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Flight 11 vs. 175 -- Impact Study & Fakery Anomalies

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posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by Nola213

But I do agree the Naudet film does show some very odd explosions (well what looks like explosions) where both wing tips impact. Which is in complete contradiction to what we see on the second strike on Tower 2.

No. The wingtips aren't big enough to hold explosives...unless you count the "surge tanks" out there, IF they have fuel in them.

Small adjuncts to the Main tanks, they are there for overflow, whether from over-filling on the ground, or sloshing from side loads. Also, for thermal expansion, although that happens only in very hot climates, when colder fuel sits and has a chance to warm up and expand over time. One-way checkvalves let fuel in, then it drains (slowly) down to the Center tank. The surge tanks are also vented to outside.

Here's a diagram to help you visualize the internal structures of the fuel system:

767 Flammable Material Locations

By looking at the wingtips you can see that there isn't much room out there, the surge tanks themselves aren't that large --- about 15 gallons or so capacity. SO, no. No "explosives".

That kind of wild speculation is why this 9/11 issue gets so crazy...

The 767, when fueled on the ground, has auto-shutoffs designed for each tank. Either to stop when full, or as pre-set to a determined quantity.

The American 11 may have had a little more pumped in. The terrorists flying may have been more uncooridinated than the United 175. Any number of reasons there may have been some fuel in the surge tanks, and thus is seen as the wingtips strike the facade of the WTC Tower.

Here, is a photo, and some comments with it. It is a B737-800, but there is little difference other than size and other minor details in the fuel systems of modern Boeing twin-jets.

A visitor from Costa Rica posted Fri August 14, 2009:
The fuel seen coming out of the wing is actually purging overboard from the Fuel Vent. This happens due to a high angle of attack, and a high fuel load. So, yes IT IS fuel. It is NOT dumping fuel on purpose.

A visitor from United States posted Sun April 12, 2009:
Cool photo! Very unique angle to be able to look down the runway and see the way it slopes in one direction.

A visitor from - posted Wed October 22, 2008:
I fuel planes and thermal expansion is usually the reason for overfuels. Sometimes it is just because of an overfuel, causing the fuel to dump into the "surge tank."

A visitor from Germany posted Tue October 21, 2008:
Could be due to overfueling or due to high outside temperatures which causes the fuel to expand. It is then collected by the surge tank and from there it could be that fuel spills over and leaves the wing through the fuel vent. Nothing to worry about, happens!

Oh...and I'll try to ignore your jabs at me and my "work"...

Because, if these "researchers" as they call themselves would really do the "work" and dig deeper they'd see the fallacy in most of their conclusions.

[edit on 7 September 2009 by weedwhacker]

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