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What the hell happened to me???

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posted on May, 17 2009 @ 10:36 AM
Ok im going to start by telling you im one you will always see screaming for evidence and proof of wild claims like this, But that's easy to say when it hasn't happened to you, as I learned last night.

it was approx 12:30 am when I was lying in bed and awakened by a high pitched noise similar to that of a baby crying.. as soon as my eyes were opened I was struck with a fear sensation, which is not usually my first reaction to being awoken, almost immediately my left ear began to hurt like a stabbing in the inner ear, my attention was brought outside my bedroom window where there were manifestations of "greys"
or the common face associated with greys I felt almost like there was an attempt to communicate telepathically which I was trying extremely hard to block I noticed an odd moving light in the sky just above my field of view and when I tried to get up to get my camera I felt frozen in a fear sensation. I couldn't even wake my wife to tell her what was happening. just then it was over as soon as it started and I was feeling a little overwhelmed so I slept the rest of the night with the t.v. I dont know what happened but it scared the pants off of me!!!

any ideas??

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 10:42 AM
I just wanted to add that lately I have been doing alot of extra investigating in the ufo field and also this is the first strange encounter I have ever had to effect me personally!

I cant help but wonder if im on to something good and im reaping the consequences?? I dont know... maybe thats a crazy idea but I sure would like to know!

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Dwest

I have a suspicion you're experience is associated with the sleep paralysis phenomenon. Let me tell you about what happened to me when I was 17 and let's see if there are any similarities.

I was catching a nap on my bed on an afternoon. Blinds were closed so the light was soft. I was sleeping directly on my back with both my hands above my head. I suddenly awoke (I think I awoke) into a kind of semi-conscious state, with my eyes open enough to look into my closet. And the only reason I looked into the closet is because that's generally where my head was facing. I couldn't move!

I didn't see any creepies in the closet or have any sensation of greys or anything along those lines. But... I felt as though both my wrists had been grabbed so that I couldn't bring my arms back down to my side... or defend myself if I'd needed to. I was paralyzed like rock from bow to stern, yet awake and fully cognizant of the fact that I couldn't move. I tried to scream out, to nobody in particular, just to hear my voice and try to snap myself out of it. But I couldn't even get a grunt out. That's what scared the bejeezus outta me.

Eventually I was able to move and the rest of the day was uneventful. This happened to me at least a couple of times after that and I wasn't as scared of it the second and third times. In fact, I could probably bring it on, but I've pretty much avoided falling asleep on my back ever since.

Tell me, were you lying on your back when this happened? I'm wondering if it has something to do with brain activity while blood might be moving or collecting slightly differently if the head is facing straight up. I wonder that because in every instance that I had this weird experience I was sleeping in exactly the same position... face up.

[edit on 17-5-2009 by Albertarocks]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Dwest

I believe something happened to you. I don't have UFO/Alien experience, but do know about sleep paralysis. Do a search for it, but here's a link to ATS thread.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Albertarocks

That happened to a friend of mine, after playing the Ouija Board. The freaky part was this possible sleep paralysis also affected me and her boyfriend.

She was screaming that something was on her and she couldnt move. She is petite and her boyfriend is a big guy. I watched him try to pull her off the bed and she wouldnt budge. There was an Evil feeling in the room. We moved out of that house the following morning.

She continued to have night terrors for 2 years but all is well now.

It was something extremely powerful. We never seen what it was, only felt it.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 12:16 PM
But it could not have been sleep paralysis

when I tried to get up to get my camera I felt frozen in a fear sensation. I couldn't even wake my wife to tell her what was happening

I think this is either a dream or a made up story.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 12:25 PM
thats why I have a camera in my bedroom ... I record every night ...

lol .. just kiddin euheuue

but, if you think you are beeing abducted ... thats not a bad least it will keep them away

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 12:52 PM
It seems really creepy. I am astonished you were actually able to go back to sleep that night even with the TV on..
If that were to happen to me and I seen Greys out my window I would probably scream frantically and go completely insane! And I'm a grown man!
The men in the white coats would defiantly come and take me away.
There is just something so freaky and scary about grey aliens in the dark staring at you.

Good luck with your future experiences if you have any. And please set up a webcam in your room so you can up load video of these guys.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by wiredamerican
It seems really creepy. I am astonished you were actually able to go back to sleep that night even with the TV on..
If that were to happen to me and I seen Greys out my window I would probably scream frantically and go completely insane! And I'm a grown man!
The men in the white coats would defiantly come and take me away.
There is just something so freaky and scary about grey aliens in the dark staring at you.

Good luck with your future experiences if you have any. And please set up a webcam in your room so you can up load video of these guys.

OMG... laughing so hard I spewed coffee all over my monitor. That one's gonna score ya a few stars bro. Sorry to swerve off topic, but that was just too funny

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 01:38 PM
yeah I was actually sleeping on my back.. your theory about the sleep paralysis is interesting... it could very well be my sub conscious playing tricks on me too because I have been spending alot of time researching recent UFO and alien activity. but one cant help but wonder what the heck..... its weird, its a first for me and hopefully a last!

edit for spelling

[edit on 17-5-2009 by Dwest]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Pamie

I read the other thread you posted and it seems different than what I experienced but I will grant you this, it sucks to be anyone that has that problem!

I would actually lean more towards an experience with something that I shouldn't be messing with, maybe its a sign to stop seeking the truth (which I never will) or simply its my subconscious as I mentioned before... I suppose I wont really know for sure unless it happens again and I managed to have a camera set up in the room! which I will be doing now!


posted on May, 17 2009 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Dwest

It sounds just like sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis can become more prevelent when you feel like you have have uncovered something that is new to you. Like when you learn the truth about something, like a life changing "Ah'haa".

Sometimes when people have the revolutionary moments they can fixate on it, unintentionally, and crat a sub-concious complex.

An intense thought running through your mind can cause you to wake up during dream state. You will still have the ability to see characters in your dream, even though you are now awake.

You will feel completely paralyzed, usually still being able to move your eyes. Theses episodes tend to only last a few seconds, but can be up to a couple minutes long.

The question I have to wonder about your story is this;

When you awoke, you looked into your closet because you were facing it. Then you looked out the window and saw some aliens chillin'?

Were you still on the bed when you looked out the window or did you get up and go to the window?

If you were on the bed and looked out the window how were you able to move your head if you were paralyzed?

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Dwest
yeah I was actually sleeping on my back.. your theory about the sleep paralysis is interesting... it could very well be my sub conscious playing tricks on me too because I have been spending alot of time researching recent UFO and alien activity. but one cant help but wonder what the heck..... its weird, its a first for me and hopefully a last!

If it helps set your mind at ease, I'll tell you that if I go to bed and consciously don't allow myself to fall asleep while on my back, this never happens. But interestingly, on the other thread that pammi connected us to, there are people who've experience sleep paralysis while sleeping in other positions.

One other theory that might interest you is that sleep paralysis is thought to be the mind's way of protecting you from a violent lashing out while you're sleeping. There are times that would have come in handy for me, because more that once I've kicked my wife (now my ex-wife) so hard in bed that I caused her a lot of pain and a nasty bruise. Needless to say I felt horrible about that and hugged her... but in all honesty if I were her, I wouldn't want to sleep with me neither.

It seems that the sleep paralysis always occurs with dreams that are frightening enough that if it were really happening, you'd lash out with violence... in self defense.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by esteay812

when I tried to get up to get my camera I felt frozen in a fear sensation.

I never said I was paralyzed, so I was able, from my bed , to turn to look out the window while still lying flat on my back, I'm sure I could have moved if I HAD to but I felt like I couldn't out of a "fear" sensation im not sure what I was scared of but I was scared!

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 05:30 PM
There are good and bad grays. The Zeta grays I think they're called are good.
There is a guy who shot and killed atleast one of them, he lost 2 fingers. Something from him on youtube, he breaks out a rock of element 140, heavier than gold.
They may have simply tuned into your thoughts you were transmitting in your sleep and decided to investigate. Seeing that they left you alone doesn't always mean they are done, doesn't mean they didn't do anything. You may want to learn about alien implants. It may also be possible that they were trying to distract you while they took an egg from your wife. Who knows. If you want to shield your mind from them, make a gold leaf coated helmet. You can get gold leaf from the paint store usually , or online. Then some gold tinted sunglasses, and a small plasma gun made to light up light bulbs. It's the only way to make a field that prevents them from tearing into your mind with those giant eyes they've got, the hypnotic sensation you can easily pick up from them. Next, keep yourself armed with datura darts or some kind of knockout projectile that doesn't require gun powder which can be set off by their craft's ion signature.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by mrmrmikee

I don't want to put anyone down or hurt anyone's feelings so I'm asking this in a genuine manner, are you joking? and if so that was really funny, but if your not joking then I'm sorry but I wont be making any special helmets anytime soon!
however I do value your opinion!

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Dwest

You can use my old helmet as I have no need for it anymore.
Be happy to give it to you.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 07:06 PM
thats so wierd.. thats even creepier than my experiences.. sometimes, when i wake up.. I see new scars,i hope Aliens can read minds so that i can tell them to stop IF they are the ones who give me those

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