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Chemtrails and the connection to Alzheimers Disease

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posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:08 PM
I know there has been a few threads with along these lines but a recent conversation I had with my uncle made we want to dig a little deeper. Know as most of you know chemtrails have been around for a long time but really emerged in the 1990's and know are a major problem in the majority of the world. What bothers me is the cloud of secrecy around these activities. You would think if it was beneficial to the population there would be some information released to explain why we see these lines all over the sky.

Here is a review of what chemtrails are and what purpose the may serve...

"What are Chemtrails?

Streaks of chemicals created in the air by spray systems on airplanes at any altitude. Chemicals are sprayed via planes for many purposes including crop dusting and mosquito control. Also fuel is sometimes dumped to reduce weight before landing. But within the Chemtrail observer community Chemtrails are the product of an active large scale operation.

Chemtrails are said to vary from contrails in their length of persistence.

What the hell is really going on?

Some people are reporting what they describe to be unusual activity in the sky, including jets leaving trails at low altitudes, spray lines creating X's, S's and parallel lines, lines that slowly spread to create a canopy of haze, and reports of unusual smells, tastes, and even illness related to the trails.

Also, a reddish-brown gel, dropped from low-flying aircraft, has been observed by people in the past and was even documented on Unsolved Mysteries. Samples of this substance have been alledgedly analyzed by Margareta-Erminia Cassani and found to be teaming with biological organisms.

What would be the purpose of releasing these chemicals or biological agents?

This must be decided by the reader for themselves.

There are currently three main hypothesis:

Weather Modification

Humans have had the ability to physically affect the weather since learning how to seed clouds in 1946, or possibly 1880. The popular conception of weather manipulation is limited to cloud seeding, but the possibility that the extents of our abilities may have progressed in the meantime is definitely plausible. The fact that the military is very interested in weather control is no secret and many propose that the Chemtrail Phenomena is a part of this. If true, what is the goal of the weather modification and what negative effects could it have on the environment? NASA is currently conducting several programs that are studying the effects of contrails on weather and the effects do not appear to be beneficial.

Population Control

The use of chemical and biological agents by a government against it's own people is, unfortunately, a historical fact. Even unintentional accidents can occur. But, some people suggest that Chemtrails could actually be part of a program to reduce the population and many feel Chemtrails have caused them to become ill and perhaps they are right. If the Chemtrails contain biological agents then people already weakened by other factors may have even died as a result of the additional strain on their systems, but could such a diabolical purpose be the ultimate goal? History has taught that even the most unconscionable schemes can be made into reality by men filled with fear and hate, and with such weapons in the hands of government we must remain vigilant until answers are forthcoming."

Inoculation Program

Chemical and biological weapons have been used for centuries but have recently entered the world stage as a primary threat. Biological agents have the ability to spread and multiply in casualties. These bioweapons are easy to produce and difficult, but possible, to defend against. The recent actions of the military to require anthrax vaccines for all service personnel show that this matter is of high importance. Some propose that the government may be quietly releasing bioagents to vaccinate citizens via the air." Source

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:16 PM
"Test results from Chemtrials have returned positive for aluminum, barium, bacteria, virus, human blood, and molds. These chemicals are being sprayed in our skies. It's in our air we breathe at levels that are deemed unsafe.

According to the American Lung Association, asthma is on the rise among all people
in the United States and is the leading serious chronic illness among children. It is very likely that there is not just one single reason for the Chemtrails, but instead, there may be multiple goals to this operation. Without public pressure, it is not likely that they will ever tell us the reasons as to why they are spraying us.

Unfortunately, the goals of this activity aren’t known with absolute certainty because when high level officials are asked about these spray operations, they answer thatwhat we are seeing is just “normal”. When concerned pilots and Air Force personnel ask their superiors questions relating to these operations, their concerns are met with replies like “this information is on a need-to-know basis” or they are given special misinformation to make them think they are doing this for the good of the people. They are also told that speaking out on this issue will violate national security and that they will be held accountable.

These operations cause us to have great concerns. We do not like being part of a secret spray operation without our consent. We are very worried about the health implications of spraying chemicals that are on the OSHA hazardous list. And the fine talcum powder-sized particles they call for to be sprayed are very harmful to our health according to the American Medical Association.

There is no reason to think that this will stop without public pressure. All across the country, people are noticing that something is being sprayed from planes and it is making people sick! It is time for us to pay attention and speak out! Please visit the information within this site and the many other sites that are available. Educate yourself and tell others."


Now to delve into the Alzhiemer's connection. Not only is aluminum in most deodorants which must of us use daily it is also found in high levels in chemtrails. Aluminum oxide is linked to Alzheimer's as is all other forms of aluminum.

"Alzheimer's disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, according to the National Alzheimer's Association.

Right now there are around 42,000 West Virginians living with Alzheimer's disease and there are more than 100,000 cases in Virginia. Those numbers are expected to increase dramatically over the next few years as the "Baby Boomer" population grows older.

Alzheimer's disease is a physical disease of the brain that results in impaired memory, thinking, and behavior. It is a progressive illness, that is irreversible, and eventually it leaves the individual totally unable to care for themselves.

According to the national Alzheimer's Association, age is the number one risk factor for developing Alzheimer's disease. Currently there are 5.3 million American's who suffer from Alzheimer's and that number is expected to skyrocket.

"In the next few years their will be between thirteen and sixteen million people with Alzheimer's disease as our "Baby Boomers" age, says Hospice Compassus Program Director Melissa Gandee."

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:18 PM
" That my father developed Alzheimer's disease came as a great shock to me. No one in our family had had Alzheimer's, so dementia wasn't even on my radar at the time. After his death in 2004, I began a systematic search of the medical literature . . . picking up a clue here, a hint there, retracing his steps in life the best I could to see where the pieces fit to create the crazy quilt that was his Alzheimer's.

Most of the clues led me nowhere. In many ways, Dad led an exemplary life that, according to the latest research, should have protected him from the disease. He was highly-educated, active, sociable, interested in many areas of life. He ate a varied and healthy diet.

In short, I couldn't understand what happened until I realized how often he had been exposed to aluminum throughout his life.

The amount of information about aluminum and Alzheimer's] is sufficient to merit informing people of their intake of the metal so as to be able to make their own decision.
H. Uchida and M. Nagai (1997)

It is my desire to share what I learned about the relationship between aluminum and Alzheimer's with as many people as possible. By making wise life choices, I believe we can head off the disastrous increase in the percentage of the elderly who develop and eventually die from dementia.

Aluminum -- Abundant, Toxic

Aluminum is one of the most abundant minerals found on earth . . . and one of the most toxic to humans. Aluminum damages nervous systems in both infants and adults. It is implicated in anemia, osteomalacia, glucose intolerance, memory deficits, and Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), and Parkinson's diseases. Scientists do not yet understand whether aluminum is a primary cause of Alzheimer's or is accumulated in the brain as a result of a malfunction caused by the disease. They do know, however, that aluminum wreaks havoc on human nervous systems and should be avoided.

What are the immediate symptoms of aluminum toxicity?

Symptoms of aluminum toxicity include memory loss, learning difficulty, loss of coordination, disorientation, mental confusion, colic, heartburn, flatulence, and headaches.
Life Extension Foundation (2006)

A 2005 research study from Poland examined behaviors in 67 males who had worked in an aluminum production facility for as few as two and as many as 34 years. These workers exhibited headaches, irritability, difficulty in concentrating, insomnia, and mood swings. Tests revealed abnormalities in their brain functions.

These symptoms are bad enough. But what if the long-term symptoms include Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease? Would the prospect of those diseases motivate you to do everything possible to avoid products and situations that will create aluminum exposure?

The lists that follow contain a sampling of products and situations that you can avoid or in some way alter.

Common products containing aluminum, how they enter the body, and steps to remove or avoid them

Note: The lists that follow offer a sampling of products that may contain aluminum compounds. Always read labels carefully regardless of whether products appear in these lists or not.

Entering Through Skin, Nose, and Eyes

A study published in 1991 found that aluminum was concentrated in the olfactory system in the brains studied. Researchers surmised that the aluminum was airborne and inflicted damage early in the disease process of Parkinsons-dementia complex.

The significance for aging? Aluminum in dust and vapor forms has a direct route from the nose to the brain where it can make your life a nightmare.


Fabric dyes use aluminum sulfate as a mordent (dye setting).

Showers create water vapor that is inhaled and water that is absorbed through the skin. Most showers use water from municipal water treatment plants where the water was treated with aluminum sulfate.

Shampoos may contain magnesium aluminum silicate or aluminum lauryl sulfate."

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:20 PM
"Antiperspirants rely on aluminum compounds such as aluminum chlorohydrate to stop perspiration.

These aluminum/zirconium products are the active ingredients in virtually every type of antiperspirant formulation, including creams, solid stick and clear gels.
General Chemical Corporation (2005)

Astringents may contain acetate.

Douches may contain aluminum compounds.

Styptic pencils, often used to stop bleeding from small nicks and scratches, are alum (aluminum potassium sulfate).

Cosmetics (cake type) contain magnesium aluminum silicate to prevent caking and aid in smooth application.

Steps to Take

Reduce the length of showers to reduce the amount of water vapor inhaled. Additionally, use shower filters that reduce the amount of aluminum passing through your shower head.

Learn to make your own bath and spa products. Making them yourself can save you money as well as save your health.

Cut back on the amounts and frequency of antiperspirants and cosmetics you use.

Quick showers, a healthy immune system, and an alkaline diet will reduce the need for overuse of antiperspirants.

Entering by Mouth


Drinking Water. Without testing, you simply do not know what contaminants come along with your drinking water. But, if you're drinking municipal water, it's highly likely that you are ingesting some form of aluminum. If you're drinking well water, be sure to have it tested routinely.

Tooth paste. Certain toothpastes, especially whitening varieties, often rely on aluminum oxide as a polishing agent. Toothpastes are not required to list all ingredients as though they were a food product; however, you can get an idea of the ingredients by reading the warnings printed on the tubes. Frequently, instructions warn users to seek treatment for poisoning if the tooth paste is ingested by a child.

Foods Sodas and soft drinks may provide aluminum in two ways.

First, the water added may be a source of aluminum sulfate.

Second, aluminum cans are coated with a polymer to prevent the acid content of the soda from leaching the aluminum into the liquid. If the can is dented or cracked, the polymer may be broken, and aluminum will be released into the liquid.

Soy foods. Soy beans contain anti-nutritive substances, so they must be highly processed to remove the offending substances. As part of this process, beans are washed in an acid bath in aluminum tanks. The acid itself causes aluminum to be released into the beans and powder that is used to make tofu and other soy foods.

Table Salt, not sea salt which is generally not processed salt, may contain aluminum as a drying agent to prevent caking.

Foods leavened with baking powder. Baking powder contains sodium aluminum sulfate as a leavening agent.
Dry pancake and waffle mixes
Dry cake mixes
Corn tortillas
Frozen breads
Frozen pizza (but not fresh pizza that uses yeast as a leavening agent.
Frozen pancakes and waffles

Process cheese contains aluminum compounds, but natural cheese (those made by injecting bacteria into the milk slurry) are OK.

Teas (black and green)

Chewing gum

Chocolate pudding

Pickles and relishes

Soy-based infant formulas

Ground coffee beans

Over-the-counter drugs


Buffered aspirin

Calcium supplements

Antidiarrheal drugs

Anti-ulcer medications

Pharmaceutical packs. Foil blister packs are the preferred method of delivering pharmaceuticals to consumers. Although the foil is coated to prevent aluminum contamination, cracks and tears can release aluminum dust into the air and onto the pills."

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:21 PM
"Pharmaceutical packs. Foil blister packs are the preferred method of delivering pharmaceuticals to consumers. Although the foil is coated to prevent aluminum contamination, cracks and tears can release aluminum dust into the air and onto the pills.

And it's not just aluminum salts that create problems. Many products including soft drinks, cake mixes, ice creams, and others use the flavor enhancer, maltol. Maltol combines with aluminum in the digestive tract to form aluminum maltolate, a compound that can cross the blood/brain barrier to transport aluminum into the brain. Moreover, aluminum maltolate causes oxidative stress in the brain and death in neuronal cells. All in all, itÕs a good bet that many boxed and frozen foods are poor choices for good brain health.

Steps to Take

Check your local water quality at the Environmental Protection Agency website here:

Get water tests, especially if using well water, so you'll know which, if any, contaminants you're dealing with. Many state universities offer water testing facilities. If they do not, they will know where you can get such tests.

Filter water, especially drinking water, with filters designed to remove aluminum. You'll find two types of filters readily available: reverse osmosis and counter-top filters. Learn about the benefits of each before making a choice.

Cut down on your intake of breads. Use yeast breads rather than breads leaved with baking powder. BONUS: You'll lower your risk of diabetes, and you'll have a better-looking waist line when you reduce your intake of breads.

Read labels carefully before purchasing products. Avoid those with "alum," "aluminum", "alumino", "aluminate", "maltol", or "baking powder" in the list of ingredients.

By now, you may be wondering just what's left to eat. The answer: Plenty, if you change you're eating patterns and begin to use whole rather than prepared foods. For example, if you're a pizza lover, make your own using a yeast dough with whole wheat, stone-ground flour, fresh veggies, and real rather than process cheese. You'll not only be doing your body a favor, but you'll enjoy the difference in taste when you use fresh, whole foods.

Aluminum Cofee Makers
Aluminum Cook and Bake ware
Aluminum Foil
Aluminum Utensils

Studies indicate that a small amount of aluminum leaches into food products when cooked in aluminum cook or bake ware or aluminum foils. The amount, however, increases when the food cooked is highly acidic, as for example, fruits such as berries and tomatoes.

Steps to Take

Do not cook foods in aluminum. Period.

Replace aluminum cookware with ceramic-coated iron cookware (if you can afford the price), stainless steel cookware, or heat-proof glassware. Remove aluminum from your kitchen!

Entering Through the Lungs


* Water vapor from misters, garden sprayers may be a source of aluminum sulfate or other aluminum compounds as well as an aerosol source of pesticide.
* Aluminum dust in the environment as air pollution, and in the workplace of those who work in manufacturing facilities that use aluminum, enters the brain directly through the nose.
* Aluminum spray paints are those in which aluminum is used as a pigment, especially in metallic paints.
* Sprayed pesticides, especially those regulated by the government, may contain aluminum compounds that are not only dangerous to the handler but can leach into soils as well.
* Sandpaper and other abrasives contain aluminum oxide; sanding not only creates wood dust but aluminum oxide dust as well.
* Smoke from tobacco and cannabis, according to a recent study published in the American Journal of Medicine (2006), is high in aluminum and accumulates in lung fluids, thus increasing the body's aluminum burden.

Steps to Take

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:24 PM
" Steps to Take

* Wear filtration masks to minimize breathing aluminum dust when working in aluminum manufacturing or using products that cause aluminum particles to become airborne.
* Do not use pesticides containing aluminum because they not only expose the user, they can leach into the water supply and expose a community.

Entering Through Other Means


* Vaccines may be prepared with alum as adjutants. Ask before accepting vaccinations.
* Kidney dialysis may lead to aluminum toxicity because dialysis solutions are sometimes exposed to aluminum parts.
* Parental nutrition is that which taken by another route than the mouth, such as tube feeding. Aluminum has been found at high levels in this type o nutrition.

Steps to Take

Avoid these procedures if possible. If not, use potent antioxidants, especially melatonin, to counter the effects of aluminum.


Although itÕs not possible to completely remove aluminum from your environment and your body, you can protect your brain from the ravages of this metal by changing the choices you make Ð in food and environment. It may take a bit of thought at first, but avoiding the significant dangers of aluminum make it very much worthwhile. "

So all in all this is a very concerning trend and with aluminum having direct ties to Alzheimer's I would expect that as long as spraying continues in our skies, Alzheimer's will continue to increase rapidly as the population continues to age..

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