Khalamzadar Star Sytem Overview
Relative sizes comparison chart (size is proportional to the square root of the radius, not the absolute size):
(scroll to see the entire system)
The primary star of the Khalamzadar system is cataloged in the Hipparcos catalog as HIP 84862, the Henry Draper catalog as HD 157214, and the
Smithsonian Astrophysical Catalog as SAO 65963. It is also know variously as "72 Her" and "w Her", as well as several other descriptors in various
star catalogs.
It is a G0V star 46.997 light years away from Earth. The galactic coordinates of the star are 055.8658 degrees counterclockwise from the galactic
center as seen from Earth in the plane of the Milky Way galaxy, and +32.3091 degrees above the galactic plane, as seen from Earth. Viewed from Earth,
the star appears in the Hercules constellation.
Khalamzadar has 1.04 times that mass of the Sun, and 1.21 times the luminosity. It is somewhat younger than the sun, at 3.393 billion years old, and
has an estimated 5.196 billion years left on the Main Sequence.
The radius of the habitable ecosphere around Khalamzadar ranges from 0.896 astronomical units to 1.588 astronomical units. The optimal distance is 1.1
An oblique view of the orbits of the inner planets, showing the orbits of Khalamzadar-01 to Khalamzadar-06 (outermost complete orbit shown):
An overview of the orbits of the outer planets, showing the orbits of Khalamzadar-6 to Khalamzadar-12:
An oblique view of the orbits of the outer planets, showing the orbits of Khalamzadar-5 to Khalamzadar-12:
Khalamzadar (labeled in red) as seen from the vicinity of Earth's Sun:
Earth's Sun (labeled in red) as seen from the vicinity of Khalamzadar:
The Planets
There are 12 planets in the Khalamzadar system - 6 rocky planets and 6 gas giants.
Planet 1 - rocky, 0.365 AU from the star, 0.352 earth masses, 0.710 Earth radii, Temperature 378.7 F /192.6 C, no atmosphere, gravity 0.70 Earth.
Planet 2 - rocky, 0.465 AU from the star, 0.091 Earth masses, 0.455 Earth radii, temperature 283.3 F / 139.6 C, no atmosphere, gravity 0.44 Earth.
Planet 3 - rocky, 0.676 AU from the star, 0.002 Earth masses, 0.119 Earth radii, temperature 156.8 F / 69.3 C, no atmosphere, gravity 0.11 Earth.
Planet 4 - terrestrial - see "Planetary data Sheet - Khalamzadar-IV" above for details of this planet.
Planet 5 - ice, 1.687 AU from the star, 1.811 Earth masses, 1.212 Earth radii, temperature -96.2 F / -71.2 C, atmospheric pressure 3.153 Earth atmos,
composed of H, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O, Ne, gravity 1.23 Earth.
Planet 6 - jovian, 2.591 AU from the star, 77.351 Earth masses, 6.341 Earth radii
Planet 7 - jovian, 4.917 AU from the star, 23.702 Earth masses, 4.737 Earth radii
Planet 8 - jovian, 7.688 AU from the star, 48.818 Earth masses, 6.071 Earth radii
Planet 9 - jovian, 12.564 AU from the star, 539.271 Earth masses, 12.744 Earth radii
Planet 10 - sub-jovian, 20.738 AU from the star, 17.449 Earth masses, 4.885 Earth radii
Planet 11 - sub-jovian, 36.903 AU from the star, 2.041 Earth masses, 2.741 Earth radii.
Planet 12 - rocky, 47.488 AU from the star, 0.110 Earth masses, 0.647 Earth radii, temperature -387.6 F / -233.1 C, no atmosphere, gravity 0.26
For more details on this star system, see the document "Khalsys - v05a.pdf" on file in the UEF Land Office, Territories Survey Division, UEF HQ,
Earth, L5 Administrative Station.
edit on 2013/1/6 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)