posted on Feb, 8 2003 @ 02:09 PM
Originally posted by MT69
xaos - So....France and Germany run the EU??? I'm sure the other members that "don't matter" appreciate your beliefs.
It's like Saddam = France/Germany and the rest of the EU = Saddam's Saddam dictates everything to his yes-men Generals....and
France/Germany believe this is how the EU should operate too???
okay 69, you just corrupted every single thing I said. You see things in black and white, but in reality everythung is a shade of grey. First, why
must you relate everything to Hussein? Last year you were using Bin Laden, right but now its Hussein. Before Bin Laden who did we have? Milosevic, Kim
Jong, Mugabe, other African warlords, etc... Insert Depotic Leader here. Come to think of it, who did we have to hate right before 9/11, does anyone
remember? Or was it Hussein again?
Now to your question: France and Germany pretty much dictate what happens in the EU, as much as the US dictates what happens in the UN but on a
slightly lesser scale.
It's like Saddam = USA and the rest of the
UN = Saddam's Saddam dictates everything to his yes-men Generals....and the US believe this is how the UN should operate too???
Sound familiar? Well France and Germany are some of the largest, most developed countries in the Union, as well as some of the oldest members, plus,
usually they are the ones that most often support the US but if they dont then most of the others wont too. The EU is the only entity in the world
able to succesfully oppose the US without retaliation and to go along with the US on this would of show subservience to the US and the US would
forever take advantage of this.
Okay, back to Franco-German dominance over the EU: many EU countries are still relatively new, with a few exceptions. They are still developing and
will do anything for subsidiaries, and aid for their starving populace. If they follow the big countries then they are more likely to be favored by
them. It is a fad in European countries to hate the US, I'm serious and it's not just Europe, it's the whole world, any non-US national here can
vouch for me. When the countries have this type of atmosphere they tend to not support the US in most ventures.
p.s. congratulatons UP on Belgian EU presidency.