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What IF the TEOTWAWKI Crowd is Right?

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posted on May, 22 2009 @ 10:31 PM
Many of us truly believe that our concerns are genuine on these pages, but how many of you really, REALLY think that we're facing a TEOTWAWKI situation in the very near future? Like within the next six months? Are you betting your survival on it? I know for certain that "a wicked wind this way blows", not just in the wider western world, but ESPECIALLY in the good 'ole US of A....

One of my favorite bloggers is known as John Galt....I read his blog Shenandoah mostly for his impeccable market insight, but lately he hasn't been quite the same....Another blog I read every day is Karl Denninger's The Market Ticker for the same great insights....and he hasn't been the same either.....I must also admit that I'm a huge fan of George Ure and his Urban blog. Now George has been known to try on a tin hat or three...but his market insights are ALWAYS spot on.....but guess what...something is even out of the normal with his blog today as well...

The following are excerpts from all three blogs TODAY...

John Galt

Folks your family’s safety is at risk. Am I going to say that those of us who rant, rave and warn are always right about what we’ve been saying, predicting or warning about? Never, none of us are perfect. But if you take the time to sort past the lies deliberately injected into the news flow and use your eyes and ears to see the reality for yourselves, the pattern that is emerging indicates that an empire is at risk of total collapse and the odds are beginning to favor that scenario on an accelerated basis.

George Ure

Time to Be Afraid... UrbanSurvival is not a site about fear-mongering - it's a site about trying to use the lessons of the last Depression (contrasted with the emerging one we're now in) to steer a smarter course through the present financial crap storm. The site doesn't offer investment advice, but I do my best to provide a better-than-average outlook on the general economic condition. That's something that I'm pleased to report has been accomplished; we've gotten thing much more 'right' than conventional financial media. To get to the point this morning: I had a call on Thursday afternoon from a very, very worried Robin Landry, who was returning my call from earlier. "George, you were asking about the short-term outlook? It's bad...really bad. Things that should not be happening in the market have been happening the past couple of sessions.

Karl Denninger

Wake up America. And in the meantime (and as a hedge if the government tries to be even more stupid) go buy a gun and some ammo. When the "entitlement" checks stop going to those who think they have a right to pop out eight kids and bill the state for the medical, I'll make book on riots and other forms of general civil nastiness.

Now, for the most part, these guys are very level headed and that's why I enjoy them so much...they're a source of reassurance and sanity in an insane world...For all of them to raise the TEOTWAWKI alarm on the same day (well, maybe except for Ure
)is beyond coincidence for conjunction with what I'm seeing with my own eyes...Now it's starting to feel REAL....and I've been a prepper since before prepping was cool...

So what is your take, honestly? Do you have that knot in the pit of your stomach that forms right before you go up to bat.....Do you all have that surreal feeling that this ain't a movie anymore...that the nightmare is coming true? Because if you don't, you're in for a BIG surprise...

Good luck everyone, we're gonna need it

[edit on 22-5-2009 by RolandBrichter]

[edit on 22-5-2009 by RolandBrichter]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 10:42 PM
the only question remains...will the collapse be quick and chaotic or slow and painful or a mix of both...

best of luck to all

off track but this gives me hope that perhaps something may intervene in some way

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 10:43 PM
I think we will see the end of the world as we know it by the end of my generation. Liberty is rarely taken overnight, it's generally a slow process. But this grab for our freedom has been speeding up of late and it's never too early to prepare for the inevitable, and this is inevitable.


posted on May, 22 2009 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by warrenb

Signs, signs, everywhere the SIGNS...

............ I need a beer..................

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by RolandBrichter

Very interesting stuff.

I actually started a thread a while back about impossible coincidences

I was hoping to catalog my increasing experiences and also hear stories from other members.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 11:26 PM
Here are the SIGNS we have all been looking for

Now, where did I put my beer

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 10:15 AM
another one from yesterday...


Numerous events have taken place of global importance. Alone, each story seems of some significance. Together, they paint a mosaic of extreme change in a very dangerous sequence of events that fit together. The greater aggregate story is that a tremendous paradigm shift is underway, with early steps and major moves by global players in clear view. The Western analysts and pundits and mavens are missing it. A PARADIGM SHIFT HAS BEGUN, WITH BANKING POWER SHIFTING TO THE CREDITOR NATIONS AS THE USDOLLAR IS SUPPLANTED, MADE POSSIBLE BY SEVERAL NEW INSTITUTIONAL PILLARS AS WELL AS NEWLY FORGED ALLIANCES.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 10:47 AM
Yes I have picked up the trend as of a week or so ago and I am sustained in the idea that others are seeing the same thing.

China has a "V" shape recovery taking place as we speak.

China had a 37 percent increase in car sales. When my Grandmother was in China back in 1971 she told me that people with bikes were considered rich.

Then if you happen to have observed China in the 1989 or thereabouts time period everyone had a bike...something like VietNam right now.

Now all those Billions are going to buy cars.

Great time to be in the Auto Industry. Maybe I should move to China and sell GM;s! I wonder if they will pay the same commision and if the sales team will operate in the same way a North American team operates.

I highly doubt it.

Anyhow I concur with this thread.

I will post some very sober reading for anyone who wants to explore the ideas these people are following.

First the Jackass. I buy and sell gold everyday...I am a Pawn Broker so i always follow Gold (as well as Boilermaker work/ cable/cat 5 /electronics install/ and if you need my services

Numerous events have taken place of global importance. Alone, each story seems of some significance. Together, they paint a mosaic of extreme change in a very dangerous sequence of events that fit together. The greater aggregate story is that a tremendous paradigm shift is underway, with early steps and major moves by global players in clear view. The Western analysts and pundits and mavens are missing it. A PARADIGM SHIFT HAS BEGUN, WITH BANKING POWER SHIFTING TO THE CREDITOR NATIONS AS THE USDOLLAR IS SUPPLANTED, MADE POSSIBLE BY SEVERAL NEW INSTITUTIONAL PILLARS AS WELL AS NEWLY FORGED ALLIANCES. The consequences are significant and will change the face of global banking and commerce. The Hat Trick Letter has described the various steps and their importance all along the way. Much more detail is provided for each major point to follow in the HTLetter reports. Some in the United States and England believe that a return to normalcy comes. They are wrong by 180 degrees. The G20 Meeting of finance ministers and heads of state was the warning. The message from that meeting in London has been long forgotten, a call made in my public article immediately after its conclusion. This article provides an outline of events that have occurred only in the last few weeks, as the pace is accelerating for transformation that begins at the foundation. Piece it all together, use some mental power, sprinkle with only a little imagination, connect some dots easily, and take a look at the global picture that is emerging. Yesterday came the crowning blow, as the United Arab Emirates rejected the Saudis in the Gulf monetary union. My belief is that the rising power in the UAE wants Russia instead of the Saudis, who are tied at the US hip.


AlsoThree Sources Allude to Civil Strife in

The riots in California thread is

Unintended Consequences of Global


A cheerful note...these guys could all be wrong as and decide for yourself.

star and flag roland thread

[edit on 23-5-2009 by whiteraven]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by whiteraven

Thanks, whiteraven.......I always find your threads and posts very informative!!

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by RolandBrichter
reply to post by whiteraven

Thanks, whiteraven.......I always find your threads and posts very informative!!

I guess we both posted the KITCO article at the same time.

Nice little bit of serendipity.


posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:26 PM
So- where does one go as the manure is being blown past.........?

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by RolandBrichter

I still remain a skeptic (or a hope-tic) but all we need is one well placed EMP and everything you said would be spot on. I'm still going to be buying gold and ammo every chance I get though. . .

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:38 PM
Since the recorded history of civilization has been recorded, people have been demanding the end of the world is coming, right around the corner, their generation will see it, etc.

the more frightening fact is the more probable truth......

this time, is like any other time in history...remarkable, but not overly so...and nothing of incredible significance will occur...and like every generation before you...the world will keep going on long after your gone...and no end of the world because your here.

so...take some time and simply enjoy life, not panic about the end of it...its transferred anxiety your experiencing anyhow...yes, your world will end one day, you will die, you will pass into the dust of history forgotten (for the most part.) will your friend, me, and almost everyone on the planet, and a new generation will be here, and they will claim the end of the world will be coming in their lifetime...and they too will die and a new generation will come..

besides, the market is slowly improving...hit bottom a couple months ago at reacts first, then the has been raising slowly...and like magic...the economy is slowly starting to climb..

so..keep the kool aid on ice for now and lets not put perishables in the bunker just yet

just my opinion of course...but the opinion I have here uses history as an example..those whom do not study history are doomed to repeat it.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by SaturnFX]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:46 PM
IF ANY of these gentleman are correct, we are definitely up the proverbial creek.

However, they all like to be doomsday guys and have been saying this stuff for years. The world has been "coming to an end in the next 6 months" for the last 24 months.

Denninger especially, makes quite a few "guaranteed/verified by "legit personal sources" DEFCON 4 predictions and is always, always wrong.

If you enjoy being scared, these guys' predictions are right up your alley. Sure I find it entertaining, and I typically read what they have to say - but it is nothing more than watching a cartoon to me anymore.

Sometimes I wonder if these guys are creating a new genre of horror, since the movie realm can rarely make a truly scary movie anymore.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:50 PM
The reality is with most manufacturing now overseas and no more stock, real estate and commodities bubbles to pump mass infusions of cash into the economy there is no cash being pumped in to the economy.

What I basically see is just a slow process of sucking the last of the cash out of the economy as people who still have some cash snap up bargains or try to recoup losses in the various markets resulting in short term gains and losses that go back and forth and up and down.

There are still good and secure jobs to be had for a relatively small percentage of the very well educated who work in managerial capacities for money and consulting firms that often specialize in overseas markets, manufacturing and investing.

There are still good municipal jobs to maintain and sustain infrastructure, and security work, computer work, and health care are still stable and growing...

nothing else is though really, and nothing seems to be in the works to restore a real manufacturing base or create jobs for living wages for unskilled and skilled workers.

I don't see how it can get better without money flowing in to the pipeline and from where I sit we as a nation just don't have anything hardly left going for us in the way of manufacturing or products besides defense and areo space which half the time the American people have to purchase in taxes to give to our military and others.

I don't see how it gets better or can get better on this path.

The writing sure seems to be on the wall.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:51 PM
so the question is ...what do we do with this info?can you profit from it?or are you saying prepare for the worst?

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by slicely

The point is not that the world is coming to an end.....most of us don't subscribe to that bunk...the point is that there seems to be a point that we are arriving at in a multi-generational paradigm shift...after which very few things will be the same as it was.....I happen to think that this shift will, at first, be quite chaotic....but afterwords, for those that survive, earth will be a much better least for a time

Edit to add....this is not my first rodeo....I've had my ear to the rail for the better part of 30 years....I completely ignored the Y2K event, and I'm not an alarmist...this boys and girls, is entirely can ignore it, or you can do something about it....your call

[edit on 23-5-2009 by RolandBrichter]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by RolandBrichter

Karl Denninger

Wake up America. And in the meantime (and as a hedge if the government tries to be even more stupid) go buy a gun and some ammo. When the "entitlement" checks stop going to those who think they have a right to pop out eight kids and bill the state for the medical, I'll make book on riots and other forms of general civil nastiness.

Good luck everyone, we're gonna need it

[edit on 22-5-2009 by RolandBrichter]


Interesting development in California,

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is proposing to completely eliminate the state’s welfare program for families, medical insurance for low-income children and .......

[edit on 23-5-2009 by venividivici]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 01:17 PM
The market is NOT improving, what you are seeing as a mass of low buying investors who are fooled into buying stocks while the Massive share movers are moving out.

I definitly recommend learning more about the market before you judge the movement of the DOW.

It's not about the DOW moving up or down, it's about the transfer of money moving in and out. The 3 percent of major stock holders are getting out of the market under the guise of the small fools getting in. That's the only way for the the to get out without detection by the common observer.

There's much more to the market than looking at the DOW 30, look at the S&P, the Nasdaq, look at trading volumes and you'll see what is happening.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by manbird12000]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by manbird12000

There's much more to the market than looking at the DOW 30, look at the S&P, the Nasdaq, look at trading volumes and you'll see what is happening.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by manbird12000]


The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Bull Volume

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