posted on May, 21 2009 @ 03:29 PM
as you posted this and its been somewhat well covered let me just this little tidbit on Emergency Preparedness issued by the CDC with the H1N1 virus
Pandemic alert... it makes for a handy list of what you should have and what to plan on gathering
CDC recommendation:
Foods and Non-Perishables:
•Ready-to-eat canned meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, and soups
•Protein or fruit bars
•Dry cereal or granola
•Peanut butter or nuts
•Dried fruit
•Canned juices
•Bottled water
•Canned or jarred baby food and formula
•Pet food
Side note here the CDC will not recommend any Walter filtration system or type of tablets, boiling for 20 minutes is they only thing they will ever
My Add-ons to this list
•Flour, yeast and whatever else you may need for your favorite homemade bread/pancake recipe
•Quick Cooking Oats for oatmeal
•Bullion to season soups and beans
•Canned Meat and Fish
•Homemade Freezer meals *
•Lemons, Oranges, apples and other fruit that will keep for a while.
•Lemon Juice and frozen orange juice concentrate for (both fruit and juices are for extra boosts of vitamin c)
•Tea and Coffee
•Plenty of powdered milk (to drink, and cook with … you can make yogurt with it)
* You don’t want to rely strictly on freezer meals since there is also the potential for losing power with many emergencies, but with a health
related one like this potential pandemic outbreak they will come in very handy.
Medical, Health and Emergency Supplies (recommended by the CDC)
•Prescribed medical supplies such as glucose and blood-pressure monitoring equipment
•Soap and water, or alcohol-based (60-95%) hand wash
•Medicines for fever, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen
•Antidiarrheal medication
•Fluids with electrolytes
•Cleansing agent/soap
I don’t really have anything to add to this other than speak to your health care professional about anything else you should keep on hand. If you
have kids, give your pediatrician a call. He can advise you on what over the counter medications you should keep on hand for your child. Remember
before modern health care a good number of people died from burns and infected wounds
[edit on 21-5-2009 by DaddyBare]