posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:13 AM
You have to hand it to our two party crime family in Washington they are smart. The way they use the news to divert our attention from the continual
theft of our rights and wealth is borderline genius. Right now our government has us all focused on torture, Nancy Pelosi, & Obama speaking at Notre
Dame. Meanwhile through the back door they are trying to pass a bill called Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009.
On the name of the bill alone it seems like a straight forward common sense bill. However when you read into it a little you’ll start to see that it
really is a remake of the Patriot Act to get rid of the 2nd Amendment. Evidently getting rid of the 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendments through the Patriot
Act was not enough the cabal now wants the 2nd Amendment gone. But tjeffersonsghost, it says they just want to keep guns out of the hands of
terrorists so what’s the big deal? The big deal is just like the Patriot Act they don’t define “terrorist” and as we have seen over the past
year and in my video seen here the government has had no qualms about labeling ANYONE with a hint of dissension from the status quo a
terrorist. We have seen nuns labeled as terrorists, Ron Paul supporters, pro life supporters, environmentalists, journalists, pro gun supporters, and
on and on.
By labeling someone a terrorist the government has had the ability to wipe out their rights given under the constitution and don’t think for a
minute the same tactics used under the Patriot Act will not be used under this new act. Any American historian understands that the 2nd Amendment was
put in place for the specific reason of keeping a tyrannical government in check. It has nothing to do with having a right to have hunting weapons.
Hunting was a means for survival and was essential for that purpose. An armed populace is always a threat to an authoritarian government who wants to
enable the slave state.
People we CANNOT continue to give up our rights for security. If we continue down this road we will have neither rights nor security and America as it
was founded will no longer exist. This bill has a lot of support and if enacted this will be the nail in the coffin of the America we once knew and
loved. I sent my representatives faxes telling them not to support this bill and to repeal the Patriot Act. We have to stop this madness and it needs
to stop right now. I’m still waiting for this change we can believe in.