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why are alians always grays?some are as human as you or i.

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posted on May, 17 2009 @ 04:49 PM
many many years ago ,i woke up at my bedroom window i can remember feeling not just sleepy but also disorientated,there was a circular domed topped u f o outside it was hovering and there was portholes all the way round it.At one of the port holes was a figure, he was too far away to make out what he looked like,but i knew that far from the grays we here about today ,this man was friendly and caring,but most certainly not a gray ,in fact he looked Mediterraneans,dark hair dark eyes and the Mediterranean tan.

was i dreaming ?for many years i believed this really did happen,now i don't know .we never hear of any aliens but the grays and the Nordic type,and it was over forty years ago,but because of this ...dream ...experience ..i have never been afraid of the idea of aliens,in fact the thought fills me with joy

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by illece

Congratulations to your experience, whatever it was.

It is very possible that it was a actual encounter with an ET, and his mediterranean "looks" have also been described in other cases with ET-encounters aswell, although the "Aryan" type seems to be the more common one.

[edit on 17-5-2009 by Nightchild]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 05:16 PM
They're not all just greys. There are most likely thousands of species in this galaxy alone, if not millions.
Different species often are cooperative, and there are more than one working together in many experiencers accounts. The humanoid ones that look like us have many different colorings, and heights.
I recommend you google ACERN and watch Mary Rodwell's interview by Coast to Coast on youtube. There may be more underneath your memories, than just this one experience.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by illece

Why are most aliens Greys?

Because the majority of the world government, essp. the US have treaties with them.

What did you see?

If you truly saw something real then it was likely a Pleadian (ie; Nordic, Blond, Lyran). They are the supposed benevolent race, they are trying to expose the Orion agenda (Greys) and stop them from taking over this planet....REPORTEDLY.

[edit on 5/17/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 05:53 PM
I've read many times that the annanuki aren't the reptilians everyone thinks they are but cold hearted human types. The Great Pyramids indicate two important star systems, Orion and Sirius. Burlingtonnews has incredible articles on the red haired mummies found throughout the world, in New Zealand, China, Egypt (some of the pharoahs), Russia, and all the way to Peru. Also, I thought there were some blonds. Then theres a connection with this, Sumeria, the tribes of Juda, including the lost tribes of Juda such as Dann, and their possible emergence in Europe, Ireland for example, which may explain the Illumanati or Merivingian bloodlines.

Its all very interesting. The US has the most negative information or testimonies that are traumatic with say greys. But world wide, Mary Rodwell points out only 1/3 are traumatic, even with greys. The US also has a lot of secret cia/black op type stuff going on, and Nazi infiltration so I'm not really convinced their stats count. Also, Burlingtonnews has an article entitled (blonds or nordics and their flying machines) and out of 100 accounts over 30 in North America, which seems predominantly Grey, are nordic type accounts.

I believe very strongly that there are nordics from Orion, from Alpha Centauri, and from numerous systems, often in federations or galactic organizations that are interspecies. Most are not renegades.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 05:54 PM
The most common and familiar aliens are 'greys'; there are also tall skinny blue people, reptile people, the tall blond type people are the elves, and via mythology (our way to remember things prior to our written history), we are familiar with a lot more kinds of aliens, since most of those creatures like unicorns and dragons and such, were alien vistors here on earth also.

So really there are lots of different kinds of aliens, although many of them are bipedal.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 06:04 PM
Nah, the Anunnakis are not coldhearted, nor evil. They contain both good and bad individuals just as with any other people. I think many people consider them as evil because they(Anunnaki) have different "ways", simply.
And, ofcourse, because of certain "happenings" backwards in history.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 06:26 PM
Yes, its those happenings back in history, which resulted in suffering, enslavement and crippled dna for the human race, warring religions, and out of control, maniachal bloodline fascists holding billions in their grip currently. Now I've heard this was a cloned part of the annanuki that ended up being such fascists. I imagine everything isn't cut and dried.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

When will we make contact and create Star Fleet Command?
December 21,2012 ?

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 09:00 PM
I agree that if there are "aliens" there are all different types of species as they would need specificity and very different characteristics to be able to survive in their terrains.

There is a chance that there are possible aliens that look like us, but that would mean there is a planet out there almost EXACTLY the same as earth, as I know which I very may well be wrong as we know now there are really no planets so far that are exact duplicates of each other.

I've also had instances many actually of "aliens" that come to me almost on a nightly basis, but I feel that they are simply due to the severe sleep paralysis that I suffer from due to neurological issues that I have, which many people can still have without any neuro problems but not as severe as someone with the issues I have.
I keep a journal and have let some people read it, and I have people who will tell me I've been in contact with aliens.

A few examples -

I was laying there paralyzed, I saw the planets as if they were right out side my window with a low humming sound, next to my bed were these black tall skinny figures with red glowing eyes, they said "planet x" is real, then they made me view this planet in my head.

Another time, I woke up and could not move once again and say a shadow of an alien standing behind me, then also some type of entity was trying to enter my body.

I also have dreams where I leave my body and fly (friends try to claim i'm astral projecting).

They also feel that my dreams have a nature of telling the future as I've dreamed of a few events that have happened before they did in real life (I think it's just coincidence).

I only had once instance of seeing a "UFO" which I feel was exactly that an object that I could not identify but probably has some explanation.

I think a lot of abductions can be chalked up to sleeping problems, and some may not I don't know for sure but I really can't say.
You really have to look at every single little fact when it comes to being abducted and one of the things I think that would cross an abduction off the list or make it less credible right away is if it happens while a person is sleeping or laying in bed, I think missing time is something that should be looked into more deeply and those events should get the most attention.Cases where people are in their cars are doing every day things and disappear for their own minds and loved ones.
I don't mean to dis credit anyone or what they feel they experienced because all that matters is what you believed happened because the only person it will ever effect or be honestly real to is yourself even if you have proof.
But for people who have these experiences and do not know about different sleep disorders and sleep paralysis look into it and see if it fits the mold as to what you felt and experienced.

What interests me is why some people who have knowledge of SP why do they still feel they've been abducted?Yes it feels 100% real but that's what SP is, it FEELS REAL but why can some people say , "yes it was SP" and others can say "NO NO IT WASN'T!"what makes two aware people who experienced the same thing feel it's two completely different things?
I don't know why I believe it's simply just sleep paralysis, when I feel how real it is, when the emotions and sensations run so deep why can I just add it up to just being sleep, a dream?
It's not because I am not a believer I believe and have hope in many things that are unexplained and think so many things are possible that we do not know yet, but still I think what I feel is nothing paranormal, but if someone else had the experience as I did they'd be 100% sure that they've made contact to aliens and would probably be writing books about it and trying to predict the future haha.
Anywho, For anyone who has dreams like this, seriously keep a journal, and write everything down that you can. It will be so helpful and maybe unlock something further down the line

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by mystiq

thanks for your posts Mystiq,really appreciate them .And thanks to you others that have posted on this thread.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by mystiq

Hey there Mystiq,

Well, if many people believe Annunaki to be our creators - our Gods - then they are almost certainly human-looking.

Im not a bible buff, so i dont know the exact chapter and quotation, but "God created us in his image"
And we're not reptiles, are we?

So yeah, i've always believed Annunakai to be human-type, maybe with some hybrids, with reptiles etc.
But thats why i find it so hard for us to classify Ets into categories.
Reptillians could be from anywhere in the galaxy, not just one planet being Reptile, and the same with all other species. And then we come to hybrids, making billions of sub-races.
Damn, it hurts just thinking about the possibilites



Sorry illece, not trying to steal your thread

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 09:41 AM
I think the possibilities are amazing. There was a thread not that long ago, showing these absolutely beautiful pictures of 3 spiral galaxies, I can't remember if they were independent or a cluster galaxies. And instantly I knew they were populated, overflowing with life. I saw in my mind children coming home from school eager to have fun, civilizations both developing and space age. Its a wonderful universe.

[edit on 18-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by mystiq

Yes, it is.
A truly amazing and beautiful one too.
And to think, we know next to nothing about it - i really cannot wait to see what else is out there.



posted on May, 18 2009 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by illece

I don't know if you've read seentoomuch's threads. Her abduction experience with humanoid non-terrans was extremely informative, and how our planet is viewed primitive, yet they still patrol this sector of space. It was really informative. Steven Greer talked about a contact that sounded like it was the same race, dark haired, very white translucent skin, blue eyed, but he wouldn't answer her letters to him.

and another thread of her's:

High Strangeness - Humanoid Encounters

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by JacobNH
reply to post by mystiq

Hey there Mystiq,

Well, if many people believe Annunaki to be our creators - our Gods - then they are almost certainly human-looking.

Im not a bible buff, so i dont know the exact chapter and quotation, but "God created us in his image"
And we're not reptiles, are we?

So yeah, i've always believed Annunakai to be human-type, maybe with some hybrids, with reptiles etc.
But thats why i find it so hard for us to classify Ets into categories.
Reptillians could be from anywhere in the galaxy, not just one planet being Reptile, and the same with all other species. And then we come to hybrids, making billions of sub-races.
Damn, it hurts just thinking about the possibilites



Sorry illece, not trying to steal your thread

I am not sure who the Annunakai actually are from the aliens I see that are remembered in our 'mythology', but I am guessing probably the elves. They can be pretty cold, but they are still willing to help us humans out because so many of their number died here when atlantis went down and got pulled into human bodies.

Since my shaman journey 8 or so years ago, where I made it to the higher plane (quite unexpectedly) and the old Indian fellow there said, "just ask and we will answer, no need to come back", I have been slowly seeing the history of earth unfolding, as I ask questions about various events and people.

What I see is that at the beginning, we were a semi-sentient species up in the northern part of Africa. The greys were having a problem with going extinct (their people would just lay down and not move until they died and wouldn't reincarnate into another body either: they would just hang out on the edge of their 'bliss' state) so they wanted a place to store their wayward spirits until they could get the problem figured out.

And voila, humanity was artificially raised to sentience, the human body's ability to trap a spirit was amped up (since alien species tend to only pull their own kind of spirit), and they started gathering their gray spirits off the sides of the bliss state and putting them back to work, doing grey stuff even though they were now in human bodies.

But there ended up being a lot of problems with the whole thing, and part of it was that the human body would also suck in other alien spirits as well. The 'garden of Eden' thing was actually a test to sort out grey spirits from other aliens, because a grey wouldn't eat the apple if told not to. Every other alien spirit usually would. So if they did, out on their beaners they went with no sin greater than simply not being a grey in origin.

So it was the greys that took us from a small group of not quite humans, and made us into what we are today. And mostly without any forethought of the long-term consequences of what they were doing. But they aren't evil, at all. In fact they are very peace-loving and usually have other species do any fighting and such for them.

Since I have remembered my past lives clear back to my spirit origins, I can remember that my dragon and I used to fight for them, and in return they would pay us with these huge chunks of cultured meat the size of brontosouraus. It was nice and fatty with no bones... ummmm.

And the far east is where they have most of their ex-grey spirits. They genetically manipulated the human body to look as much like a grey as possible because their little spirits were very distressed in being in a body that looked so different from their grey bodies (the original human body was black, even as the native africans are today).

The greys actually adapted all of the various human 'races' to suit the alien peoples they were around, to make the humans seem less alien and more comfortable to deal with, since there was no avoiding us, as rapidly as we reproduce

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Thanks for the link to the seentoomuch thread,really interested in the fact that her visitors were dark haired and even more interested in fact they were kind beings.

They do sound very much like the people i believed i met ,the only difference i could see was that they had blue eyes and pale skins always thought mine had dark eyes .At the time i believed their eyes to be brown and i always thought they had swarthy skins.

I also think i met a Nordic type alien at about that time(early sixties)

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