posted on May, 22 2009 @ 06:57 PM
Nearly eight years ago I was speaking with a (sane) work colleague about UFOs. He told me of his experience, which was refreshing, as he was one of
the few people willing to talk to me about them! I don't see him anymore, although I know how to reach him, we've both moved to different work
places/positions. A couple of days ago his story came to my mind due to events that I was recalling which reminded me of him.
His story was something like this:
Around the mid 1980's he was riding his motorbike along a stretch of road in Melbourne's Western Suburbs plains. Around the Laverton area, if you
know it. Think of roads like the original 'Mad Max' movie, very similar. The area is all built up now with factories. He had his young son on the
back of the bike.
He looked over to one of the paddocks and saw what he described as a spinning wheel, that reminded him of a sideways motorbike rim. It was roughly
the same size as a wheel and it was hovering a few feet off the ground. He slowed his bike around, turned back to look at it with his son and they
couldn't believe what they were seeing. Within a few seconds or so, the object just vanished.
Too small for occupants, it must have been a drone of some type.
Has anyone else seen something similar with regards to drones? There's a chance I might see him soon, if I do, I'll clarify his story. He swears
by it and I can say that he works with a position of senior responsibility and his credibility would take a hammering from some people if they knew
that he swore by the event.
Anyway, carry on!