What a great strategy, hold the book back until the public loses intrest and then jack up the price until everyone left doesn't want to pay!
I know I'll get it for under $20... Increased production costs my a$$...they're just getting greedy. I bet it sets a few records though. For
those who haven't read the books...there really is something to the hype. No matter how old you are, they're entertaining, and I applaud how
they've gotten some of our youth into reading again.
I liked the books but I'm not sure if this one will be up to par. Plus there will probably one book per ten people, with them sharing it. I mean I
really thought the books were good, but this has gotten ridiculous. It's like Pokemon, something good, but spoiled by the hype.
Go into your nearest Wal*Mart Supercenter (open 24hrs), at midnight the date it's released. They'll have a whole pallet of them most likely, and
for under $18 no doubt... The stampede won't be until the regular book stores open the following day...