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Anyone here had a UFO dream

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posted on May, 23 2009 @ 05:49 PM
I remember havibng a dream when I was 5, where UFOs had landed and aliens (grays) were killing people. It was a very vivid dream, and the only dream I still remember from that age or younger. In it, my father somehow got one of their weapons, and was using it on them. He handed me one, (I was older in the dream) and I helped him rid them from our neighborhood. Another time, when I was 7, I had a recurring dream every night for 5 days or so where I was being chased by monsters in a dark labyrinth. The last day of the dream, I was rescued by George Jetson in his flying car, but in my dream it was more like a UFO type vehicle. WHen I woke up from that dream, I had to throw up so I ran to the toilet.

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