Until recently I was politically active.
Until recently I was ignorant of the law.
There are some very fundamental differences between what we think of as "law" and actual law.
Most nations on earth have a "common law", and their society is based around this. Great Britain, Canada and America certainly have "Common Law
Common Law is based upon Natural Law. There are two basic elements to Natural Law and these are:
1) Do no harm
2) Cause no loss
This applies to what you say and what you do.
Most people naturally know what is right and wrong, and so the term "natural law".
Now here's the crunch.
When Parliament/Congress pass an ACT ("law") it is always described as Law.
However, Blacks Law Dictionary and the Law Society (in the UK) define Acts of Parliament/Acts of Congress, but I'll come to that in a moment. Another
word for an Act is Statute. We've all heard of these terms before I'm sure...
Just to recap: STATUTES/ACTS are passed by governments and are NOT Common/Natural Law
Now, when described by the aforementioned Law Society, or Blacks Law dictionary, a STATUTE is only given the force of law with the consent of those
Just to re-iterate:
... is only given the FORCE OF LAW with the CONSENT of those GOVERNED...
You getting my drift here?
I recently notified my "local authorities" that I have removed and deny them any authority over me and that my consent to Acts of Parliament is also
removed and denied.
This is not only a peaceful way of conducting a revolution, but there is absolutely no remedy for it in the Legal world.
By sticking two fingers up at the Legal world (Parliament/Congress/Lawyers, etc) and by telling them in no uncertain terms that we are unhapy, they
can do nothing.
If enough of us do this, not only does it send a strong and clear signal, but it would encourage others to do the same AND would hopefully prevent a
real and bloody revolution from happening.
Do some research, I'm just providing the beginnings here... There's a lot to learn and not much time to do it in.
Good luck