posted on May, 19 2009 @ 05:05 PM
Chief Justice Roberts Agrees to Read Obama Birth Documentation!
Chief justice publicly accepts WND's eligibility petition...
Attorney Orly Taitz talks to Roberts, who agrees to read Obama-birth docs...
March 14, 2009
By Drew Zahn
U.S. Supreme Chief Justice John Roberts
"A California attorney lobbying the U.S. Supreme Court for a review of Barack Obama's qualifications to be president confronted the chief justice
yesterday with legal briefs and a WND petition bearing names of over 325,000 people asking the court to rule on whether or not the sitting president
fulfills the Constitution's "natural-born citizen" clause.
According to Orly Taitz, the attorney who confronted Chief Justice John Roberts at a lecture at the University of Idaho, the judge promised before the
gathered crowd that he would, indeed, read and review the briefs and petition.
"I addressed him in front of 800 people in the audience," Taitz told WND, "including university officials, the president of the Idaho State Bar and
the chief justice of the Supreme Court of Idaho, and in front of all them, [Roberts] promised to read my papers." "
did we give this to the wrong person? the link below may indicate this.
roberts and obama
Why did this just disappear? i can't wait to find out who goes to the supreme court.
[edit on 19-5-2009 by Spectre0o0]