posted on May, 21 2009 @ 11:49 PM
I can't be a butthead anymore?
I have to research everything to the zillionth degree?
Every single comment I make must represent ATS in the highest of lights?
I can't be a knee-jerk responder anymore?
I must always turn the other cheek?
I must place every thread perfectly in the right category?
I must be an exemplary member in every aspect of my membership from now on?
I can't ever publicly question changes to the site ever again?
I can never reach IRIDIUM status?
But I was having so much fun!
Ok, I'll try my best.
Seriously though, just a note of thanks to everyone here for making ATS such a cool place to hang out. After 4.5 years here, it is an honor to wear
Cosmic. I can only hope I am truly worthy of wearing it, and if I don't come through, someone slap me upside the head!