posted on May, 18 2009 @ 11:48 PM
neat post!!!
The show has a variety of guests,,,,,some are complete idiots/cons though in my opinion...
But I luv Michiu Kaku and Richard Hoagland,,(I know Richard may be a bit to passionate on his beleifs,,,,smile)
I really miss Art bell so much,, I still send emails to him of "well wishes" and we miss him...
When it was Art bell,, Id listen 6 days a week,,,He could make boring shows worthwhile to listen to....
I use to call him all the time when I was a kid and even got some recordings around somewhere on
I remember "Will" from Madison Wisconsin who would call in and really annoy him with 101% off topic on what the show was about,,,,,
Very funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One time Art gave a long sighhhhh and said to him you must sit on the phone for hours every night trying to get thru,,,,
I only listen if theres an interesting guest at times now,,,,
Gorge Norry doesnt really stick with me at all...
But I guess he does what he can,,,
Theres a new clan now of listeners so they probly dont know what the show use to be like...
I remember they had this Dave Seagal" who did the show rate after Art left,,,
He was horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another few months of him the whole format of the show woulda been destroyed and the higher ups got rid of him fast with NO hosting at all even,,,,
Ian punnet shouldnt even be a host for the show...Hes a very religious and a major player with his church(thats good,,nothing wronge with that)
So you know he's not open minded on a lot of topics.
His shows are pretty boring such as "the price of jellow going up or such"....
Wasnt it a year or so back he was really getting offended on the UFO topics with his beleifs ,,,,so the higher ups gave him different topics for when
he host,,,
If theres good guests on the show tune in,,,,if not,,,dont bother listening at all is how I feel...
I know I got it listed as one of my favorite websites,,,more due to the hangover of the Art Bell days...
sorry on my typos and huggs everyone!!!!!!!!
[edit on 18-5-2009 by amyfriend]