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Why the New York GOP should embrace gay marriage

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posted on May, 23 2009 @ 04:41 AM
Meghan McCain thinks it is time to embrace gay marriage.

Her open letter to New York Republicans:

As I read the news about the recent advances of marriage equality across our country, I think it is easy for many to get distracted by the politics and rhetoric on this issue and lose sight of what is really at its heart: the equality of freedom.

No matter how politically charged the discussions about marriage equality may get, the question is really a simple one: Do the rights and privileges we offer citizens include everyone in our country, or only some of us?

I believe that allowing gays and lesbians the freedom to marry is an idea whose time has come. Though my opinion is no doubt influenced by my family's public role in political life, I still approach this from personal experience, as I think most people do. For me, this is about treating all of my friends, and all of our brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren the same as I want to be treated. Equality under the law and personal freedoms are what make America the greatest country in the world, and they are core values that I hold as a Republican.

As I recently wrote after speaking at the Log Cabin Republican convention: "People may always have a difference of opinion . . . but championing a position that wants to treat people unequally isn't just un-Republican. At its fundamental core, it's un-American." I believe most Americans want our nation to succeed. Marriage equality moves us to a place where more of us can do a better job of taking care of our families.

Gays and lesbians are a vital part of our communities. They are doctors, teachers, firefighters, emergency personnel and neighbors. In this way, marriage equality is also about supporting good citizens and strengthening our communities. When a committed gay couple seeks to declare their love for one another and get married, the whole community benefits from the added stability and strength of that family. On top of that, we don't give up anything by sharing responsibilities and protections with those whom we love.

That's why I support marriage equality. It is the best and fairest way to grant gay and lesbian neighbors and family members the protections and responsibilities that they need to provide for their family and give back to their community.

As Republicans, we understand the importance of strong communities. Last week, the New York Assembly passed the marriage bill with the support of five Republican Assembly members. Now, the bill goes before the state Senate, where Republican senators will make the difference on whether the bill becomes law or dies. Once again, New York has the opportunity to make a statement about Republican values and fairness by passing the marriage bill.

I believe marriage equality will soon come to New York. My hope is that Republican senators will offer their support and make the difference to pass the marriage bill.

By voting for the marriage bill, they will make a strong statement about supporting New York families, strengthening New York communities and demonstrating that equality and fairness are fundamental values of New York Republicans. It will leave a legacy that will make us all proud.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by rapinbatsisaltherage]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 04:49 AM
I completely agree with her. I'm sure people will make the argument that gays already have the right to marry, just not each other. Well, African Americans had the right to marry too when we had segregation laws, just not to people who didn't share the color of their skin.

As for civil unions I think that's just separate but equal.

Still no one who opposes gay marriage can tell me this: How has gay marriage ever harmed marriage? Gay marriage is legal in other nations and in some states in the US. It hasn't done any harm to marriage, it does not affect people in heterosexual marriages. There's no evidence for the "slippery slope" argument whatsoever. So, why don't you just mind your own business? If you don't agree with gay marriage then no one is forcing you to marry someone of the same sex.

I won't respond to any religious arguments because they are irrelevant. Religious beliefs do not dictate the laws of the United States.

Edit to add: I don't think she should just make this an issue about the Republican party though. Yes, they are generally the party against gay rights, but many Democrats are not doing what they can for the movement either. Obama, the supposed "change agent" was for gay marriage before he realized that it would cost him votes(

[edit on 23-5-2009 by rapinbatsisaltherage]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 01:55 PM
Everytime Gay Marriage is put to the voters, they reject it. The only way this abomination gets traction is by the courts and legislatures bucking the will of the people.

Meaghan McCain thinks the same way her dad does. Try to get liberals to like you, and alienate the base of your party. Boy, that sure worked out well for McCain in the last election!

Marriage is already an equal right. If a man and woman want to marry no one is stopping them no matter if they happen to be gay or not.

Gay marriage is no different than polygamy, or marrying someone who is underage, heck some people love their pets but you can't marry them.

Marriage has always had a set of standards and those standards should not be lowered.

If someone wants to have legal protections of marriage they should look into Civil Unions.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

RR, I can't believe you think you'd have to be lowering the status of marriage by including same sex-couples.

Like my marriage is worth less than yours, that's a good one.

Anyway, McCain is right, the GOP is badly suffering from a phenominal loss because of backwards politics and stupid rhetoric. All of this has culminated into a party that needs to completely re-invent itself and actually attempt to make a difference.

Quid Pro Quo must be abolished.

To tell you the truth, I actually have a problem calling it marriage as well. The reason for that is marriage is and will always be an institution of religion. Religion is free to dictate who it wants to marry and who it doesn't. So don't call it marriage, that's between a man and a women, fine, no problem.

But give gays all the same rights, call theirs Civil-Union instead. See? Problem completely solved. It's not like us getting married is going to interfere with your lives any more than you supossedly claim it does.

Actually it might shut alot of us up. It might actually make alot of other people respect the US more for opening it's arms and actually being the land of the free for the first time in a decade.

It's not that hard to understand. It's about rights, not about gays wanting to show the church the middle finger. The sooner people realize this the better.


posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Everytime Gay Marriage is put to the voters, they reject it. The only way this abomination gets traction is by the courts and legislatures bucking the will of the people.

This is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy, learn the difference. A Democracy often gives the majority free reign to oppress the minority, in a CR we have checks and balances specifically to prevent that type of tyranny.

That is all.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
To tell you the truth, I actually have a problem calling it marriage as well. The reason for that is marriage is and will always be an institution of religion. Religion is free to dictate who it wants to marry and who it doesn't. So don't call it marriage, that's between a man and a women, fine, no problem.

And yet there are plenty of Unitarian churches that WILL marry teh ghays, so this is a bad argument.

But give gays all the same rights, call theirs Civil-Union instead. See? Problem completely solved. It's not like us getting married is going to interfere with your lives any more than you supossedly claim it does.

No, that's separate-but-equal crap. If we are going to do it like that then ALL legal marriages become civil unions instead and we leave marriage up to churches, in which case, like I said before, there are plenty of Unitarian churches that WILL marry homosexual couples, so there will be plenty of gays married, oh noes!!1!!11!!eleven

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Sunsetspawn

The gay community doesn't give a damn about that, and it would be a waste of time to make a huge fuss over it, more than it has. It's not that complicated of an issue.

They simply want the same rights, it doesn't matter what it's called, that's not the point.

I am a hapily married gay guy (Live in Canada) and regardless of wether it was called "marriage" or civil union, so long as I could collect the benefits as Ken & Barbie accross the street, then I am happy.


posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Sunsetspawn

This is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy, learn the difference. A Democracy often gives the majority free reign to oppress the minority, in a CR we have checks and balances specifically to prevent that type of tyranny.

That is all.

I know the difference. I also know you don't throw out government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" out on it's nose.

This post is only partially about gay marriage. The other part is about Meaghan McCain following her fathers failed ideaology of getting liberals to like Republicans as a way of getting more voters. He already tried that and he failed.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

I will certainly agree that the GOP is probably trying to hard to get Liberal voters on their side, but any push for equal rights by anybody is a step in the righ direction.


posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:44 PM
I cannot believe Americas are still having issues about homosexuality and marriage.
I wish the churches would stay out of our politics and out of our bedroom; it is none of their business. This is another reason why so many straights are leaving the christen religion because of their homophobia and ignorants. If a man wants to marry another man that should be his right, the marriage is an agreement of loyalty between him and his partner and god. The churches have made something evil out of this by spewing hate and lies. Maybe we need to pass laws in congress that anyone caught teaching hatred and false ideology should be put away in prison for life, since it is a form of brain washing.
I see nothing wrong in gay marriage it dose not hurt anyone, its so funny the churches have been preaching that homosexuals are sexually promiscuous, now they want to settle down and devote their life with the one they love.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

Everytime Gay Marriage is put to the voters, they reject it.

70% of Americans were against interracial marriage when it was made legal nation-wide.

Marriage is already an equal right. If a man and woman want to marry no one is stopping them no matter if they happen to be gay or not.

Already addressed this, weak argument:
I'm sure people will make the argument that gays already have the right to marry, just not each other. Well, African Americans had the right to marry too when we had segregation laws, just not to people who didn't share the color of their skin.

Gays are also a PROTECTED class in most states now, with religion and races. They are already on the same path that race groups were before they were liberated.

Gay marriage is no different than polygamy, or marrying someone who is underage, heck some people love their pets but you can't marry them.

Explain to me how two consenting adults who are not related marrying equals: underage people marrying or bestiality or multitple marriage? These people have no relation to homosexuality either, homosexuality has been steadily accepted while none of the following has. AND no such marriages exist is ANY of the places where gay marriage is legal.

Marriage has always had a set of standards and those standards should not be lowered.

WRONG marriage has gotten BETTER over the years. It has ALWAYS needed redefining. I could have married a twelve year old in the US a century ago, in some places I would have gotten away with a ten year old.

If someone wants to have legal protections of marriage they should look into Civil Unions.

There is not one civil union proposition or law in the US that offers all of the same rights as marriage. And really if we're going to offer all the same rights there is no point in not calling it marriage because religious groups who didn't create marriage have a hiss fit. Separate but equal=not equal.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:54 PM
Why should the Republican Party become more moderate when the Democrats just go further and further to the left and towards the failed concept of socialism?

We need a Democrat Party and a Republican Party, not a Democrat Party and a Democrat Lite Party as John McCain, Colin Powell, etc wish.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by ChrisF231]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

You still have yet to provide any proof that gay marriage is harmful in any way. That's the issue here, it isn't and it does not legally affect you at all. So mind your own business.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by rapinbatsisaltherage]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:01 PM
The government should have zero say on the definition of's unfortunate that tax law allows them to define it.

Strike marriage law out...make civil unions legal to all human beings as long as they are not minors.

It's not for us to judge the minority...majority should always BE TOLERANT....ALWAYS.

I don't understand all of the people who are against it...all u are doing is keeping them from paying more in taxes.

If you are so worried about it being against your religion...let God judge are not God and therefore you have no right to infringe on another's personal liberties.

Gay marriage bothers no one.

Sometimes...people...even if it's something you don't think is have to let it go. It's not your business to dictate another's life if it has no affect on yours other than the fact that you don't like it.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by ChrisF231

Why should the Republican Party become more moderate when the Democrats just go further and further to the left and towards the failed concept of socialism?

You're missing the point, it is not about being a moderate or leftism, it's about human decency. Just like with every single civil rights fight in America ever, there is a trend that supports gay marriage winning, the majority of young people who vote on these legislation are always for gay marriage. If the Republicans do not accept it now or soon they will become a party that young people who grow into older adults and new young voters will not see as the lesser government party they claim to be, and they will surely lose many votes. Mark my words, if the Democrats are the only party where gay marriage can be accepted then the Republicans will eventually be seen as nothing more than the party of religious bigots.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by rapinbatsisaltherage]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by rapinbatsisaltherage

You still have yet to provide any proof that gay marriage is harmful in any way.

He'll have a hard time doing that since it's not harmful at all. It's sad that society cannot move forward on issues like these.....

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by David9176

all u are doing is keeping them from paying more in taxes

And Forbes estimations show that over the course of just a few years gay weddings would rake in billions of dollars.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by rapinbatsisaltherage]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by rapinbatsisaltherage
reply to post by RRconservative

You still have yet to provide any proof that gay marriage is harmful in any way. That's the issue here, it isn't and it does not legally affect you at all. So mind your own business.

"Mind your own business" Ah that brings back memories of the 3rd Grade.

I read your opening post and I don't think gay marriage is the issue here. The issue is liberal Republicans continuing to destroy this party by alienating it's base and trying to become Democrat lite.

Gay Marriage is a minority view in this country. By turning your back on the majority you are actually driving away your voter base. Meaghan McCain needs to follow your advice of "minding your own business." She has the mentality of a 3rd grader so she might appreciate it more than me.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by rapinbatsisaltherage

I'm sure it would. Why don't people look at it this way?

It's just lost revenue. It's ridiculous to think about...people complain about illegal aliens not having to pay taxes...but yet they don't want gay marriage which results in more tax dollars.

Everything is backwards!

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

"Mind your own business" Ah that brings back memories of the 3rd Grade.

Too bad the message didn't stick then, huh?

I read your opening post and I don't think gay marriage is the issue here.

Then why did you comment on marriage with false assumptions that have no standing?

By turning your back on the majority you are actually driving away your voter base.

But as the trends show, they won't be the majority forever, what then? Hypothetically speaking, since no matter the trend I can not tell the future, what happens when the majority accepts it? What happens to the party?

. Meaghan McCain needs to follow your advice of

Third grader, hm? Now you are insulting the person and not the issue? Nice. She isn't the only third grader here then.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by rapinbatsisaltherage]

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