posted on May, 21 2009 @ 03:18 AM
In every corner of the globe, we are polluting, diverting, pumping, and wasting our limited supply of fresh water at an expediential level as
population and technology grows. The rampant overdevelopment of agriculture, housing and industry increase the demands for fresh water well beyond the
finite supply, resulting in the desertification of the earth.
Corporate giants force developing countries to privatize their water supply for profit. Wall Street investors target desalination and mass bulk water
export schemes. Corrupt governments use water for economic and political gain. Military control of water emerges and a new geo-political map and power
structure forms, setting the stage for world water wars.
We follow numerous worldwide examples of people fighting for their basic right to water, from court cases to violent revolutions to U.N. conventions
to revised constitutions to local protests at grade schools. As Maude Barlow proclaims, “This is our revolution, this is our war”. A line is
crossed as water becomes a commodity. Will we survive?
Have a look guys, its worth a watch, peace and love all xxx