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Has Evolution Been Ignored "changed" By Man?

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posted on May, 18 2009 @ 06:52 AM
[This thread was edited here to say that in no way did i say that evolution in humans have stopped. This is meant to be a thread that shows that we are not evolving in the conventional means as other animals on earth So please stop sending posts saying i said it has stopped. Thank you.]

Have you notice the rapid incline of population over the last years? Yet the animal extinctions are on the rise. My theory is that Charles Darwins theory of evolution and "Survival of The Fittest", has been ripped from the fabric of our society. More people live longer, live healthier, and that living takes up space.
Homo Sapiens were created by his theory to adapt, breed, and survive, which ultimately leads to evolution. But modern society has taken out the adapt and survive. Third world countries try to adapt to poverty, hunger and wars but do you see them able to have a condors stomach and eat even the most putrid meat. For thouthands of years we have gone little changed in appearance or nature.
Our species was NEVER supposed to be anywhere near advanced no matter the controversy nor the will of stubborn reluctant humans to realize that we ourselves with the technology that has made us who we are today, will only lead to our downfall in the future leaving Mother Earth to only wither and die.
No matter how many Fruit Loops believe in god or any other god like being ... sadly there is none. He was an idea created by someone just as the man who invented the ipod has made a fast sweeping icon to our race that everyone knows about. God has made us thrive to take suffering and devotion out of the only actual proof that we have, our planet.
It may seem like i am going on about very random subjects on this topic. But when you go to work, school, or sit at home reading the ATS site, think about the possibility that we are living wrong. Animals do not have laws to keep us equal, we do not exterminate the weak and the ones from birth will not stay alive unaided by technology. We fight and kill every day, but being the superior being to the other , only that being will be taken off the earth by either prison(animals do not have) or by taken off by taking its life, thus stopping the advance of survival and evolution.
Just because we are the top of the food chain people does not mean we are supposed to converge as one that treats others like equals. The Human Race was supposed to kill, to steal, to fight for a woman. Because it is natures way of pushing evolution to the next stage. When the evolution stops the earth will find a way to heal itself (i.e. The extinction of the dinosaurs, Hurricane Katrina (God bless and RIP), Cancer , terminal disease) these are just the start of what can happen if we do not realize what will happen if we lead the almost HIV like disease we call family friends and even yourself if you have used any technology to keep your survival guarantted for now.
Of course this is just a theory of myself and did not mean to offend or discriminate on any one or group of people.
But look..... the world around you is just a theory also , unknown and unsolved but thank you all that read this and i hope you comment . this is my first article also
Thank you

[edit on 18-5-2009 by rendrag69]

[edit on 18-5-2009 by rendrag69]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:26 AM
I am dragging the same vibe into this discussion. Your heading does not posses a thread of content in your topic shioty paragragh. of which could have been punctuated far better

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by mannapolie

If u didnt like it then dont comment it... it was my first thread people didnt criticize your baby wang when you were born or were they?

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:35 AM

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:39 AM


posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:42 AM
Maybe once a species has fined tuned it's intelligence to relativley dull point, civilization and 'modern comfort' can negate the need for active physical evolution and it becomes time to evolve our intelligence?

The changing enviroment and large beasts no longer threaten our very existence and in most cases we can 'overcome' the elements. We have not only proven that we, as a species, can adapt to changing circumstance, but we are begining to conquer and manipulate the various 'forces of change'.

And why shouldn't our mind be the pivot point in our evolution? Elephants are bulky and strong, cats are quick and agile and we are brainy.

Our brain and our ability to think abstractly has kept us alive before and will be what continues to do so. I would hope our evolution continues to be towards knowledge and continues to be propelled by the desire/need to adapt.

This isn't a quick process, and civilization/culture have been evolving for ages now. Just because it doesn't seem obvious, doen't meen we have decided to step to the side and miss the bus.

We have begun to try and take control of the wheel.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:42 AM


posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:46 AM
Can't make out what your point was with this post, I shall do my best do reply.

Are you trying to say evolution has stopped happening because we are so advanced? I don't think this is the case, for one evolution takes millions of years, not thousands. And in the thousands of years that have passed, look how far we have evolved in our understanding of technology. To not count our efforts in technology as part of our evolution would be ignorant, as evolution is not always physical change.

[edit on 18-5-2009 by CaptainCharisma]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:47 AM
just a reminder...

Please focus responses on the Topic of discussion and Not each other.

Thank you.

» Aliens and UFOs » Has Evolution Been Ignored By Man? » Post Reply

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by CaptainCharisma

Yes i understand what your saying.... what i am meaning right now is that the conventional means of evolution has been ignored wich is the survival of the fittest. The way you guys are saying it is is intelligence , that im not saying is not evolution, but a way to speed up the process of what i believe we are creating an Artificial Evolution to a point. Say the illegal growing of marijuana is a way of that too. Back in the 1970's the THC count was around 1% to 5% but using technology and intelligence the THC count has skyrocketed to 15% to 20%

So what i believe is the evolution darwin theorized has been scratched for technological evolution

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by rendrag69
reply to post by CaptainCharisma

Yes i understand what your saying.... what i am meaning right now is that the conventional means of evolution has been ignored wich is the survival of the fittest. The way you guys are saying it is is intelligence , that im not saying is not evolution, but a way to speed up the process of what i believe we are creating an Artificial Evolution to a point. Say the illegal growing of marijuana is a way of that too. Back in the 1970's the THC count was around 1% to 5% but using technology and intelligence the THC count has skyrocketed to 15% to 20%

So what i believe is the evolution darwin theorized has been scratched for technological evolution

Fair point. If Evolution is survival of the fittest, and we are at the pinacle, I reckon it's safe to say evolution would focus on the next logical step which is intelligence, and with intelligence comes technology. In the animal world, it is still survival of the fittest.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:20 AM
evolution isn't something you can just turn off, it's going to happen whatever - maybe at the moment it seems to be stopped to you, however could it be working even faster than before?

People have an idea, build a society around that idea - they then combat other people (not just in violence, in politics logic trade etc) and some rise to the top. These are the evolutionary winners, their ideas and systems are copied by others and after each round the winning meme is 'fixed' in evolutionary terms (i.e. it's present in 100% of the population) and a new round begins...

In this way our minds are evolving far quicker than anything else has ever evolved, in 16,000 years ( which is FAR less time than it took to develop the blink of an eye) we have evolved from painting bad picture of bison into constructing complex strings of characters which themselves depict very complex often non-literal ideas -we do this not with a stick on a cave wall but on a plane of existence which doesn't even really exist (the internet) using maybe that same cave wall smashed, melted and formed into such a complex structure it's able to direct the flow of something we can't even see and produce an moving image as clear as our eyes can see!

hehe alas from your childish argument earlier we can see that it's a continual process just as evolution always has been -some on the edge of the curve pushing forward, others as the anchor dragging their way through the primeval sludge

So don't go out on a killing rampage trying to kick start evolution, it's already running at full speed.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by CaptainCharisma

Yea the logical thing is intelligence would be the next step. But do you really want to be in a technological world that hit its peak in the near or distant future. Wouldnt we rely on more technologies for our lives than we do our bodies. I love the Earth and all of its beauty . But as im looking at it right now an i respect if you disagree, I dont want anymore technological advance i want to stay before computers and cars because we were more of a primitive less hostile being to the earth. Just look outside and think of what your children might see, i live in the rural california mountains. Do you want to see more metal than green in the world. Thats what im trying to get to in this poast and it is confusing but if we evolve more attached to machines we would evolve yes but in a way that we might not like . just look at the movie WALL-E they turn into slobs that machines only can breed them and feed them and cannot walk or leave their seat.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by rendrag69

oh and sorry i had to mention it, that's a TOTAL lie about skunk being much stronger - i know, i know the government always say it.....

While some strains have been bred to provide a very potent high they aren't much if any stronger than the well grown weed from back in the day, the studies which say pot is now stronger are all deeply flawed - the main reason being when they tested the original weed they were using generic seedy weed grown outdoors, now they use lights and hydroponics to create a sensimilia plant (no seeds) which is picked, trimmed and cured correctly - this is hardly a fair test, it's like putting a trained athlete up against a pub regular and saying 'see humans have evolved to be 40% stronger in the last 30 years.

The most potent highs have always been from well made hash, this can be made to be the same strength no matter what the genetics of the plant - it's just the quantity which will change. The buds of certain afghan strains which have existed since biblical times (maybe even the same strain jesus used to heal with) were prized as early as 1800 by smokers for their high potency, described by one author as 'twenty times as pure as anything he ever put in his pipe before' - maybe if the government had tested this against todays sensi the results would be a little different.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by rendrag69
reply to post by CaptainCharisma

Yea the logical thing is intelligence would be the next step. But do you really want to be in a technological world that hit its peak in the near or distant future. Wouldnt we rely on more technologies for our lives than we do our bodies. I love the Earth and all of its beauty . But as im looking at it right now an i respect if you disagree, I dont want anymore technological advance i want to stay before computers and cars because we were more of a primitive less hostile being to the earth. Just look outside and think of what your children might see, i live in the rural california mountains. Do you want to see more metal than green in the world. Thats what im trying to get to in this poast and it is confusing but if we evolve more attached to machines we would evolve yes but in a way that we might not like . just look at the movie WALL-E they turn into slobs that machines only can breed them and feed them and cannot walk or leave their seat.

I understand what you are getting across. I fully agree that nature is beautiful and seeing green outside is better than a factory! Thankfully, I think we are smart enough, as a race, to not cancel out nature, as there will always be a place for it. I think we are heading in the right direction, we are curious therefore have to make progress in technology, and at the moment it seems more on artificial intelligence, which to me is fascinating!

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by NatureBoy

[post removed]

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The Discussion Of "Illegal Activity" On The Above Network Sites

[edit on 18-5-2009 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by CaptainCharisma

Thank you captain. theres alot of people against me on this thread right now because they themselves could not give up the computer they are typing on right now. This is because , and im not saying its a bad thing, we are getting smart enough to i guess as to be like a dog is with a bone you try to take away. no matter how hard you poke and prod he will still growl and bite to keep what he loves. But on the other hand if the dog keeps chewing the bone too long without saving it . It is just going to dissappear faster on him. Yes this is a wild and crazy theory but so was it too to think the world was round. until they seen it with their own eyes and felt stupid lol.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:54 AM
Dang, you must of ticked off a few christians...........heheheh

This is an interesting thread. It seems you are saying because of our technological advances we may have slowed down our natural evolution as a species. I would partially agree.

(because of my ex-christian background I never studied or even paid much attention to the Theory of Evolution until just recently. So my take on it may be off.)

For thousands of years we have had no major event that would give us a need to evolve any faster than we have. I would think that our minds and our ability to make and utilize technology is part of our evolution.

The Human Race was supposed to kill, to steal, to fight for a woman. Because it is natures way of pushing evolution to the next stage.

I don't totally agree with this, at least not for Homo Sapiens. The one thing I see that would contradict that statement is the work that the HeartMath institute has done. Evidence or proof that being "good" to one another is healthy. This tells me the opposite of your statement, at least for us humans. You also don't see all of the animal kingdom doing that either, some are more organized and "moral" than us (maybe moral is the wrong word).
HearthMath Institute
The HearthMath Solution

Just my 1 cent.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Oolon

Thanks Oolon
Like i said in the post this was not meant to piss anyone off in the world. And thanks for being on sort of the same note. But im not saying we should go rape steal and kill im saying if we need to we can. instead of people being locked up when animals specialize in those said criteria. If we get past 2012 then i give it 100 years and our brains will evolve enough and they will be so stimulated by technology like neural computer implants that control machines and making ourselves cyborgs that our brains instead of robots would be a sort of artificial intelligence

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by rendrag69

blame the earth / evolution after all it created us.

You are right in a sense we live outside the rules of natural selection. I thinks thats why we have so many obese people in the world today. Its not survival of the fittest its survival of who can dial a pizza.

Our species was NEVER supposed to be anywhere near advanced no matter the controversy nor the will of stubborn reluctant humans to realize that we ourselves with the technology that has made us who we are today, will only lead to our downfall in the future leaving Mother Earth to only wither and die.

if we didnt attain technological intelligence we would die with everything else on earth when the sun expands and fries our planet. The only way we will survive is to advance even more technologically and find away to migrate to other stars.

Tech intelligence gives us the oppertunity to become immortal as a species. Something no other animal on earth could acheive.

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