posted on May, 15 2009 @ 05:44 PM
You should declare yourself a ruler and start ruling over ten cities, and see how far you get with that.
Why not? All the signs are there for the end of the old system.
Are you a Saint? Well, then start ruling.
Oops, are there people with guns who are going to contest your sovereignty?
Is that a problem? Just have faith and God will protect you, right?
I wish you well with your new kingdom.
What? Jesus said his kingdom is not of this æon? Oh, don't let that hinder you. Go ahead and put a crown on your head and be a king.
What did you say? You do not have a crown?
Oh, maybe there really is something to be done in heaven, like receiving crowns. Oh but you can not be bothered with all that travel, and would like
to stay on Earth. Oh well, it was a nice idea but too bad you will never get it together with your Christian World Order.
[edit on 15-5-2009 by jmdewey60]