posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by jam321
You got that right.
After 9/11 and Katrina none of the medics or nurses I work with (with families) would even "consider" going to work if the SHTF.
Hell most of the cops I know are as patriotic as the next guy and they don't like the idea of checkpoints either.
Even members of the military have the right to refuse an order if they believe it to be illegal. (I know it's a LOT more complicated than that, just
The whole NWO concept only works if you have the muscle to pull it off and that means boots on the ground that are motivated to carry out political
Sure the civvies have the keys to the nukes, but killing the population and ruining the national resources really defeats the point of getting off on
controlling people.
It may work for the short term but I personally think we are reaching critical mass on the liberty front. Even a year ago only the hardcore folks
were thinking about SHTF, but now it's becoming more "normal" and "accepted".
I think people are paying attention. We need a lot more of them to pay attention but people are watching.