posted on May, 18 2009 @ 12:12 PM
I adapted this shielding from a friends technique. And you need to believe, because its our intent, our perception that holds this into being
powerfully. Law of attraction stuff! So you always see yourself shielded, though you can redo the steps frequently as well. But I picture this
enormous life sustaining, universe sustaining river of abundant energy from the Creator. Now I usually just jump right in. The energy embraces you.
leaps to cover to cocoon you in a large impenetrable by any force, round shield, and flows through you and heals you, restores. If you believe in it,
make it mirrored on the outside. I don't believe in returning the attack. If you believe, ask for your higher self, your guardian angel, St. Michael
and for your Creator to protect to you with higher light beings/angels from all forms of attack.
Then never show fear. Always return fear with love, shielded. This helped enormously when I underwent a strong psi attack. Also, take a cleansing
shower if you've experienced astral or energy contamination, or if you feel "jaki", a strong negative energy. Just see the water and the
Creator's wonderful sustaining, protecting, healing energy flowing through you and the dark, negative energy flowing out and going down teh drain and
being purified by the water.