posted on May, 23 2009 @ 07:57 AM
What is s good site for a cache?
The key points when deciding on a Cache are:
1]It must be well hidden.
2)It must be close by (you don't want to have to burn too much energy getting to and from it).
3)It must be protected from rain and flooding.
4)It must be defendable.
5)It must not be in a commonly visited area.
Why not at home you say? Well looters, maybe troops doing door to door searches, fire and squaters, all make having a Cache at home risky.
I would also recommend having a good tarp or a metal trunk for added protection from the elements, maybe with a couple of smaller metal lock boxes,
that can be buried near or around your cache for really valuable items.
Timing: I think it may be good to point out that the stocking of your Cache will take good timing on your part. It may be unwise to stock it up too
early incase of accidental discovery. But I'd recommend having the actual items at home, and seeing the imminent need to secure your stuff, tranfer
your items to the Cache.
Bartering: A Key Skill in Sit X.
Firstly the key here is NEVER to look desperate, even if you are. What I mean is if you are bartering for food, and are really hungry, wear a few
layers of clothing to pad yourself out. Don't apper to be starving if possible, as this will just make your trade less advantagous to you. So look
disinterested in the items you actually want, mention them as an afterthought. It will get you a better trade than appearing desperate for the
Remember! You want to get as good a deal as possible.
Okay so you have been approached by another potential barterer, what do you do?
Secondly be aware of attack and theft, have weapons visible so as to deter this. Do not point or gesture towards your cache and give it's location
away, all trades must be done far away from your cache's location.
Eg: Don't barter in a valley, below a rock formation that could to a casual observer contain a cave system. This will no doubt be the area of your
cache and could compromise the security of it.
These should be the first things you are willing to exchange for obvious reasons.
But keep this in mind, you are tring to SURVIVE here. If possible, withold information that is not necessary, or that can be kept back in order to
make further trades in the future. Don't do it in a way that renders the original trade worthless (this may cause friction and lead to violence), but
you learned your knowledge the hard way, don't give it away for nothing.
The next items on the list. But beware, tools break, they wear down and they are difficult to replace, so factor this into your barter. Always be on
the look out for replacements or tools to mend your tools. if you do trade the use of a tool, ensure you get something in exchange as a deposit, not
just for the barter. Or you can accompany the tool with the person, but this has in itself added security risks.
Tobacco, alcohol and chocolate will become the new must have items. They will be the luxuries that may just seal a very important barter. But these
must never be shown or revealed unless absolutely necessary, and remember they are irreplaceable unless you manage to grow the ingredients yourself
which should be beyond most Sit X survivors to begin with.
A footnote to this point is that alcohol and chocolate also can be used as anticeptic and an energy source respectively, so this will add to their
If the deal is hanging in the balance, it is key to have something that is cheap now, easy to buy now, but may just be valuable or important in the
Sit X scenario.
Items like SALT, SOAP, ROPE, WOOL and COTTON are all relatively cheap and easy to store, but if a barter hangs in the balance, being able to throw
some of the above into the bargain may be enough to clinch it.
Food stuffs, seeds, water purification, medicines and food knowledge will be the new 'gold' in any Sit X bartering scenario.
These items must be guarded at all times. Only in the case of an extremely imperative barter must you reienquish them. As long as you have these your
surival is looking good.
I would keep these in a well guarded secondary cache, possibly with pyrotechnic booby traps that go off if not opened correctly. This would also be a
good time to use the lock boxes mentioned above.
The value of goods and knowledge will vary hugely depending on the needs of the people you're bartering with.
Security of your cache, items and your group is always to be considered.
Start negotiations high, remember it isn't like a trade today, there is no embarrasment, your life is at stake.
Most impotantly,where ever possible, don't rip off your fellow humans, attitudes like that probably reulted in Humankind eventually finding
itself in a Situation X scenario in the first place!
[edit on 23-5-2009 by kiwifoot]