posted on May, 18 2009 @ 02:25 PM
Hi I wonder if someone can give me a hand.
Today I posted a news report 'posted on 18-5-2009 @ 11:25 AM'.
Only to find that later that someone else had posted the same report at 'posted on 18-5-2009 @ 06:15 AM '.
When I searched ATS( to see if anyone else had posted this) I used the news snippet title and it came up with no matches (another issue?) but I would
have assumed the search STILL would have brought up the original post. Also my thread was well underway when the original (I assume from the times)
came onto the 'recent posts' list. But I assumed from the times shown that mine was the second thread started so I apologised to the OP. Should I
have contacted someone to close mine? And if yes, Who?
My main question, which may have a simple answer, is: are the times shown in the time zone of the OP or the person viewing, if there are duplicate
threads does one go from the times shown or is there another way?
I hope it makes sense and maybe a mod can help or something.
This isn't a big issue but I would never want to waste the time and energy of a fellow ATS'er by ruining their thread.
[edit on 18-5-2009 by kiwifoot]