posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 01:37 AM
I have a few questions. How will I know when a chakra is open? I have felt rushes of energy throughout my body, and a "magnetic" feel or buzz from
my brow chakra (but that's because I focus on it a lot).
Also, would you recommend using binaural beats? I have purchased Brainwave Generator, and have one preset called "Chakra Stimulation and Balance v2.1
by Faded" which seems to help.
Lastly, have any of you tried Xi Gong exercises to help stimulate the chakras? I perform one exercise every few days where I move my hands slowly, in
opposite directions, up and down my body. While I am doing this, I imagine a while column of light throughout the upper half of my body.
[edit on 7-10-2009 by hardstyleaz]