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Government Readies Youth Corps To Take On Vets

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posted on May, 17 2009 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by DarksDeception
Many people had to eat their words when it was verified to be true.

I'm just saying that any story should be looked at for what it is, and not to debunk the story simply because its Alex Jones giving the story with his own critical perspective.

Thank you. Star!

When I first starting listening to Alex and going to infowars, I tried like a mad dog to debunk and prove him wrong with his stories. 99% of them check out as true. In fact he will say 100%, and will give you hell in proving that other 1% is true too.

If you can't beat em- join em.

If this were just one story on this, I'd take it with a grain of salt. But Alex has provided with documentation stories on these kinds of government programs for a very long time. It is long term indoctrination of our country's youth into the ways of the NWO. And it sucks.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 09:57 PM
I agree, and so did I research his information. I found that he is accurate most of the time. I don't agree with his perspective all of the time, but when you see the greater agenda at hand of the elite, through research, you can see the picture that AJ is trying to communicate. His opinion is based on a holistic view from what he has been researching for many years.

One thing I know for sure, and that's that the NWO agenda is not what many have closed their eyes to be. This agenda is not new, it has been in progress for many years, and has been the agenda right through our history. Its just the elite have become good at conditioning the populous to believe their agenda is for the good of mankind.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld

This reminds me of Obama's Civilian National Security Forces recruiting kids. My kids will have no part in it. As a Parent I will decide what is best for my children.

lol or so you think. I don't see anybody doing anything other than talking which leads me to believe one of two things

1. This is all a big cry wolf fest
2. a whole bunch of nothing.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 10:31 PM
If you take a long hard look at Obama and what he has proposed and what he and his fellow Left Wing Socialist Liberals have done so far, this country is not far from having an advanced form of Socialism and a New World Order.

I have stated before and I will continue to state it until you folks start looking that this right, Obama is the Anti-Messiah or Anti-Christ. He is destined to take over the world and almost all of its inhabitants. He and his puppet masters, the one's behind the scenes pulling his strings.

All I can say is that this thread seems to give another piece of proof to puzzle of Obama's will and goals. If he makes it to fruition, may Yahweh help us all.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 10:32 PM

My name is Ryan and I'm a 25yrs old Vet from Operation Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom. I may be the first person to out myself here in such a way

But Im Constantly followed on a daily basis, and I'm not sure by whom or exactly why but I have a rough ideo
So, Im pretty sure it has something to do with D0D and I need some instruction. Im so tired of it.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 10:39 PM
Two advantages that The Boy Scouts have over the military veterans is adult leadership and trust in authority figures..... Most old veterans that I know, lost the ability to trust anyone in a position of authority, because adult leadership wasn't present when they were in the military.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 11:00 PM
whether this is true or not all i know is if these little #ers show up at my house with any other purpose than to raise funds it gonna be on like donkey kong!!!!

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 11:10 PM
so after speaking to my grandma today and speaking to vern yip - i think that my grandmas obsessions with japs and homoeroticism has proceeded to a whole new level. so she has contacted some kind of voodoo which doctor so she can marry Qin Shi Huang and they will be the new leaders of these oriental countrys and resurrect the terra cotta warriors and take all the japs and katrina evacuees to japan and they will remain there untill seamus and haji opens the arc of the covenent

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Totally logical. This way, the "disgruntled" vets won't live to tell the truth about what they were doing in Iraq (primarily guarding oil installations etc.).

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 11:36 PM
I quote one of my comments from "Boy Scouts Train to Become Homeland Gestapo"...

"Note that my opinions are of my own synthesis and therefore may be totally invalid. I don't accept information from any source at face value.

I sometimes wonder if Alex Jones, David Icke et al are on the payroll of the Globalists thustly: They spell out in intricate detail the actual strategy and tactics of Globalism and THEN throw in just enough dosage of lunacy in hopes that people will discard as bunk EVERYTHING they have said. Could it be? If so, one must be merely be able to find the dividing line in their discourse.

I haven't heard Jones's take on the Explorers, but something tells me it may fit the pattern I just described, i.e. the threat is real but he purposely goes off the deep end to make his analysis seem nuts."

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Man, this is just bizarre I tell ya. They send these vets to a war fought for oil, lie about it, and turn around and start training the vets' own kids to kill them?

Your analytical thinking patterns are far from being objective and leave a ton to be desired. Opps, wait, I know why: You drudge your sourcings from the likes of infowars, the defunct and ailing NYT, etc. and then expect us to play along? I'd wager that you, sir, are more part of the problem than any part of a so-called solution. Critical thinking for the win....not.

What do you consider credible news sources?

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 12:37 AM

Lets keep this thread on topic please...any further posts should be directly related to the opening post.

Thanks everyone.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by wonderworld

This reminds me of Obama's Civilian National Security Forces recruiting kids. My kids will have no part in it. As a Parent I will decide what is best for my children.

Thank you for saying that.

We really need to think as autonomous as possible.
- we are not possessions.
I cannot think of anything more important for us to remember
at this time on the planet -

We are not possessions.
We own ourselves.

[edit on 18-5-2009 by spinkyboo]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 02:48 AM
TrueAmerican, this concerns me. I was once a boy scout back in the day and am absolutely shocked that Obama and NWO company would have the audacity to hire children to do an 'ignorant' mans job! These are impressionable, maleable children at risk here to work for the agenda of another while their parents are aware? Are the parents aware?

When martial law takes effect, one may be left with the choice of whether to harm a youth (boy scout wonder...warrior) who has 'orders' from another to harm yourself or your family or to let the children have their way with you!

I'm shocked it has come to this. When and if a Boy Scout wannabe commando knocks on your door or mine, I suppose the best course of action would be to force the youngsters to reveal who gave 'them' the order to do so in the first place and go after their supposed leaders/chain of command.

If this happens to me, I can assure you, I will find out, one way or another, who set them up to it and follow that chain of command all the way to the top. I will 'Eliminate' everyone in that chain of command while attempting to do my best to prevent harming the brainwashed children sent to do a 'ignorant' man's job.

Outraged. What is this country coming to!! Wake up people!!
Vets won't tolerate this. We will End it ASAP.

[edit on 18-5-2009 by Perseus Apex]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by Perseus Apex
TrueAmerican, this concerns me. I was once a boy scout back in the day and am absolutely shocked that Obama and NWO company would have the audacity to hire children to do an 'ignorant' mans job!

If this happens to me, I can assure you, I will find out, one way or another, who set them up to it and follow that chain of command all the way to the top. I will 'Eliminate' everyone in that chain of command while attempting to do my best to prevent harming the brainwashed children sent to do a 'ignorant' man's job.
[edit on 18-5-2009 by Perseus Apex]

You know I have a few issues with this statement as well as the original post, and Alex Jones's version of "the facts" about the Boy Scouts of America.

Hire children? So, you think that the Boy Scouts are paid? They are not.

So, to you, being a Law Enforcement Officer, is an "ignorant man's job"?

So, an intelligent person, can not in fact become a Law Enforcment Officer?

In your U2U, to me, you mentioned that Alex Jones is trying to "Deny Ignorance", yet you make a statement like that there, and expect me to just agree with you?

I do not see ATS's motto of "Deny Ignorance" as being totally definable under any one set of standards.

To me, being able to see past all the bluff and bluster of any person, and into the facts of the situation, as being how I define "Deny Ignorance".

What I've noticed within this thread, is a lot of talk supporting what Alex Jones and the newspaper New York Times have to say, with little to no investigation into actual facts about anything.

Yes, Alex Jones is correct, that the Nazi Youth were the way for Hitler to indoctrinate children into becoming his Stormtroopers and Gestapo, those are facts I will never dispute.

The man was in fact one of the most vile and repugnant men in history to me in that he was a megalomaniacal homocidal maniac, Hell-bent on the destruction of the world.

What I see, here in the original post, as well as the Alex Jones website "Info Wars", is a very biased opinion, considering he never once discusses the origins of the Boy Scouts of America. Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, more commonly referred to as Baden Powell, in fact created the Boy Scouts, in England, after the Second Boer War.

The Boy Scouts program was later brought to America, as an organization to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance. As well as other fine things any citizen should learn, in order to know how their country works inside and outside their country as well.

The Explorer Program is a fine organization in and of itself. As a teenager when I was in it, I never heard the name Boy Scouts ever mentioned within the walls of the Police Department where I met on a weekly basis. I only found out back in 2006 that in fact the Explorer Program was a branch of the Boy Scouts of America. I never ended up becoming a Police Officer.

So, you as well as the rest of the negative people about Boy Scouts on this thread attacking them arbitrarily, without investigating facts for yourself and blindly following everything that Alex Jones has to say, disturbs me to say the least.

Not for the fact that I think anyone here is necessarily "ignorant", but that there are always two sides to every story. Meaning, while some people believe one way some believe the other way, and that there is of course the story in the middle mixed with each individuals personal beliefs, morals, and ethics.

For me, I am neither a Republican, nor a Democrat, I am in fact registered as an Indepedent.

I see both sides of the issues, I see Alex Jones has some very valid points, just as much as I see that the Government has some very valid points on things they do.

Do I blindly follow anyone like people I consider sheeple do? No, I do not.

In fact, I choose my own path and for the most part it is usually somewhere right down the middle.

Has anyone actually bothered to do any research into the information of the charter process of the Boy Scouts of America?

Charter and Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America

Well, there you go. Before you can whine and complain about something, and this is not directed specifically at you, Perseus Apex, it's directed at anyone who cares to listen blindly, without investigation of the facts, how about you learn about how something is formed and operated, before you rant and rave about something you have no comprehension about.

I investigate, dig, sort, cross-reference, and learn about how things are, before I go into anything here on ATS in my quest to "Deny Ignorance", as well as in real life.

As you can see in the threads within my signature, I don't exactly believe in everything the Government does, I never have, and never will, but then again I'm a unique individual in that I explore them to the inifinite potential of just how the impact will be in the future, by exploring their past as well as history, and knowing that history always repeats itself. Always.

I'm going to link a thread here I created last year.

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
I've got an interesting question for ATS'ers here and it will take some deep thought on your part before you answer the question because it is not a simple yes and no question, no matter your thoughts on the person, no matter your thoughts on ethics, no matter your thoughts on morals, no matter your political views, no matter your beliefs, no matter your thoughts on history.

The reason I prefaced this question with the careful consideration comments and as well ethics, morals, and political views, is quite simply I expressed the question in the past tense of killing the man before he was born. This question is quite simple in that I am asking if you would murder the unborn baby in his mother's womb.

Would You Kill Adolph Hitler, Before He Was Born?

Before someone starts going off on me, actually read the thread, before assuming.

People here on ATS are quick to gripe, whine, and complain about Government profiling them, and convicting them via various means, without actually having committed a crime, yet they often jump to the same exact assumptions about Government, before it has done anything.

I am in fact, a man in the middle, seeing both sides of the battle.

I am not going to pick one side, or the other, I'm going to pick my side, whichever side is the one that gets me what I want.


[edit on 18-5-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 06:16 AM
Disgruntled vets? What happens when the disgruntled civilians take up arms? I guess that must be the reason for all the FEMA coffins. What better plan then to send in the Boy Scouts as pawns.

[edit on 18-5-2009 by sean]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 06:44 AM
Okay...I have a question...If anybody can answer it with a straight face and no BS, Id be impressed.

IF this happens, and these kids are going to Police the "terrorist vets" , Then who is going to Police the Boyscouts when these kids become just like the "terrorist vets"?

Its like killing a killer, only making the kid who killed the killer, a killer. At that point, wouldnt the boyscouts be just as bad, or worse than the Vet?

can we say OXYMORON?

Obama is the biggest joke to sit in the presidential chair. You all thought Bush was bad, HA! But Im sure the messiah knows whats best for everyone, since he is almost God-like to some.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 06:57 AM

WTH are you talking about??? Jeeees, its true. Some of you will NOT believe anything until 5 -12 year old Boy Scouts knock at your door and give you a good beating.


Yes, Alex Jones said it and HE IS RIGHT. Hey, look at me, i'm going against the messiah, Obama, well, yes i am. I sure hope this is hell and i serve my time, get right with my creator and he'll upgrade me to lower Heaven!

This insanity is surreal. This is happening and nobody is IN WAR MODE??

We're a bunch of losers. I'm a loser but at least i can SEE whats happening unlike others.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by Common Good

Obama is the biggest joke to sit in the presidential chair. You all thought Bush was bad, HA! But Im sure the messiah knows whats best for everyone, since he is almost God-like to some.

Good grief, there are NO SIDES. Both sides sold us out to the NWO, BUSH AND COMPANY STARTED IT, darn it, no wait, i'll make it better, Clinton started it, and the torch is being handed down. How can anyone point the finger at any one party anymore???
There is no America. There is no Democrat/Republican.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by sean

And when is that going to happen? When we are all in cages in some desert?
Nobody does anything. Even Alex Jones is all talk.

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