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Conspiracy to Drug Americas Youth

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posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:22 PM
I don't think that people realize that there are a number of different kinds of antidepressants which try to achieve the same thing by different methods. And those methods are dangerous. "Oops, you inhibited seratonin levels. He's even more depressed."

People are gettign careless because they think that a pill can cure their problems. More and more parents WANT their kids on the drugs to keep them under control, and doctors are under more pressure to prescribe them.


posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by DeusEx
I don't think that people realize that there are a number of different kinds of antidepressants which try to achieve the same thing by different methods. And those methods are dangerous. "Oops, you inhibited seratonin levels. He's even more depressed."

People are gettign careless because they think that a pill can cure their problems. More and more parents WANT their kids on the drugs to keep them under control, and doctors are under more pressure to prescribe them.

I believe some of these drugs are very dangerous, especially when given to children so young. Like I said before, for many parents drugs have replaced actual parenting. It makes me sick just thinking about it.

[Edited on 28-4-2004 by Ocelot]

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:26 PM
pleasant dreams moon pie....

Do you remember that line from the first rollerball movie with james caan?
john Houseman hands moon pie a nice little pill which gets you high in the corporate run world of the movie Rollerball....

The global elitists who own theese wonderful drug companies are creating a subservient world of children zombies who will do anything they tell them to do.

Its part of the dumming down of america .
Ocelot: Im of an age when i remember being in school and the only person on Ritalin was my cousin and thats only because my second aunt was a freakin looney toon.

Now you have in some schools ten ...twenty ..sometimes thirty percent or more of the school population on Ritalin alone!!!
Every year more kids are put on Ritalin.....
more kids nowadays are directly marketed sugary items....
parents concede and said child becomes hyperactive.
ive seen it happen a hundred times.....
parents go to doctors and say little johnny wont behave in school....of course the school wont beat little johnnys ass like he needs because we dont do that now a days because goofy psychologists have convinced yuppie parents that if child is beat he will become a sexual deviant......SOOOO......The DR. says lets give little johnny some speed to slow him down....
DRs. are pressed by said pharmaceutical companies to push theese drugs and who is pushing this policy ....??
The owners ...
now do some research and lets find who theese owners are....
i already know .
Global elitists

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
Every year more kids are put on Ritalin.....
more kids nowadays are directly marketed sugary items....
parents concede and said child becomes hyperactive.
ive seen it happen a hundred times.....
parents go to doctors and say little johnny wont behave in school....of course the school wont beat little johnnys ass like he needs because we dont do that now a days because goofy psychologists have convinced yuppie parents that if child is beat he will become a sexual deviant......SOOOO......The DR. says lets give little johnny some speed to slow him down....
DRs. are pressed by said pharmaceutical companies to push theese drugs and who is pushing this policy ....??
The owners ...
now do some research and lets find who theese owners are....
i already know .
Global elitists

I couldnt help but smile at some of your comments because I mostly agree with you. These companies preassure doctors to push these drugs on parents looking for a quick fix for their children actually having a childhood.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:35 PM
I passed the ADD test, i can get some meds if i want them, i never have taken any. If these pills can make me sit down and punch out research papers for school all night then for me i'd be all about it.

The masses put to much blind faith in the medical sytems and the pills they take. Since I was a child i would research every medication I was given(usually anti-bodies). I think they should give kids and their parents more placeboes when the only appearent reason the kid needs meds is because their parents are convinced there is something wrong with the child.

Mild altering drugs are given to young children all the time and some conservatives are appallled that I was 11 when I started smoking weed. I know of many who started taking drugs/alcohol and younger ages.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by jrod
Mild altering drugs are given to young children all the time and some conservatives are appallled that I was 11 when I started smoking weed. I know of many who started taking drugs/alcohol and younger ages.

11? Damn Thats young. But hey they are giving Ritalin to children as young as 3 years old these days so nothing surprises me anymore.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
....of course the school wont beat little johnnys ass like he needs because we dont do that now a days because goofy psychologists have convinced yuppie parents that if child is beat he will become a sexual deviant....

This is crazy. Whooping a kids ass(literally) for miss behaving works. What is sexual deviant, with the excpetion of the few church goers pretty much everyone my age lives a swinger lifestyle, their life revolves around the pursuit of sex. It is not from getting there assed whooped as a child it is the sex drugs and rock and roll lifestyle that is glamorized seemingly everywhere. I am an outcast because I think sex/marriage/love is somewhat sacred and being a player cheapens that relationship. And I got my assed whooped when I was child for misbehaving.

What ever happen to Dad greeting his daugher's date while cleaning his shotgun?

Drugs are a major reason why the youth is so crazied sexually.

[Edited on 28-4-2004 by jrod]

[Edited on 28-4-2004 by jrod]

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:45 PM
I would certainly not agree with you there jrod, but pumping kids full of drugs like these people are doing is a joke. I know people who are 17 and still on it, needing it to get any work done. Is this the solution to the problems they had initially?

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by jrod
This is crazy. Whooping a kids ass(literally) for miss behaving works.

And I got my assed whooped when I was child for misbehaving.

Hell I got my ass whooped many times when I was a child, and you know what? I deserved it every single time for behaving like a little $hit. It made the person I am today and Im thankfull my parents and my family for giving me discipline. None of this TIME OUT bull$hit, none of this lets put the kid on drugs, a good old fashioned ass whooping and grounding. It works miracles.

[Edited on 28-4-2004 by Ocelot]

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by earthtone
I would certainly not agree with you there jrod, but pumping kids full of drugs like these people are doing is a joke. I know people who are 17 and still on it, needing it to get any work done. Is this the solution to the problems they had initially?

That's the problem with medications like these. People have to continue taking them just to be able to function in society. It's sad really.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:54 PM
your right Jrod but thats what theese goofy psychologists have put into parents heads and they dont allow corporal punishment in schools anymore....!

when i went to school you got your ass whooped by the principle if you acted up and it kept the kids in line and if you went home and said to mom or dad that the principle whooped your ass or dad replied "what did you do wrong and you deserved it "
But nowadays theese psychologists who helped pass anti corporal punishment laws against schools and parents (because you know now you can get arrested if you whip your kids arse and i mean whip his arse not beat the kid or put a cigarette out on its face)....said psychologists have convinced people that if you whoop your kids ass they will become sexual deviants!

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:57 PM
my dad used to whip my arse in front of god and the world and im gonna tell you if u spare the rod you will spoil the child.

id love to go up now and then to theese people who have kids who are acting out in public and say,,,,why dont you just whip that kids ass

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
id love to go up now and then to theese people who have kids who are acting out in public and say,,,,why dont you just whip that kids ass

because many parent's today are a bunch of pussies. That's why.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 03:02 PM
Thats how it was for my 1st 2 years of school, then all the wussies started taking over and making wussie rules. I do not like mosts pshychologists approach to everything, theyre wrong on so much and because they have degrees they thing theyre right. I wouldnt not ask a pshychologist who has no kids advice on how to rear them.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Ocelot

because many parent's today are a bunch of pussies. That's why.

you know why there pussies ???
Because theyve been brain washed that whipping your kids ass is no good for them and its just not true. much modern psychology is a load of crap that people read or were taught and they lap it up like its the absolute truth.....thats the problem

[Edited on 28-4-2004 by watcheroftheskies]

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
you know why there pussies ???
Because theyve been brain washed that whipping your kids ass is no good for them and its just not true. much modern psychology is a load of crap that people read or taught and they lap it up like its the absolute truth.....thats the problem

True. But then I think that's the parent's fault for being so goddamn ignorant and stupid. I mean some people believe anything they are told just because some a$$hole who is a so "called" expert on something tells them. People are just too lazy to do some research to sort trough all the bull$hit.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies

Originally posted by Ocelot

because many parent's today are a bunch of pussies. That's why.

you know why there pussies ???
Because theyve been brain washed that whipping your kids ass is no good for them and its just not true. much modern psychology is a load of crap that people read or were taught and they lap it up like its the absolute truth.....thats the problem

[Edited on 28-4-2004 by watcheroftheskies]

i couldnt agree with you more ocelot and i want to thank you and worldwatcher and dbates for being the most open minded reporters here on ATS...keep up the good work....That statement u made above is exactly why people just believe what ever the media or other so called legitimate sources throw at them and that is the greatest danger going on today ....
If everyones saying it or all the newscasts are saying it ...? it must be true !
Thats the catch phrase of the walking zombie who tows the party line and points out that its us against them !

[Edited on 28-4-2004 by watcheroftheskies]

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 03:42 PM
Here is a thread I created on this subject on February of this year

Check it out @:
Popping Pills in Preschool

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 04:08 PM
yeah this it totally true, youd all be surprised if you came around my town and realized how many parents have their kids on antideppresants. it eventually makes the kids think they need more which is the real ''gateway'' drug leading to other cravings by the kids like amphetamines. the fact that they put their trust in chemicals is just rediculous. i also have this one friend shes not even out of high school yet and she takes pills like EVERYDAY and when she doesnt have them. OMG she is just helpless. does anyone see my point?

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 04:09 PM
oceolot u have no clue watsoever what u r talkin about i have adhd and im fine with the medicine

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