posted on May, 22 2009 @ 01:43 PM
It's the responsibility of the people to rise and remove the government when they become ineffective at running the country. We constantly sacrifice
freedom, for security and as long as the people are happy to go through the motions every four years who cares right?
The jokes on us!
We don't need the politicians, they need us, we are the blood of the political system. At the very least it's the image they need to keep in order
not to loose control.
We're already seeing it happen, the Tea Parties, the rallies, the online forums. The anti-government, pro-freedom movement is growing, and soon the
government will push the populace too far. Some crazy thing like RFID or the likes, and we'll really snap.
After it's all done the politicians will go back to being politicians, but there will be new rules and much stricter penalties to breaking them.
True democracy is possible, but it requires vigilance and we've gotten lazy.
I blame the kids and their Rock & Roll
[edit on 5/22/2009 by tothetenthpower]