posted on May, 19 2009 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by whoswatchinwho
I wonder if Nasty Nancy Pelosi will join the ranks of the Brit and step down as the speaker of the house.
Her eyebrows are too high for good photo opps now and her brain, although drug free, has shrunk from eating to much mad cow.
No body in the US congress has noticed yet as they all have the same plastic surgeon and they all eat at the same restaurants so to them this is
perfectly normal.
I wonder if the Brits House of Commons eats American Mad Cow beef as well.
Swine Flue, Chicken Flue and Mad Cow has been bad news for the sheep in Great Britain as I hear the Speaker of the House having been effected by all
three is now salivating for Mutton.
Once the government gets a taste of Mutton though I am sure that they will like it enough to tax it and place some Levi on any incoming Mutton all in
the name of Fair Trade.
And if they really like it they will discover some new strange disease with which to affect any competing Mutton from the New World. Call it
"Strange Mutton" or “Mutton Brain" or "Strange Mutton Brain Disease"....that’s the ticket SMBD...sounds good.
Par for the course.
I just listened to Gordon Brown but I could not understand a word he said as he seemed to be speaking English with some strange accent from the old
All mumbo jumbo to me or as they say in New York"its all politics."
[edit on 19-5-2009 by whiteraven]