posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 03:52 AM
Most Americans think than since the fall of the former U.S.S.R, the still slow process of democratization in what is now Russia, and most of the
republics in these days which formed the soviet empire in times past, that the threat from the old communist nation is over, and that the relation
between Russia and the U.S is that of friends nowadays.
But the truth is that the threat is not over, and Russia still sees the U.S as a threat and their nuclear weapons are still pointed at American cities
and military targets.
The threat of devastating nuclear attack by Russia against the United States has not diminished, warns former Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara.
Writing in Monday�s Los Angeles Times, McNamara and co-author Helen Caldicott claim that the threat of a nuclear catastrophe remains real, �whether by
accident, human fallibility or malfeasance.�
The Soviet Union collapsed on itself and the divide between Eastern communism and Western democracy disintegrated more than 13 years ago.
Because of that, the nightmare scenario is not on the minds of many Americans today.
Missiles Still Pointed at New York, Cities
Nevertheless, the threat remains serious, McNamara and Caldicott argue, because, despite the end of the Cold War in the early 1990's, thousands of
Russian nuclear warheads are still pointed at the U.S. targeting many civilian population centers.
Althou many of Russia's weapons are becoming outdated and because of their economic problems, they haven't been able to update, repair, or improve
most of their armaments, the threat is still present. The recent events of former Russian states now as republics being part of Nato, and surrounding
Russia is not sitting well with them either.
Russia�s simmering anger at the U.S.
The United States is proposing a Yalta-style understanding between it and Russia in an effort to thaw relations that have become increasingly
On March 25, senior administration officials led by deputy National Security Council adviser Stephen Hadley met with senior Russian officials in
Washington at the Hay Adams Hotel to hammer out a new entente between the U.S. and Russia.
The meeting was an effort to calm Russia�s simmering anger at the U.S. for what it perceives as interference in the �republics� that once constituted
the Soviet empire.
�Russia and the U.S. may be on a collision course in the former Soviet states, and the two countries have no choice but to agree on new road rules to
avoid it,� writes Eugene Rumer, a fellow at the National Defense University and Richard Sokolsky, a U.S. State Department official, in a recent op-ed
for the Los Angeles Times.
Despite placid public reassurances of friendly relations between the U.S. and Russia, Putin�s government is furious that the U.S. has been working
closely with several former Soviet states, cooperation it views as meddling in its backyard.
NATO's encirclement of Russia nears completion
On Monday the 29th of March a meeting of heads of state of the NATO member countries will take place in Washington, at which the entries of
Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia and Romania into that alliance will become official. An analogous ceremony of foreign
ministers will take place at NATO headquarters in Brussels. This is an event of no small importance, immeasurably more significant for us than the
terrorist acts in Spain and recent events in the Balkans and the Mideast. A military concentration of several million soldiers and officers, equipped
with the latest military technology and espousing an aggressive, expansionist doctrine has now arrived at our borders.
Putin, who up to now has always regarded the approach of this armada with Olympian tranquillity and tried to sell us on the idea that NATO is
'neither friend nor foe, simply a fact of life' (but more of a friend after all), has suddenly shown signs of disquiet. Unprecented strategic
"exercises" of the army and navy have begun. Even fuel has turned up: pilots are once again flying, ships are headed to sea and tanks to the
training grounds. And when three submarine missile launches failed recently Putin's nervousness was visible.
After all this time Russia has once more started "strategic exercises" to show their strength of arms. Are the relations between Russia and the U.S
deteriorating once more?
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