posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 12:11 AM
I have some very weird vivid dreams every night. Usually I can remember the detail so precisely that it's like I'm reliving the dream again.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to Astral Project yet, but boy do I want to to! I am a very spiritual person and try very hard to project, but
haven't been able to, and I've been trying for almost 5 years now... Every time I think or even just read the words Astral Projection, I can feel my
whole soul gets shivers but it feels good, and safe and right.
So anyway to answer your original post. You want a weird dream? Haha. First of all I love dragons, and I have had some wierd connection since my
father died 11 years ago.
My dream started off with me not feeling right I didn't like who I was, then I felt something weird in my stomach and I changed into this little
black dragon. I loved the feeling and was so happy and free, but every time someone would walk by, I had to change back into a human. I wanted very
much to find a home where I belonged, so I started a journey. I walked and walked until my senses led me to a farm where a ceremony was going on.
everyone there turned into a dragon like me and so I changed. Then all the dragons started to fly over the Pacific ocean, to a place where we could
all live peacefully without human interaction, so naturally I tried to fly with them, but that didn't work.
I fell into the ocean, and in desperation tried swimming after them, but I hit an invisible barrier and could not go any further. defeated and crying
as I saw the last of the dragons fly out of sight, I turned back to land, changed back into a human and just kept walking east.
Pretty soon it became night, and I found myself next to a pier with one light shining down, standing next to the black water I started to cry again
because I didn't belong.
Next thing I knew there was a huge crowd of people moving along the pier, so many people that everyone was touching each other at some point, I was
trying to get through the crowd to the other side when some random guy came out of the crowd and pushed me back to the side that I was on originally
saying, 'I know who you are, I know what you are' then walked into the blackness of the night. I was overwhelmed with happiness that someone knew,
so I tried to fly again towards the moon, only to fall into the black water and drown. The pain felt so real... I woke up as I blacked out in my
I apologize for the long post. =)