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Herschel and Planck talk to Earth
14 May 2009
ESA's infrared observatory Herschel and Planck, the Agency's mission to study the Cosmic Microwave Background, lifted off together on an Ariane 5 at 15:12 CEST from ESA's Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.
At 15:49 CEST today, just under 40 minutes after liftoff, Herschel and Planck sent their first radio signals to Earth, confirming that they separated successfully from the launcher and are alive.
ESA is as puzzled as we are regarding the identity of objects 5
and 6
It is worse, we now have more than a dozen objects, including between
Herschel and Planck, at least 2 between Sylda and the booster, one in
front of Sylda, etc. and we suspect even more, we have several hundreds
images to process, and of course, one of the computers failed yesterday.
One could be the SYLDA structure that connected both payloads.
With a telescope to make images of the sky, which is generally known. That in such a picture two other telescopes appear, well, then fair enough. But when the two graduated in telescopes already 100,000 km on the way to its destination orbit around the L2 point 1.5 million kilometers "behind" the Earth has been, it's already something special. Just get those shots to the team at ESA's OGS telescope (Optical Ground Station) at the Teide volcano on Tenerife, and the telescopes are of course depicted yesterday launched space probes Herschel and Planck. One sees on the first series of recordings that were made yesterday evening (14.5.2009) for about 19 minutes created a tripartite group of objects, which is the Herschel infrared telescope, the telescope to measure the cosmic background radiation and the Planck Payload Adapter SYLDA, which will start with a colon is used. At some distance (in the chosen field of view, however, not seen), the observer also burned ESC-A upper stage of Ariane-5-missile exercise. The apparent magnitude of the upper and Herschel was around +13.5, which Planck is about +14. Tonight, the objects due to the larger distance again lichtschwächer appear. Good luck on your long journey, Herschel and Planck! (The mentioned OGS telescope team includes employees of the company's Space Research Aboa O / Y, Ataman SLU Science and Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern. I would like to thank Tim Flohr Aboa of Space Research for his remarks)
Originally posted by Kandinsky
Ariane 5, Herschel and Planck observed from ESA Optical Ground Station in Tenerife
Originally posted by Springer
Excellent find!
I have to admit these look strikingly similar to what we were seeing out at Gilliland's ranch (NOT the satellites we saw mind you)...