us (and, it would seem, then look down on us for our ignorance). So they really do keep us down (and their egos up) by this.

In reality they don’t hide anything from the people. Every year they publish books that outline their plans and conspiracies by people who are often close enough to them to be able to outline their plans and conspiracies; they could stop them from being published but make no attempt. They constantly make their presence known through Movies, TV, Books, News Stories, Museum Exhibitions etc., etc.,

How did I know they existed? From a collection of my maternal grandfather’s books and his radical thinking friends is how. His friends weren’t wrong, but they were still considered radical. The books weren’t wrong but they were still considered to highly speculative works.

What you don’t see in reality is them surrendering their power or walking in to a local police station and saying arrest me officer I have conspired through my business dealings to kill hundreds of thousands of people in Darfur! “Sure you did mister, what say we give you a ride home and help you sleep it off alright?, there is a purse snatching we are trying to attend to now if you don’t mind.”

Even when you look at the ‘awake’ people on ATS half of them are offering competing theories and agendas totally looking to discredit those who have other ones to promote their own, and half of them are none of this happens what’s wrong with you people.

People ultimately believe what they want to believe and most people ultimately believe what the majority of people around them convince them it’s ‘safe’ to believe for absolution and securities sake. That in fact makes them less secure but it makes them believe they are more secure, and that’s what in large part creates the order that makes society for the most part peaceful on a local neighborhood community level.

The average American wants to believe that a group of men decided to fight a revolution for their own well being and superior moral code, won it, and created a democracy where everyone is more or less equal and gets represented in government through a voting process where laws are made based on the Constitution and to a certain extent Christianity.

Nothing could be further from the truth, and anyone who really wants to study history with an open and objective mind can discover how and why the nation was founded, how at a few times the people realized they had been duped and where violently put down, just when and where and why the Constitution went out the window, and just what was really going on at each pivotal moment in our own history and throughout the world at the same time.

Nothing is hidden, just obscured, and that is a large part of what politics is, obfuscation and manipulation aimed at creating a majority in a governable herd.

The reality is you can’t control people; you can control people’s environments though. You can build a coral around them, which is only open to certain directions. People are always free to jump the fence though, but then you have to be responsible for your actions, no more absolution, no more security in the herd.

Awesome. I always felt that if given a chance, I could do well - I'm bright, willing to see past the veil, and capable of understanding a wide range of things (from economics to particle physics and cosmology). Sadly, I never made contact with the right person.

Glad you did!

I have worn many hats in my life and been a jack of all trades; I have made meaningful associations and friendships with every different type of human being from the lowest social to the highest social strata, across the religious divides, ethnic divides, and national divides. I refuse to judge people because I am flawed myself. I won’t condemn any person for what they believe in and how they live for that simple reason. Everyone ultimately has that choice and what you might not get is you strongly believe people are being denied a choice or choices when in reality they aren’t. I won’t say it’s impossible to create absolute singularity in human thoughts and actions, but I have to tell you I have always looked to make friends and associations in every strata and aspect of humanity because I have enjoyed learning so many things that come only from that momentary ability to step out of my world and in to theirs and view their world as they see it, instead of how I see it. I don’t know what is absolutely right or absolutely wrong, I just try to not do harm to others to the greatest extent I can avoid it and still ensure my own survival.

I don’t allow myself to get married to any one person, or anyone thought, or anyone ideal, or any one philosophy to the point that I stop hearing, listening, considering, and learning from others.

What I personally try to do is just share what I have learned and feel I know with anyone who has an interest in it or feels there is a benefit in it. It doesn’t much matter to me whether they reject it or find some value in it, because ultimately that’s about them and not me, and I have to respect their life is every bit as much about them as mine is about me.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

And my book would leave none of us toadie to another. If we could expand awareness of the ideas so that we all did our minor parts, with abundance emerging, there would be no one we would have to take ANY orders from. And we would ALL be "rich" in terms of what we could have. Just not in terms of money, as money becomes moot.

I am sure that’s entirely possible, I don’t believe in saying ‘never’ like so many people do. I am though cognizant that people individually have to make that choice for themselves, and I tend to look at it this way, many women my age who are still single when asked what are you looking for in a mate will often say, well I know what I am not looking for, they tend to be far less clear and precise on what they are looking for though.

There is a process of discovery for most people that simply include trial and error and elimination. This didn’t work that didn’t work and this didn’t work either, so maybe this will. Of course people who are often ruled by desire want what they want and they want it to work regardless of its feasibility and capability so they will grab that hammer and start pounding that square peg into the round hole for just as long and hard as they have the strength and determination to try.

It’s a slow process and do be prepared to get hit by their hammer should you interrupt and say hey, why don’t you try putting it in the round hole over here? “I don’t want it in that one, leave me alone, you don’t know what you’re talking about you jerk”…OK have a nice day then.

They insist on learning themselves, the hard way through trial and error. Where I differ from most people is simply, hey you are a carpenter and you say this doesn’t fit in this hole? Thanks for the heads up, now what hole does it go into what’s the best way to get it in? Hey thanks.

Most people do not want to learn in that fashion. In fact most people will seek out the largest group of people they can find who also say “Yes that square peg fits in the round hole, hallelujah!”

I'm well aware. This fact was the impetus for my searching for a solution, and ultimately writing my book.

This is highly commendable some people are part of the problem and some people are part of the solution. It’s important to appreciate that people who look to be deceived for the sake of absolution, acceptance and love are in fact not victims as you might be inclined to feel and imagine but part of the problem. Ultimately people do have a responsibility to question, think and act in sensible intelligent ways even if it means bucking the herd, abandoning it, escaping it, and or trying to educate and elevate it.

The problem is not just ‘Them’ the problem is ‘They’ as well.

Being a Master is a lot of responsibility and no easy thing, conversely being a slave is a lot of responsibility and no easy thing, Masters and slaves are entirely codependent upon one another, and each must serve one another in line with what their responsibilities are to one another. A slave has equal opportunity to enslave their Master to their service, a slave has equal opportunity to rebel from the Master and seek independence, just as a Master has equal opportunity to neglect their slaves and dispose of them. Once again it’s a two sided coin that requires two sides to be a coin and two like minded entities from opposite ends of the spectrum to form it.

Each has to take the ultimate responsibility of the side they choose but while there are two sides to the coin, the coin is a singular object that binds both sides of it together in restrictive and prohibitive ways. Masters can give up being Masters but who is going to look out then for those who still want to be slaves. Slaves can give up being ruled but rarely will just settle then for ruling themselves and will seek instead to become Masters, in large part because slaves will always seek Masters and create them in others if need be just as Masters will always seek slaves and create them in others if need be.

You could lay all the blame at the feet of the Masters or lay it all at the feet of the slave, but the coin is symmetrical and even on both sides, the opposites attracted for a reason.

Heh. Won't my solution put their views on edge! They have deliberately kept the management of resources at a poor to horrendous level, thereby ensuring themselves riches and control. But with out present level of tech, combined with efficient management of resources, we find enough to support all of us on this planet in rich fashion at LEAST ten times over.

In theory yes, you are correct, theories need one thing though to be reality, logistics and execution, and of course partners.

How much oil is in the ground? Do you know? They do, how long does that oil have to last until a replacement infrastructure can be manufactured and put into place that feeds off of another energy source? They do. How big is the pie? How long can the pie last?
When does ground become barren and turn into a dustbowl, when do trees stop growing at a fast enough rate to meet demand, when do water sheds dip below life sustaining levels.

Information is the most important weapon and the best information is tightly guarded.
What would you do if you found out there was a three year supply of oil left in the ground and it would be 12 years until a new technology could be fully brought to market and distributed? A theory isn’t going to help you when you have a dry tank and need to get to work, a theory isn’t going to help you when you say well plant a garden and you are living in the center of 10 square miles of concrete and steel high rises and if you could secure the next tillable patch of land available it’s a 12 mile walk there, where 25,000 other people would also like to till it.

What about the people who don’t want to leave their home for Australia and a quarter acre?

Theories abound, but the key to sustaining human life on the planet is workable logistics.

When Caesar fought the Gauls on the frontier even as he was defeating them and finding out through them that there were still vast unknown lands and peoples out there he must have thought, how much is out there? How can I find out? How long will it take? How can I conquer it all?

It’s the same trial and error process that humans use. I have a plan, I have a formula, and then sometime later, well now I have encountered what I didn’t know when I made the formula and plan, I have made some headway, its back to the drawing board.

Keep in mind we have all enslaved ourselves to the logistical controls that make our lives sustainable. We all did of our own free will. Few of us took the initiative to make a functioning system. Lots of people create plans and theories they never logistically are capable of implementing, and lots of people create plans and theories that logistically can’t be accomplished at the time.

The 1993 all new Pontiac Firebird sculpted from sleek polymer body panels molded into aerodynamic lines that were as functional as they were cosmetically attractive was actually designed by John De Lorean in 1963 as a concept car. The technology and materials and logistics to build it were not available until thirty years later and that’s when they built it.

It was a great idea and concept in 1963 except for that little fact. So good that when it was possible to build it, they built it, logistics are what the Powers that Be handle and resources are what they control to employ the logistics that create their wealth, power and control.

Could you do a better job at it? Maybe, you still have to get that job, and then you have to create the logistics of distributing them differently and you have to realize you are still creating a very powerful power base in the process that can be corrupted at any time including by yourself!

They are just not seeing things clearly through the blinders of a love of money. (And a very big motivator for war is, of course, profit - so they are profiting from their culling of our herd. Rather evil an approach, in my humble opinion.)

I too believe it’s an evil and self serving approach, yet the reality is people choose to participate in it, and often to profit from it.

It is a genuine attempt to conquer the world and slowly create a homogenous mass of people devoid of competing ideologies, philosophies, ethnologies, cultures and regions, each of whom wish to be dominant in their own right in their own way, and will fight and resist any attempt to deprive them of those tribal identities and affiliations.

No one has a magic wand, not even the powers that be, that they can wave and force people to stop being self serving, selfish, and self centered.

All they are doing is a slow process of highlighting the differences between factions to keep eliminating factions until there are no competing factions.

In other words if you kids want to fight take it outside, you can have the ball bat, you can have the tire iron, I am staying inside with a good book and a cup of tea, have fun now.

Look at how many Americans enjoy this insane war with Afghanistan. People do think its fun to hate, kill, and act with blind prejudice, base assumptions, all to validate their own belief system, ethnology and identity as being uniquely superior. They have not mastered their own base impulses and as with many shortcomings that humans are fraught with, the tendency is to see it as someone else’s fault rather than look in the mirror and realize that they are part of the problem and not the solution.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Does this take into consideration the energy we can draw from the vacuum? (Really it is a plenum - "full" - rather than a vacuum - "empty") The technology is there in Black Ops.

The world is drastically out of balance, the human population is parasitical in a horrendous way as it drives entire species into distinction, destroys entire eco systems, and rampages increasingly amuck over nature through its sheer numbers. The world is rapidly loosing its natural and wild places. I would like desperately for everyone to live too, but most of how humans live is though the unfettered destruction and consumption of how other things live. It’s a mess. To a certain extent the Powers that Be have enabled this, to a certain extent the Powers that Be have profited off of this, but to a certain extent because of man’s own wild animalistic and primal nature it’s also very hard to stop this.
It’s hard to stop the individual from the destruction because it always boils down to, well if it was just me and not the other 6,000,000,000 it wouldn’t be a problem, the problem is the other 6,000,000,000 not me, let the other 5,999,999,999 stop first then I will think about it. That has nothing to do with the Powers that Be, that has everything to do with the Powers of one. The Powers that Be do ultimately step in to kill off large segments of the herd, force migrations, and stamp out some elements in the process, but why do they have to? Because of the individuals inability to better consider for themselves on an individual basis.

And yet they have the evidence that when women are in control of their reproductive systems, the population growth is slowed and even goes negative... Are they really lacking in vision?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no, I have five children with the same woman, she was secretly shooting for 12 before I put an end to that. Ultimately once again this is an individual decision. If I had my way, we would not have had child one, let alone child 5. I didn’t get to have my way though. No one told me I could or couldn’t, and no one told her she could or couldn’t. We made those decisions based on our own individual desire to interact and surrender to our own base impulses and desires. I can’t even blame that on her, let alone the powers that be.

Unknown, but my idea allows each to make their own choices of what level of tech they want to live with, what beliefs they want to follow, and so on. Total freedom to do anything they wish as long as it does not break the three true laws.

People already have those choices. They just choose to either not exercise them which is a choice, or they choose differently that is a choice. You may still be left with the same inherent flaw in that some people are not going to respect or agree with the people who select the other two choices, or respect that they have to abide by the three true laws, or respect that their immediate neighbor has made a choice they don’t respect and now what do you do? You have to force and enforce, so there goes freedom out the window.

It never stops being a Darwinian struggle until through the struggle everyone who survives reaches the same shared level of understanding and direction to where it does become wholly voluntary.

Many ideals are noble but when of the things I learned early on as a rebel, is people truly do not want saved from themselves, and ultimately what you are wanting to do is save people from themselves. Educating them to the extent that they realize they are a danger to themselves is a ‘forced’ process. A person convinced against their will is a person who remains unconvinced. There really are no victims in life, just people who want to shun varying levels of responsibility. The losers always see themselves as victims but in reality what they are often fighting for is the privilege to think and act independently even if their thoughts are technically wrong.

It’s all noble and plays out great on paper, but the equations become much more complex in the laboratory of life.

Ultimately you have to resort to the same ‘forced’ tactics you are trying to overcome, and ultimately that’s where it becomes ‘equally’ ‘corrupt’ and ‘flawed’.

Ultimately each person individually and then collectively has to take responsibility to educate them selves and make their own decisions as to what is best for them in a slow and very painful evolutionary process towards enlightenment.

It breaks my heart too, but all I can do is all you can do, is put better ideas out there for people who are responsibly looking for better ideas, while understanding the flaws inherent in human beings brought on by their own primal natural instincts and fear of the unknown and desire for safety and security.

Have you read my book...? I'm only asking because MY platform is the Web. My book is the catalyst to bring people together on the Web (as long as they aren't keeping us from such an idea by taking over the Web as they are trying to do).

I do believe that there are many toadies out there, on all sides, that would be attracted to my vision for the freedom from bosses.

This would leave only the handful of Them (the ones at the top). And without their toadies... Heh. I figure they would have a difficult time at best keeping any kind of control.

We are all toadies though, that shops at their stores, and fill up at their gas stations, and watch their entertainment, and well, Al Gore did not single handedly create the Internet.

We are all enslaved to the same technologies, same distribution networks, same form of commerce, forget Australia a minute and take 24 different people at random, one man and one woman at the prepubescent stage on 12 different deserted tropical islands in breeding pairs stark naked, and leave them there, and check back 30 years later, and you are going to see 12 very different communities from none at all, to thriving ones, to peaceful ones, to highly competitive and violent ones.

I haven’t read your book as of yet, and conversely I am not defending the powers that be or promoting their agenda I simply am familiar with them and their agenda.

I walk my own path in life, working towards my own betterment and satisfaction as a human being. I live by myself, I work by myself, and I try not to drive or ride any place that I could walk to instead. I try to focus on helping others and making them more aware, while being highly aware, that they will only become as aware as they are ready to be, to the extent and point they feel it serves them well to be. I feel badly for people all over the world who I know would like to lead better, healthier, more productive and peaceful lives, that I also know are reluctant to believe in their own abilities and capabilities to make those changes that would constitute their own singular and unique versions of that.

I am not trying to discourage you from your path or goals, I am letting you know some of the major elements that I feel are going to be obstacles on our path so you don’t get discouraged as you encounter them along the way.

I think it’s important to understand, some of us live and think ahead of our times. It’s hard and difficult but part of the evolutionary process. Life is short and people who live ahead of their time don’t typically see the fruits of their labor come about in their time.

If you love enough, to love the children of tomorrow with extreme sacrifice in that you can accept that which you seed and plant ahead of it’s time will bear fruit but likely not for you, then you are evolving.

The world will evolve along with those efforts, in it’s own time.

If you love enough to want it all and want it now, and want it first and foremost for yourself, well even the powers that be don’t have that luxury.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by Amaterasu

You're right. From experience I have been called crazy, and even when I offer facts that support this, show the way things are flowing, and how unless there was a "Them," some things are totally insane, but add a "Them" to the equation and it all falls into place...

Even when I point all this out, they refuse to put it all together. (My own mother thinks I am a paranoid schizophrenic!)

That is the problem in the nutshell, there is a ‘them’, and there is a ‘they’. The biggest challenge that confronts you is on a human level people crave one thing more than anything it’s a single solitary word called ‘absolution’.

I suppose... Though I see many who seek justice. I mean, I know many who do not feel the need to be absoved of anything.

The plan is actually to use the three main faith based religions to divide and conquer the world and then use the laity of the three main faith based religions to destroy one another.

Most of the people who will die in World War III will be adherents and followers of the big three religious doctrines. That’s not by accident but by design, and at the end you will see the communist States whose only allegiance is to the State come in and mop up the remainder of whose left in those big three religious sects to establish a faithless one world government where only the ruling class is looked to for morality and absolution.

Maybe there is hope for me...given that I adhere not to any dogma. And, yes, I am aware that this was deliberately set in place. I just want to shift thing to where there is no need for their plans.

But why are we uninformed? Because They hide things from us (and, it would seem, then look down on us for our ignorance). So they really do keep us down (and their egos up) by this.

In reality they don’t hide anything from the people. Every year they publish books that outline their plans and conspiracies by people who are often close enough to them to be able to outline their plans and conspiracies; they could stop them from being published but make no attempt. They constantly make their presence known through Movies, TV, Books, News Stories, Museum Exhibitions etc., etc.,

In essence, this is true. But in practice, books with truth in them never are allowed to make the best seller list, unless the idea that they are fanciful is tacked on. Same with other media. No one is allowed to talk on the MSM as if these show the truth. They misidentify objects, misdate things, cast aspersions on truth, and otherwise mislead. And then, when most are too busy trying to put food in the mouths of their families to pour over tomes they cannot afford, and take the MSM at their word - they are looked down upon. Seen as animals to keep or to slaughter.

And in my opinion... That is just as much an act of hiding things as not allowing things to be published in the first place.

Even when you look at the ‘awake’ people on ATS half of them are offering competing theories and agendas totally looking to discredit those who have other ones to promote their own, and half of them are none of this happens what’s wrong with you people.

What else do you expect? Not only do they publish the truth, they call lies truths. And it is a wide buffet of data for one single individual to sift through and grasp. Perhaps you think The Terra Papers (which I credit highly) is an example of the lies...

People ultimately believe what they want to believe and most people ultimately believe what the majority of people around them convince them it’s ‘safe’ to believe for absolution and securities sake. That in fact makes them less secure but it makes them believe they are more secure, and that’s what in large part creates the order that makes society for the most part peaceful on a local neighborhood community level.

I won't argue this. But I will say that some believe things that make sense of what they look out into the world and see, whether or not it is comforting and "safe." (I count myself amongst those.)

The reality is you can’t control people; you can control people’s environments though. You can build a coral around them, which is only open to certain directions. People are always free to jump the fence though, but then you have to be responsible for your actions, no more absolution, no more security in the herd.

True again. And my book is to provide the impetus to jump that fence, with the freedom that full responsibility for self offers. You should read it. It offers a paradigm shift. (In fact, it is called The Abundance Paradigm.)

I have worn many hats in my life and been a jack of all trades; I have made meaningful associations and friendships with every different type of human being from the lowest social to the highest social strata, across the religious divides, ethnic divides, and national divides. I refuse to judge people because I am flawed myself. I won’t condemn any person for what they believe in and how they live for that simple reason. Everyone ultimately has that choice and what you might not get is you strongly believe people are being denied a choice or choices when in reality they aren’t. I won’t say it’s impossible to create absolute singularity in human thoughts and actions, but I have to tell you I have always looked to make friends and associations in every strata and aspect of humanity because I have enjoyed learning so many things that come only from that momentary ability to step out of my world and in to theirs and view their world as they see it, instead of how I see it. I don’t know what is absolutely right or absolutely wrong, I just try to not do harm to others to the greatest extent I can avoid it and still ensure my own survival.

As have and do I, and I applaude you for your approach! But no, I don't "strongly believe people are being denied a choice or choices," per se. Only insofar as there is limited opportunity to run into the "right" people, at the "right" time in any given life do I say that any chioce has been "denied." I have not met the right person(s) or, if I did, I failed the "test." [shrug]

I don’t allow myself to get married to any one person, or anyone thought, or anyone ideal, or any one philosophy to the point that I stop hearing, listening, considering, and learning from others.

What I personally try to do is just share what I have learned and feel I know with anyone who has an interest in it or feels there is a benefit in it. It doesn’t much matter to me whether they reject it or find some value in it, because ultimately that’s about them and not me, and I have to respect their life is every bit as much about them as mine is about me.

An excellent approach, and mine as well.

And my book would leave none of us toadie to another. If we could expand awareness of the ideas so that we all did our minor parts, with abundance emerging, there would be no one we would have to take ANY orders from. And we would ALL be "rich" in terms of what we could have. Just not in terms of money, as money becomes moot.

I am sure that’s entirely possible, I don’t believe in saying ‘never’ like so many people do. I am though cognizant that people individually have to make that choice for themselves, and I tend to look at it this way, many women my age who are still single when asked what are you looking for in a mate will often say, well I know what I am not looking for, they tend to be far less clear and precise on what they are looking for though.

Being a woman m'self, and I might guess, at least as old as you are, I have spent my life defining what I want in a mate. Sure, there have been some trial and error, but when I see what I don't want, it puts definition on what I do. And now I have a man in my life (18 years younger than I) with whom I have been for over eight years.

I'm well aware. This fact was the impetus for my searching for a solution, and ultimately writing my book.

This is highly commendable some people are part of the problem and some people are part of the solution. It’s important to appreciate that people who look to be deceived for the sake of absolution, acceptance and love are in fact not victims as you might be inclined to feel and imagine but part of the problem. Ultimately people do have a responsibility to question, think and act in sensible intelligent ways even if it means bucking the herd, abandoning it, escaping it, and or trying to educate and elevate it.

And when very limited time and money preclude the simultaneous options to educate themselves and feed their loved ones...? Given that they are lied to so often, and truths are actively disparaged? No, I would not call them "victims," per se. But I would call them disadvantaged by design.

Being a Master is a lot of responsibility and no easy thing, conversely being a slave is a lot of responsibility and no easy thing, ...

My goal is to eliminate the whole Master/slave dichotomy. Cast slavery off onto our machines that we all are Masters of our selves.

(continued next post)

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 06:51 PM
Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Each has to take the ultimate responsibility of the side they choose but while there are two sides to the coin, the coin is a singular object that binds both sides of it together in restrictive and prohibitive ways. Masters can give up being Masters but who is going to look out then for those who still want to be slaves. Slaves can give up being ruled but rarely will just settle then for ruling themselves and will seek instead to become Masters, in large part because slaves will always seek Masters and create them in others if need be just as Masters will always seek slaves and create them in others if need be.

And I believe that a paradigm shift is in order. A simultaneous service to BOTH Self AND Others. Ridding us of Masters over slaves and giving us Masterhood over our selves.

You could lay all the blame at the feet of the Masters or lay it all at the feet of the slave, but the coin is symmetrical and even on both sides, the opposites attracted for a reason.

And I say that coin can be eliminated altogether.

Heh. Won't my solution put their views on edge! They have deliberately kept the management of resources at a poor to horrendous level, thereby ensuring themselves riches and control. But with out present level of tech, combined with efficient management of resources, we find enough to support all of us on this planet in rich fashion at LEAST ten times over.

In theory yes, you are correct, theories need one thing though to be reality, logistics and execution, and of course partners.

And that is why my ideas need to be out there being considered by a critical number. Imagine this. Someone sets up a forum-style website, all open-source in its workings. Others in media positions find ways to inform people in general of the site, explaining that its goal is to bring people together to find solutions, take stock of resources, direct efforts, and so forth.

And the leaders will emerge from this.

If there is the motivation to serve oneself with this effort (which there is), those who are Lizard Hearted will be willing to participate. If there is the motivation to help others with this effort (which there is), those who are Human Hearted will be willing to participate.

But they all have to consider, they have to be aware of the project, they have to grasp the fact that they will benefit and every one of us will too.

How much oil is in the ground? Do you know? They do, how long does that oil have to last until a replacement infrastructure can be manufactured and put into place that feeds off of another energy source? They do. How big is the pie? How long can the pie last?

Given the energy that IS extractable from the plenum, oil is moot.

When does ground become barren and turn into a dustbowl, when do trees stop growing at a fast enough rate to meet demand, when do water sheds dip below life sustaining levels.

On the path we're on, sure, this is an issue. But I recommend reading my book to see how we could turn this all around.

Information is the most important weapon and the best information is tightly guarded.

Ah. So They DO hide things... And you said they didn't! [grin] Anyway, I see the likelihood that the toadies, once seeing a clear path to freedom from toadiness, seeing a chance to serve themselves, will be willing to let go of the information they have (i.e., free energy (energy from the plenum), antigrav, alien involvement, and any other information that would further their freedom to orchestrate their lives as they would like 24/7).

What would you do if you found out there was a three year supply of oil left in the ground and it would be 12 years until a new technology could be fully brought to market and distributed? A theory isn’t going to help you when you have a dry tank and need to get to work, a theory isn’t going to help you when you say well plant a garden and you are living in the center of 10 square miles of concrete and steel high rises and if you could secure the next tillable patch of land available it’s a 12 mile walk there, where 25,000 other people would also like to till it.

What theory are we speaking of? Amongst others, Gary McKinnon found that we already have free energy and the other things above. It is clear that this information is so highly guarded because once we have our own, inexhaustable supply of energy on a personal level, the corral is busted wide open. The cost of things will initially plummet and then vanish. And then the robots could farm our fields (ORGANICALLY) and bring the garden fruits to us.

What about the people who don’t want to leave their home for Australia and a quarter acre?

Now let's not be taking the illustration to be the map, eh? The point is that there is plenty for all of us. Ten times over - and maybe 20 or 50.

Theories abound, but the key to sustaining human life on the planet is workable logistics

Mine is not a theory but a logistical plan.

Keep in mind we have all enslaved ourselves to the logistical controls that make our lives sustainable. We all did of our own free will.

Oh, I agree, but I also must point out that for most, that is the paradigm, this scarcity paradigm we choose now, that they were born into and taught as the only option. In fact, many of the perperators, the "Masters" themselves, have never considered a new paradigm at all.

Few of us took the initiative to make a functioning system. Lots of people create plans and theories they never logistically are capable of implementing, and lots of people create plans and theories that logistically can’t be accomplished at the time.

And all my plan requires is an awakening to the concept that there IS another paradigm.

Could you do a better job at it? Maybe, you still have to get that job, and then you have to create the logistics of distributing them differently and you have to realize you are still creating a very powerful power base in the process that can be corrupted at any time including by yourself!

Not really. I have done my job - by illutrating the new paradigm, showing how we can get there. That is my book. The rest of the job falls to others to spread the paradigm, and that is why I am on this board and others. All that is left for me to do is to offer my book freely to others. And if it is not too will take hold.

They are just not seeing things clearly through the blinders of a love of money. (And a very big motivator for war is, of course, profit - so they are profiting from their culling of our herd. Rather evil an approach, in my humble opinion.)

I too believe it’s an evil and self serving approach, yet the reality is people choose to participate in it, and often to profit from it.

It is a genuine attempt to conquer the world and slowly create a homogenous mass of people devoid of competing ideologies, philosophies, ethnologies, cultures and regions, each of whom wish to be dominant in their own right in their own way, and will fight and resist any attempt to deprive them of those tribal identities and affiliations.

First, self-serving is not necessarily evil - if it also serves all others, then there is no evil inherent.

Second, I don't think it is necessary to homogenize the ideologies, philosophies, ethnologies, cultures and regions. For, in abundance, we will congregate with those we like. Those we love. We will have little interaction with those we do NOT like. Live and let live is the way things will function, while we all spend our finite time following our bliss, rather than wage-slaving for someone above us.

No one has a magic wand, not even the powers that be, that they can wave and force people to stop being self serving, selfish, and self centered.

And in abundance, there would be no issue to be selfish and self-centered. Of course, if one choose poor behavior towards others, one could create oneself as pariah, but who cares, eh? That would be one's own choice.

Look at how many Americans enjoy this insane war with Afghanistan. People do think its fun to hate, kill, and act with blind prejudice, base assumptions, all to validate their own belief system, ethnology and identity as being uniquely superior. They have not mastered their own base impulses and as with many shortcomings that humans are fraught with, the tendency is to see it as someone else’s fault rather than look in the mirror and realize that they are part of the problem and not the solution.

Interesting... When I look at the people around me I see horror at the whole concept of war. I see the duped believing that the war is "necessary," but they surely aren't loving it that (in their eyes) it must be. Only those profiting from the war are in any way gleeful.

Does this take into consideration the energy we can draw from the vacuum? (Really it is a plenum - "full" - rather than a vacuum - "empty") The technology is there in Black Ops.

The world is drastically out of balance, the human population is parasitical in a horrendous way as it drives entire species into distinction, destroys entire eco systems, and rampages increasingly amuck over nature through its sheer numbers.

I disagree. Yes, profit motives have caused very poor decisions regarding our lovely planet, but I know that we could make far better choices with the root of all evil removed. And we CAN clean it up, and we CAN run it with an eye to the health of our planet. Money (and the love of it) stand in the way.

(continued next post)

[edit on 5/24/2009 by Amaterasu]

[edit on 5/24/2009 by Amaterasu]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 06:53 PM
Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The world is rapidly loosing its natural and wild places. I would like desperately for everyone to live too, but most of how humans live is though the unfettered destruction and consumption of how other things live.

The planet is not losing so much in terms of wild places - hell, the entire mass of all 6.7 billion of us could fit into one small side canyon of the Grand Canyon with room to spare. And when we all can have anything we want in terms of material things, we will find that we consume very little in comparison to the moneyed structure, the scarcity paradigm we now live within.

True solutions will emerge, rather than profit-making plans. Planned obscolecence will be gone, drastically reducing waste. Desperation will vanish, removing such behavior as hoarding. Really. Read my book, eh?

It’s a mess. To a certain extent the Powers that Be have enabled this, to a certain extent the Powers that Be have profited off of this, but to a certain extent because of man’s own wild animalistic and primal nature it’s also very hard to stop this.

Do you buy into the idea that we are animals...? I say a lot that is chalked up to "Human" nature really is Lizard Hearted behavior explained as Human nature. Yes, a great number of those I see around me are twisted by The System, the scarcity paradigm with its money. But I see a vast sea of those who only do "bad" things out of the desperation they are in and who, if they had all they wanted, would NEVER consider the "bad" things as an option.

It’s hard to stop the individual from the destruction because it always boils down to, well if it was just me and not the other 6,000,000,000 it wouldn’t be a problem, the problem is the other 6,000,000,000 not me, let the other 5,999,999,999 stop first then I will think about it. That has nothing to do with the Powers that Be, that has everything to do with the Powers of one. The Powers that Be do ultimately step in to kill off large segments of the herd, force migrations, and stamp out some elements in the process, but why do they have to? Because of the individuals inability to better consider for themselves on an individual basis.

And that's why the simultaneous service to Self and Others is so viable. It takes the power over others away from these PTB. They become empowered only over themselves (and any that willingly abdicate to them). They no longer have the power to "step in to kill off large segments of the herd, force migrations, and stamp out some elements in the process."

I implore you to read my book.

And yet they have the evidence that when women are in control of their reproductive systems, the population growth is slowed and even goes negative... Are they really lacking in vision?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no, I have five children with the same woman, she was secretly shooting for 12 before I put an end to that. Ultimately once again this is an individual decision. If I had my way, we would not have had child one, let alone child 5. I didn’t get to have my way though. No one told me I could or couldn’t, and no one told her she could or couldn’t. We made those decisions based on our own individual desire to interact and surrender to our own base impulses and desires. I can’t even blame that on her, let alone the powers that be.

Sure, there are exceptions. Some will opt for no children at all. Me, I was blessed with a viable pregnancy at the age of 45, and now have one child. No more, for I have reached menopause. My partner has only one child, too. That being the daughter between us.

But the "Sometimes yes, sometimes no" comment is not true statistically (and that is what we must look at). ALL countries where the woman has control are reaching level or negative population growth.

Unknown, but my idea allows each to make their own choices of what level of tech they want to live with, what beliefs they want to follow, and so on. Total freedom to do anything they wish as long as it does not break the three true laws.

People already have those choices.

No they don't. Not on any individual basis. Believe me, I choose to make a lot of money and have all I want. It ain't happening, though. I apply to many jobs (100-150 a WEEK!) and have great skills with computer applications of all kinds. Yet I have been unemployed since Feb. of 2006. The "choices" are co-choices, and so I do not control or have the freedom I would choose to have.

It never stops being a Darwinian struggle until through the struggle everyone who survives reaches the same shared level of understanding and direction to where it does become wholly voluntary.

Given that I believe, based on a great amount of research and thought, that we are genetically manipulated, Darwin really is a poor choice. But be that as it may, I say we do not have to struggle. Um... Read my book.

Many ideals are noble but when of the things I learned early on as a rebel, is people truly do not want saved from themselves, and ultimately what you are wanting to do is save people from themselves.

On the contrary, I want to give them ALL choices (within the three Laws). I do NOT want to "save" anyone, but free them.

Educating them to the extent that they realize they are a danger to themselves is a ‘forced’ process.

And a disingenuous one. I do not believe that people are a danger to themselves, except within the choices they make for the love of or desperation for money. Eliminate money, and the "dangers" virtually vanish. Any "education" that suggests that individually we are dangerous to ourselves is lie and propaganda of the Lizard Hearted.

Ultimately you have to resort to the same ‘forced’ tactics you are trying to overcome, and ultimately that’s where it becomes ‘equally’ ‘corrupt’ and ‘flawed’.

Only in this scarcity paradigm we are brought to focus on.

Ultimately each person individually and then collectively has to take responsibility to educate them selves and make their own decisions as to what is best for them in a slow and very painful evolutionary process towards enlightenment.

And yet there is no time to educate oneself in the wage-slave, moneyed, scarcity paradigm. And it would not have to be slow and painful - IF the abundance paradigm were to reach the tipping point.

It breaks my heart too, but all I can do is all you can do, is put better ideas out there for people who are responsibly looking for better ideas, while understanding the flaws inherent in human beings brought on by their own primal natural instincts and fear of the unknown and desire for safety and security.

At the moment, in the scarcity paradigm, you're right. But a shift of paradigm over many minds would change things radically and to the advantage of all Individuals of Sentience, Human Hearted, Lizard Hearted, and beyond.

Have you read my book...? I'm only asking because MY platform is the Web. My book is the catalyst to bring people together on the Web (as long as they aren't keeping us from such an idea by taking over the Web as they are trying to do).

I do believe that there are many toadies out there, on all sides, that would be attracted to my vision for the freedom from bosses.

This would leave only the handful of Them (the ones at the top). And without their toadies... Heh. I figure they would have a difficult time at best keeping any kind of control.

We are all toadies though, that shops at their stores, and fill up at their gas stations, and watch their entertainment, and well, Al Gore did not single handedly create the Internet.

Of course we are all toadies. That's my point. But we don't have to be. And being toadies, most of us would enjoy not being so. Again... My book...

I haven’t read your book as of yet, and conversely I am not defending the powers that be or promoting their agenda I simply am familiar with them and their agenda.

As am I. And it is their agenda that propelled me to my solution.

I am not trying to discourage you from your path or goals, I am letting you know some of the major elements that I feel are going to be obstacles on our path so you don’t get discouraged as you encounter them along the way.

The only blocks I am running into is the slowness of the ideas to spread... I need help there. That is all.

I think it’s important to understand, some of us live and think ahead of our times. It’s hard and difficult but part of the evolutionary process. Life is short and people who live ahead of their time don’t typically see the fruits of their labor come about in their time.

Agreed, in the past, with limited communication on this planet, this has been so. But with an unfettered internet... I am hoping the ideas spread fast enough. Because, as I said, if they don't it will be too late and my ideas will be moot.

If you love enough, to love the children of tomorrow with extreme sacrifice in that you can accept that which you seed and plant ahead of it’s time will bear fruit but likely not for you, then you are evolving.

I love all of Us, Human Hearted, Galactic Royal Blood of Ea, living NOW, for any later and most will be dead if we don't do something. Children included.

The world will evolve along with those efforts, in it’s own time.

but there is no time. It's now or never.

If you love enough to want it all and want it now, and want it first and foremost for yourself, well even the powers that be don’t have that luxury.

But they could... IF they shifted paradigms. Like I said, few of them have gotten their minds out of the scarcity paradigm box.

And once more... Read my book, if you please.

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