posted on May, 20 2009 @ 11:50 AM
"you just cant fake it ... the second video, you could fake it but it would required a lot of work ... the guy would have to record some time in the
HH, and put the new video between ... but it doesnt seem easy to make that second video .. it is very well made"
Dude it's really easy to fake. You make the first video, the one not filmed between commercials, on your computer. Pretty easy, infact the hoaxer
even used the alien font in Word if I am correct? Now the second video is a little tougher but nothing I wasn't able to do in high school.
My laptop is outdated but I can still stream live tv onto it. Now with some cheap editing software I could edit in my hoaxed commercial I just made
into actual tv. Not too tough.
Now I know I know, "but how was he able to get it on the tv???" My laptop has a DVD burner, doesn't everyones by now?
Also in the video the date September 11th 2001 has 9/11 right by it. Does that now raise anyone elses eyebrows? Why would the revered History channel
put the same date side by side, seems like they woulda caught that in editing.
Not only does it seem like a fake but not a very good one.
For all the clowns who went on the history channel's website to research and check the schedule i applaud you. When looking for answers always use
the resources available. My only question is why do you guys not critical think? when you click on the mayan doomsday show it says it's only 60 min
even tho it's taking up a 3 hour block, leaving time for the 2 hour documentary on the missing link lemur.
None of this stuff takes too long to figure out so why do we go back and forth on this. I'd much rather see a thread on questions that require a
little bit more thought and critical thinking for the answer. Such as, if we TRULY evolved into the inteligent creatures that we are today why havent
other life forms evolved into more inteligent creatures? What is the difference between the evolution of us (Humans) and the evolution of other
animals on our planet?