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America's Nightmare: The Obama Dystopia

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posted on May, 23 2009 @ 11:56 AM

America's Nightmare: The Obama Dystopia

Manipulation, propaganda, imagery & PR wizardry
by Andrew Hughes

After 8 years of the Bush-Cheney nightmare during which we saw the wanton destruction of Afghanistan and Iraq, the cynical negation of centuries of Law designed to protect the most basic human rights and a foreign policy worthy of Genghis Khan, there came along the "Great Black Hope" in the persona of Barack Obama. The collective world consciousness turned uncritically to what was presented as a new era for peace, change and
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 11:56 AM
I thought this article pretty well sums up how the Obama Presidency is truly shaping up.

I had my suspicions during the election that America was electing a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but I was hopeful if only for America’s sake that my suspicions would bear no fruit.

Here we are months into the Obama Presidency and civil liberties are under greater attack than ever, the economy still keeps going down, lending markets are still virtually frozen, the tax payers have borrowed and then shelled out trillions of dollars to some of the most inept and corrupt organizations and businesses and business leaders ever known and the hits just keep coming.

Even the most diehard Obama supporters are finding it hard to find a defense for a man whose talk can be so enjoyable and invigorating but walk is one definitely on the ‘dark side’ of the force.

Where is this man trying to lead our Nation too?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:00 PM

Never before had one witnessed such an accomplished use of manipulation, propaganda, imagery and public relations wizardry to sell the public a man who was to take the baton from Bush and run with it in the race to destroy the economy, the rights of the people and help birth a nation totally controlled by those who have always lurked in the shadows of power. "Change" was promised and was delivered in the form of a deepening of the already Dystopic nightmare.

Global Research CA

Pretty powerful and telling words that seem to portray a frank and frightening accurate assesment of what America faces in it's new President and Administration.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:25 PM
EDIT: Contents cleared because of lack of sanity and precaution on my part.

[edit on 5/23/2009 by beautyfrompain]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by beautyfrompain
He had a lot to clean up when he took over. Sure, times are tough, things aren't improving... but he's doing what he can. He can't just wave his magic fairy wand around and POOF things are perfect.

What has he cleaned up though? I don't see a trend towards the positive in any category?

Can you point to any one major aspect of American life that the Executive deals with that has gotten better by any real measurable degree?

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by beautyfrompain

beautyfrompain, you represent the worst in our voting system.

you're the same person who likely voted for Obama when there were numerous other better candidates, because if you hadn't your vote would have been "wasted."

People only wanna vote for who will win, that way they can say feel good about not having wasted their vote. Forget voting for who is best. Could you imagine if everybody did some research ad voted for who was best? Democracy might actually work.

And to defend him saying that he doesn't have a magic wand is simply not wanting to look at whats going on. The OP is right, he has done nothing positive(with the exception of some of his foreign policies IMO), and you'll still defend him, still afraid to admit, you voted for the wrong guy.

This type of mentality is the same as all the hardcore Bush supporters of the past 8 years. How does feel to know that you're stuck in the same mental trap as the dumbest of the dumb Bush supporters?

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 01:01 PM

The "War on terrorism" has mutated in to a control grid for an increasingly aware population. The foundation for this had already been put in place by Bush with the Patriot Act, Patriot Act 2, Military commissions act and numerous executive orders that strangled what was left of Posse Comitatus and the Constitution.

Homeland Security now defines "Terrorists" as those who believe in the Constitution, the first, second and fourth amendments. Returning veterans are being targeted for a denial of their second amendment rights. A "Terrorist Watchlist" of more than a million and rapidly growing, is being used as the basis for denying citizens the rights to travel and to work.

This truly is the new American reality. People voted for change...the question is will people themselves change and demand it?

It's not looking like many will and those that do may now end up on terrorist watch lists or in preemptive detention.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

People only wanna vote for who will win, that way they can say feel good about not having wasted their vote. Forget voting for who is best. Could you imagine if everybody did some research ad voted for who was best? Democracy might actually work.

I have to admitt I did not vote in the last election and haven't for over 20 years now.

I do research all the candidates though in order to be well informed about what those who do vote like to discuss politically.

I took the time (quite a bit of it) to read every piece of legislation Obama had written in the Senate, there were 124 of them, hardly any had picked up sponsors, most were embarassingly incomplete, some of them were just rediculous in the utopian nonesense involved with no logistical guidelines or understanding of how they might actually be carried out, but several were so full of double speak that on one hand he was obviously questioning the rights of corporations to do certain things, but then after offering a non-remedy, remedy in the legislation he would write in the same protections the corporations already had that made the whole bill as counter productive as his Presidency is turning out to be.

I was amazed political pundents and commentators were singing this man's praises. I know it's a corrupt and manipulated political system but if Americans would just take the time to do some serious research and stop making excuses for the inexcusable we might end up with more honest politicians in Washington if only by accident.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by beautyfrompain
He had a lot to clean up when he took over. Sure, times are tough, things aren't improving... but he's doing what he can. He can't just wave his magic fairy wand around and POOF things are perfect.

Oh, good grief. You really believe this? With this thread pointing out the moves he has made "doing what he can..." :

He is making it WORSE, much worse. Advancing the agenda to strip the Constitution of any meaning whatsoever.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

He is making it WORSE, much worse. Advancing the agenda to strip the Constitution of any meaning whatsoever.

This was my great fear when he began shaping up as the Powers that Be's candidate.

I know how they think, why they think it, as I actually know some of them and realized to my shock and horror why they would find Obama so attractive for their own reasons.

Because of his race he is almost beyond reproach and because of his race some people will be inclined to not just support him to the bitter end but fight for him to the bitter end.

He was the perfect ace up the sleeve to follow the Bush presidencies and solidify the gains he made in submerging American sovereignty and to advance them even further more rapidly than any pasty faced Republican ever could at the point in time the Obama candidacy became so popular.

America is in big trouble. Very big trouble.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by liquidsmoke206
reply to post by beautyfrompain

beautyfrompain, you represent the worst in our voting system.

you're the same person who likely voted for Obama when there were numerous other better candidates, because if you hadn't your vote would have been "wasted."

People only wanna vote for who will win, that way they can say feel good about not having wasted their vote. Forget voting for who is best. Could you imagine if everybody did some research ad voted for who was best? Democracy might actually work.

And to defend him saying that he doesn't have a magic wand is simply not wanting to look at whats going on. The OP is right, he has done nothing positive(with the exception of some of his foreign policies IMO), and you'll still defend him, still afraid to admit, you voted for the wrong guy.

This type of mentality is the same as all the hardcore Bush supporters of the past 8 years. How does feel to know that you're stuck in the same mental trap as the dumbest of the dumb Bush supporters?

Actually, I didn't vote. I am a Canadian citizen.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by beautyfrompain

Actually, I didn't vote. I am a Canadian citizen.

I get it, it's a Chesire's grinning revenge on Uncle Sam for NORAD?

Do you or anyone you know in Canada see any qualitative change for the real betterment of America that has come out of the Obama Administration and has had tangible real results?

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by beautyfrompain

Canadian or not, it doesn't matter. everything i said still applies. My commentary wasn't on who you voted for, but how voting takes place, and how you represent the worst in that system.

now stop blabbing about how yer canadian and try to make a point. for a lesson on how to do this, try reading any post by Liquidsmoke206.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:11 PM
The progressive left is backpedaling fiercely trying to find the man they thought they elected!

It's kind of fun watching Obama he is masterful at the art of deception. Kind of like Bill Clinton.

End the war - Nope (in fact escalate)
Decrease Military Spending - Nope...increased
Single Payer Healthcare - Nope (not even allowed to talk about it)
Restoring Transparency to Gov - well uh ...nope
Restoring Civil Rights - Nope
Rescinding Executive Branch Power - no fact increasing that power.
Renegotiating unfair Trade agreements - no
Restoring Middle Class jobs with Gov Aid - no...only help is for criminals on Wall St and Bankers.

I could go on. The only hope I can see is grassroots uprising, like the doctors and nurses that protested at the healthcare hearings.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by Leo Strauss]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:12 PM
Great article OP, I am wondering what the heck Obama, is doing also..

I did hear allot of BS during the election race it has been months, and the economy is still a wreck if not worse, more and more layoffs these people on unemployment are gonna have probs when unemployment is up as well, really no job creation.

I know its been a couple months but another thing I don't like is how the market numbers look as well, its not to realistic resembles nothing of main street, I took a cross country trip a few weeks back and it was bad. having MSM tell me everything is ok and getting better each and everyday also is a positive approach but its not the truth.. S+F..

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:16 PM

This is the Dystopic Nightmare that America finds itself in today and each day brings new assaults on Freedom and Sanity. The framework for total control of the citizenry, the economy and the media is being built upon in a relentless aggrandization of Govermental power. Obama sits atop his new Empire still smiling that sickeningly disingenuous smile surrounded by his seasoned courtiers who have worked for decades to bring America in to this new era of the New World Order. sickeningly true....

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Adrifter
Great article OP, I am wondering what the heck Obama, is doing also..

I did hear allot of BS during the election race it has been months, and the economy is still a wreck if not worse, more and more layoffs these people on unemployment are gonna have probs when unemployment is up as well, really no job creation.

I know its been a couple months but another thing I don't like is how the market numbers look as well, its not to realistic resembles nothing of main street, I took a cross country trip a few weeks back and it was bad. having MSM tell me everything is ok and getting better each and everyday also is a positive approach but its not the truth.. S+F..

I live right on A1A U.S. 1 rolling through North Miami Beach. Needless to say it's normally a busy thoroughfare most of the day and night. I often have to put earplugs in as the traffic is typically heavy until 4:00 AM in the morning...

Not any more!

Most nights now traffic is down to a trickle by 11:00PM and by 2:00 AM it's almost non-existent in a town known internationally for it's night life where the clubs don't close until 4:00 AM.

People aren't out and about period, let alone out and about spending money they don't have and can't borrow.

The police presence has increased dramatically not because of crime, but to increase their revenue by writing every possible trafic citation that they can from speeding, equipment and registration violations, and safety infractions like seat belts.

It's so heavy in fact I won't even drive to the store anymore but walk the mile each way once or twice a day.

Yes things are definately changing alright, for the worse, a little more each and every day.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:26 PM
Yes Obama is the great deceiver,I remember hearing how great he will be,how? he had no record of even being a president of the Mickey Mouse club,came from the crooked state of Illinois,and the funny thing I hear people my age trying to defend him,I think it's out of dire straits,everything he says is a lie it seems,sure reminds me of story on how Hitler got into power,but I think at the time Hitler actually was a leader,this guy is a manipulative puppet,and he is working fast,and I think he will make a disclosure,that we are going to be split up and run into sections,perhaps the Soviets already know whats up

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
This was my great fear when he began shaping up as the Powers that Be's candidate.

I did not fear so much as know for sure. Especially when, fairly early on, as he was still in heated battle with Hillary, when he started to back-peddle on several things. I said to myself, They got to him, and he agreed to go along. He's the one they will make happen.

I know how they think, why they think it, as I actually know some of them and realized to my shock and horror why they would find Obama so attractive for their own reasons.

Interesting. I wish *I* knew some of Them. And yes, I too saw those reasons Obama would be the ideal puppet. But it was just because it made sense, presuming a "Them."

America is in big trouble. Very big trouble.

Indeed. That is why I keep pushing my book (FREE, linked in my sig). I think we could change things - but the ideas in my book need to spread to be effective.

Maybe if I knew some of Them...I could convince them to help me get the ideas I present out there and making a change.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

I did not fear so much as know for sure. Especially when, fairly early on, as he was still in heated battle with Hillary, when he started to back-peddle on several things. I said to myself, They got to him, and he agreed to go along. He's the one they will make happen.

It makes for nice theatre but the reality is they ‘had’ him from the moment he gave the Keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention. He was at that point in time already tapped to be the next President of the United States. That is how the Powers that Be in large part manipulate the political process by growing the candidate into the popularity and image they want the candidate to have and promoting the issues they want the candidate to promote to reach a targeted audience that they know through research and demographics is going to respond favorably to them and providing the platforms the candidate needs for the exposure and publicity to be ‘viable’ in the race. They stage and orchestrate a lot of things to make it look like a race but it really is not a contest so much as it is a staged production.

Let’s face it everyone cries at the end of Lassie whether you have ever owned a dog, let alone a collie, ever enjoyed a wholesome ideal rural family life, or have ever eaten apple pie.

It’s all marketing, and marketing takes big bucks for research, development and promotion. Two billion dollars in Obama’s case which most of it we will never know the source of.

Interesting. I wish *I* knew some of Them. And yes, I too saw those reasons Obama would be the ideal puppet. But it was just because it made sense, presuming a "Them."

There really is a ‘them’, and they primarily represent and are comprised of the old money families and their own captains of industry, banking and law.

They are actually a rather hedonistic, free thinking and progressive group of people, whose shared wealth and power binds them together in one regard that far too often binds the rest of us together as well too. They believe most human beings are simply brain dead, asleep at the wheel, have no mind for or idea of the logistics that make a vast global society functional to the point most people can find work, food, and some material comforts if they are willing to at least put in the basic initiative to do that. They know some people won’t even do that and that a lot of burden in making sure that there is gas in the pumps, and food and durable goods on the shelves is really up to them when it comes to delivering it on a massive scale, few people have the money or the skills to invest that big, organize that big, think that big, and deliver that big, and they are keenly aware of it, as well as aware of the dire consequences if they fail to deliver those things to the majority somehow or someway in a system that their ownership becomes very hard to hide when you follow the money.

Indeed. That is why I keep pushing my book (FREE, linked in my sig). I think we could change things - but the ideas in my book need to spread to be effective.

Maybe if I knew some of Them...I could convince them to help me get the ideas I present out there and making a change.

One of the advantages that the Powers that Be have is they actually possess something called common sense, and they use common sense against the masses who have very little, use it seldom or have none at all.

They suffer from the common sense adage if it’s not broke don’t fix it. In reality while it’s been bad for us, this whole debacle has been great for the Powers that Be, we are handing them more money and more power in more and more ways that we have never done before. Very rarely are the principal owners of these huge corporations which are the Powers that Be ever have their own money or wealth at risk. The common stock holder, the government’s, the tax payer’s but not their own, so I think it would be very hard to convince them, not that your ideas are great, but that enough people would actually put the real initiative and discipline into utilizing them consistently which is where the Powers that Be find fault with the average person to begin with. Of course there is also some risk to the Powers that Be in such an undertaking as they are keenly aware that should the illusion ever completely crumple a Nuremburg type revenge awaits for most of them.

I became exposed and involved with several of them purely by happenstance when as a young travel agent I impressed the man who handles the political process by delivering on a challenging itinerary to a lot of third world countries that the Corporate Agency that handled his companies travel refused to attempt to try to put together. I delivered big on the impossible and that’s what such people are always on the lookout for, someone who leaves the excuses and negative thinking at home and gets the job done by hook or by crook.

They are all crooks though and exceptional ones.

The best place to meet the genuine Powers that Be are there Social Clubs, getting into their Social Clubs without a personal invitation is a little problematic but most of them can use a new dishwasher or busboy and you would find that the names and work places of the members are typically prominently displayed inside the club for members and guests alike to take note of. Memberships can range from the low 60K to 125K plus and the people who you would most like to meet have a Bohemian Club Membership Card, a St. James Club Membership Card, a Metropolitan Club Card, a National Press Club Card, A Union Club Card, a Knickerbocker and Cosmopolitan Club Card, a Petroleum Club Card, and Jonathan Club Card all in the same wallet!

When you talk to someone like that you just don’t have their ear, but hundreds if not thousands of very influential ears at the same time. Good luck, should you choose to take this mission this posting box will self destruct in ten seconds, as always should you be caught or captured IMF will deny any relationship or responsibility to you!

Wikipedia List of American's Men's Social Clubs

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