reply to post by FlyersFan
Howdy FlyersFan,
Do you think it is militarized and got free by accident?
It is most certainly militarized, possibly an outgrowth of the Nazi efforts to first isolate, then produce a synthetic crystallized form of the
protean prion which infects the body and produces many different ailments depending on the individual immunization system weaknesses. After WWII, this
biological agent was passed along to the CIA and sold to Saddam Hussein in 1986. Unfortunately, it mutated, became airborne, resulting in what we call
"Gulf War Syndrome." I do not feel the Swine Flu was released accidentally in light of the Baxter release of Avian Flu mixed into their vaccination
formula that was sent to 18 countries earlier this year. This was reported in the corporate mass media yet no one was arrested or even chastised for
such deadly incompetence. It was only caught because some Czech scientists decided to test it on a ferret.
Do you think it was planted by someone .. some gov't entity?
Not a government entity as such, but rather individuals within government who actually work for the global Socialist fascists commonly referred to as
the New World Order who own or control most large banks and pharmaceutical corporations.
If so .. for what purpose?
The release of Swine Flu served several purposes -- it brought more power and control by the federal government over a panicky population (in my
hometown of Forth Worth, Texas, they canceled Mayfest, a traditional and much-loved outdoor river festival, not because of some local decision but
because the CDC ordered it.) And it set the stage for future control and quarantines. The flu also resulted in obscene profits for the pharmaceutical
industry. Thermaflu was sold out, quite a boon to the new flu vaccine plant just negotiated to be built in Mexico only a month before the outbreak.
Do you think it's coming back in the fall stronger, or will die out?
Unfortunately, I feel it will be back, this time in a more virulent and deadly form. This is to achieve the globalist's ultimate goal which they have
stated in various papers and reports -- to reduce the human population to more manageable numbers and gain near-total control over the remainder.
Do you think this was a test run for something else that will come soon?
Yes. It most probably was designed to gauge how compliant the mass media and the public will be to a real pandemic. Just like the deadly 1918 flu
epidemic, the treatment (in this case the vaccines) will cause more problems than the disease.
Do you think it was created in order to sell counter vaccinations?
Of course. Everyone from Donald Rumsfeld on down profits from the giant pharmaceutical corporations, which, with the collapse of the auto industry,
appears to be the primary industry in America today. It certainly is the largest advertiser.
Do you think it was totally natural and we humans are just botching our preparedness for it?
According to the reports, this strain of influenza contains viral code fragments from Human influenza, Avian Flu from North America, Swine flu from
Europe and Swine flu from Asia. For this to have been a natural combination of viral fragments an infected bird from North America would have had to
infect pigs in Europe, then be re-infected by those same pigs with an unlikely cross-species mutation that allowed the bird to carry it again, then
that bird would have had to fly to Asia and infect pigs there, and those Asian pigs then mutated the virus once again (while preserving the European
swine and bird flu elements) to become human transmittable, and then a human would have had to catch that virus from the Asian pigs -- in Mexico --
and spread it to others. Yeah, right!
.... what do you think? Any of those or something else entirely?
I think the sooner we all wise up and learn what is truly going on and who is truly behind it, the better off we will be. But this means turning off
the TV and starting to think for ourselves, so the prospects for this are dim at best.
Jim Marrs