posted on May, 17 2009 @ 07:33 PM
It's because several years ago a male and female being were used to create a portal to another dimension, a new world which theoritically should have
combined all dimensions 1 through 11. The portals were a kind of 0 point, 1 female and 1 male which created a 3rd portal through which all living
beings, either unaware or aware, were transported to this new world. It was a grand scheme meant to end all wars, to seperate those who could not
resolve their differences. Inside the 0 dimension humans could recreate whatever they would like to exist in, all belief systems seperated so no one
should be able to become violent again. In essence outsiders agreed planet Earth was a failure and would not heal for many centuries to come, too much
suffering while all lessons that were created for us humans to learn should already have been learned.
Before this 0 dimension portal was created, humans had to study and learn in order to get to higher planes of existence, but because this was simply
"the right time" all kinds of beings agreed to participate in this grand evacuation. The evacuation happened overnight, most of the beings are still
unaware because they were transported unaware.
However, a lot of things have gone wrong, on all sides of those who participated in the evacuation. The current problems of The Game are that there
are now several infinities within a former unifying infinity who are unaware of their seperation. "The" common or shared timeline is nonexistant
(yet exists at the same time) meaning it can only be extrapolated from the 2 adjacent timelines. Also the scientists who decided for the entire
humanity that there are 11 dimensions are in the new world still figuring out how many dimensions there are in infinity. Yes, ET's taught them and
confirmed the humans got it but in reality scientist didn't understand the ET's and ET's didn't understand humans. Imagine a classroom where a
male and female scientist answers all the ET's questions and simply because the scientists truly believes in theirselves and their intelligence, ET
read that belief and believed they were right.
The original plan was to create a portal out of 2 unaware beings (think of one's life energy, soul and being, except their physical body which must
survive or the portals will collapse) simultaneously after which they would merge and create a 3rd portal to this new dimension. They would be
sacrificed for the entire humanity so everyone agreed, they would also receive many rewards in the new world because they didn't get the same
experience to travel to the new world unlike every body else. Because every human being went through the energy of these 2 souls they would be known
by everyone there, they could not be offered to sacrifice their life because the new world could not be created by suicide intentions. If any of the
involved humans truly knew the beings were sacrificed unaware this knowledge would have created the intention of killing for one's own benefit and
then the portals could not be created.
Another the problem now is the male physical body is located just 1 second ahead of the former common time (0, infinity where the new dimension is)
and the female physical body is 1 second in the past. Because a lot of things did not happen or went as they (mostly ET and some people on the planet)
planned the old timeline will disappear completely and creation will revert back to zero, where every being is an unconscious infinity (again) and at
some point some being will arise out of an infinity (again) and start seeking out other infinities in order to recreate the universe again. Simply
because of mistaken identities before the portals were created, the original 2 bodies cannot be found anymore and they are the ones who should have
entered last, closing the portal and completing the migration to the new world. Neither of the 2 know eachother, the male has theoretically conceived
her existence but doesn't know where she is and doesn't really want to go look, the girl believes with all her heart he exists but is full of hatred
because she was lead to believe he abused her.